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Former calex are doomed



Former calex are doomed

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Old 03-21-2012, 10:33 AM
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Default Former calex are doomed

Former CALEX pilots now working at CAL, are terrified. They know the huge UAL Seniority Integration Steamroller is right around the corner. Because of this, they will support the rat Jay Pierce no matter what. He gives them a sense of security.

This member fully supports ALPA and our seniority system. UAL pilots support ALPA and the seniority system. Where as, many former CALEX pilots do not support ALPA but support the small clique of their junior pilots who have seized our union. Many former CALEX pilots do not respect our seniority system and in fact attempt to undermine the rest of us at every opportunity.

Those who now control our union are supporting policies that undermine our seniority system. PBS is the principle violator. Our work rules do not respect seniority. Management is now cross training pilots to work either cockpit seat. This is probably the most aggregious threat to seniority and is a direct threat to junior pilots. Our union says and does nothing. In fact, J.P. and Dave Owens have helped do these things to us. Their punishment is being promoted to higher and higher union positions.

Former CALEX pilots have been causing trouble since coming to work here. Several were so arrogant and belligerent they were terminated during initial training. Today, they are causing incredible conflict problems within our cockpit. Since hiring CALEX pilots there have been more cockpit conflict since the infamous CAL Strike. Professional Standards has been forced to hire more case workers. They are so innundated with investigations that it takes them weeks sometimes months to finalize.

CAL union leaders are angering the UAL MEC by undermining the negotiation process.

The point being is that former CALEX pilots and those who have seized our union, are antagonistic and causing much trouble. This arrogance stems from ignorance and a sense of entitlement. They respect no one and prioritize their needs over the rest of us.

There is no hope for this group of pilots. They are immature, arrogant and extremely nasty bunch. Just read most of their posts. They have an innate hatred of anyone who dare oppose them. It's their way or no way.

Their immature rants will be short lived. As I said, the UAL Seniority Juggernaut is bearing down on them and it is only a matter of time former CALEX pilots will come to grips with reality.

This senior pilot has long tried to talk common sense with many of our junior pilots. When one on one, they can be reasoned with. It is only when they bunch together (I.E., chat rooms, etc) do they raise their ugly head.

In conclusion, the former CALEX pilot has no ally's. They have managed to anger all around them and in the process have isolated themselves into a relatively small group who refuse any outside thought. Most of our senior pilots cannot stand working with them. They have also managed to anger UAL MEC and their pilots. In real terms it's about 1,000 former CALEX pilots v about 11,000 ALPA strong. The most junior pilots of the bunch are CALEX and they actually think they are going to some how wrestle super seniorty. Merger Committee Chairman CA Jim Bruscia is a senior pilot with a chip on his shoulder. He thinks that his PEX pilots got screwed 20+ years ago. His job is to negotiate seniority integration for all pilots and not just a select few. He is not about to give away seniority rights for senior pilots or create conflict with UAL pilots unecessarily by demanding super seniority for a bunch of prima donna former CALEX types. It aint gonna happen.

That is why former CALEX pilots are propping up J.P. and his union thugs. They are purposlely dragging out the contract negotiation process to stall SSL talks. In the meantime, J.P. and his junior varsity players are enjoying pay, perks and time off most senior pilots do not get. This is another way they are insidiously undermining seniority.

Make no mistake about it, J.P. will scurry away with some management job or promoted within ALPA. In the meantime, those who have been propping him up will be stapled to the bottom of a 12,000 pilot seniority list. Somebody has to be there. Who in the hell do you think it will be -- A 15 year UAL pilot? Dream On.

This senior pilot respects seniority and not demands of entitlement. UAL pilots respect seniority and not demands of entitlement. ALPA supports seniority. The AFL-CIO respects seniority. An abritrator respects seniority. The only player here not respecting seniority are a select few former CALEX types.

You know the old saying "You cut your nose off to spite your face?"

As a senior pilot opinion, Jay Pierce is doing a good job. He is creating anger and distrust among ALL pilots. This will ensure that he and his thugs will be booted out and UAL will eventually run our union. Mature, seasoned, hard line ALPA union representatives who honor seniority will soon be running our union. CALEX will be where they belong. At the bottom of the pile.

You did these things to yourself. We tried to warn you but you think that you know everything. You just don't know what you don't know.


Last edited by TruthHurts; 03-21-2012 at 10:59 AM.
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Old 03-21-2012, 10:41 AM
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Originally Posted by TruthHurts
Former CALEX pilots now working at CAL, are terrified. They know the huge UAL Seniority Integration Steamroller is right around the corner. Because of this, they will support the rat Jay Pierce no matter what. He gives them a sense of security.

This member fully supports ALPA and our seniority system. UAL pilots support ALPA and the seniority system. Where as, many former CALEX pilots do not support ALPA but support the small clique of their junior pilots who have seized our union. Many former CALEX pilots do not respect our seniority system and in fact attempt to undermine the rest of us at every opportunity.

Those who now control our union are supporting policies that undermine our seniority system. PBS is the principle violator. Our work rules do not respect seniority. Management is now cross training pilots to work either cockpit seat. This is probably the most aggregious threat to seniority and is a direct threat to junior pilots. Our union says and does nothing. In fact, J.P. and Dave Owens have helped do these things to us. Their punishment is being promoted to higher and higher union positions.

Former CALEX pilots have been causing trouble since coming to work here. Several were so arrogant and belligerent they were terminated during initial training. Today, they are causing incredible conflict problems within our cockpit. Since hiring CALEX pilots there have been more cockpit conflict since the infamous CAL Strike. Professional Standards has been forced to hire more case workers. They are so innundated with investigations that it takes them weeks sometimes months to finalize.

CAL union leaders are angering the UAL MEC by undermining the negotiation process.

The point being is that former CALEX pilots and those who have seized our union, are antagonistic and causing much trouble. This arrogance stems from ignorance and a sense of entitlement. They respect no one and prioritize their needs over the rest of us.

There is no hope for this group of pilots. They are immature, arrogant and extremely nasty bunch. Just read most of their posts. They have an innate hatred of anyone who dare oppose them. It's their way or no way.

Their immature rants will be short lived. As I said, the UAL Seniority Juggernaut is bearing down on them and it is only a matter of time former CALEX pilots will come to grips with reality.

This senior pilot has long tried to talk common sense with many of our junior pilots. When one on one, they can be reasoned with. It is only when they bunch together (I.E., chat rooms, etc) do they raise their ugly head.

In conclusion, the former CALEX pilot has no ally's. Most of our senior pilots cannot stand working with them. They have also managed to anger UAL MEC and their pilots. In real terms it's about 1,000 former CALEX pilots v about 11,000 ALPA strong. The most junior pilots of the bunch are CALEX and they actually think they are going to some how wrestle super seniorty. Merger Committee Chairman CA Jim Bruscia is a senior pilot with a chip on his shoulder. He thinks that his PEX pilots got screwed 20+ years ago. His job is to negotiate seniority integration for all pilots and not just a select few. He is not about to give away seniority rights for senior pilots or create conflict with UAL pilots unecessarily by demanding super seniority for a bunch of prima donna former CALEX types. It aint gonna happen.

That is why former CALEX pilots are propping up J.P. and his union thugs. They are purposlely dragging out the contract negotiation process to stall SSL talks. In the meantime, J.P. and his junior varsity players are enjoying pay, perks and time off most senior pilots do not get. This is another way they are insidiously undermining seniority.

Make no mistake about it, J.P. will scurry away with some management job or promoted within ALPA. In the meantime, those who have been propping him up will be stapled to the bottom of a 12,000 pilot seniority list. Somebody has to be there. Who in the hell do you think it will be -- A 15 year UAL pilot? Dream On.

You know the old saying "You cut your nose off to spite your face?"

As a senior pilot opinion, Jay Pierce is doing a good job. He is creating anger and distrust among ALL pilots. This will ensure that he and his thugs will be booted out and UAL will eventually run our union. Mature, seasoned, hard line ALPA union representatives who honor seniority will soon be running our union. CALEX will be where they belong. At the bottom of the pile.

You did these things to yourself. We tried to warn you but you think that you know everything. You just don't know what you don't know.

Wow! Give a guy a drum...
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Old 03-21-2012, 10:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Blockoutblockin
Wow! Give a guy a drum...
When the seniority integration is over, you may be playing a plastic drum on some Seattle street corner.
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Old 03-21-2012, 10:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Blockoutblockin
Wow! Give a guy a drum...
This guy takes the time to write several paragraphs and all you have is one line of child speak! If you are not going to engage or at least address the post, why post at all? It gets tiring and you leech on the work of others.
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Old 03-21-2012, 11:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Once United
This guy takes the time to write several paragraphs and all you have is one line of child speak! If you are not going to engage or at least address the post, why post at all? It gets tiring and you leech on the work of others.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for being open minded. I am not thanking you for agreeing with me because you have not done such thing. You have only asked others to engage with the subject matter rather than make stupid snide remarks. The funny thing is that the Administrator thinks those nasty snide remarks are "Insightful" and "Encouraging" and spends much time telling me that I am too controversial. I did not come here to make friends. I came here to share severe problems that we are having with our union leadership. This is a crucial time for my pilot group (CAL) and what these goons do will affect our career and life. This is extremely serious business. We are integrating a 12,000 pilot work force and the stakes are incredibly high. Mr. Pierce and his gang are out smarted, out qualified and out numbered. Their fooling around is making a mockery of our pilots and posing a great threat to our career.

These stupid one line remarks about me are mostly ignored. Their remarks clearly indicate they are intellectually vacant. I have no mercy for stupidity. Apparently the Administrator does. I expect reaction to this thread will have me booted from this site by day's end.

Again, thanks for your support.
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Old 03-21-2012, 11:14 AM
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If I understand what your saying. And that's a big IF. The Calex pilots represent the most junior pilots on the list. (not true by the way). These pilots control the union. The union has placed Brucia in charge of the merger committee. Brucia is planning to sell out the junior pilots. The junior pilots think they can tame Brucia through JP.

Hmm, since they already control the union and JP why don't they just fire Brucia?
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Old 03-21-2012, 11:29 AM
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Originally Posted by CALFO
If I understand what your saying. And that's a big IF. The Calex pilots represent the most junior pilots on the list. (not true by the way). These pilots control the union. The union has placed Brucia in charge of the merger committee. Brucia is planning to sell out the junior pilots. The junior pilots think they can tame Brucia through JP.

Hmm, since they already control the union and JP why don't they just fire Brucia?
Sir, I did not say any of the things that you mentioned. The most junior pilots on the CAL pilot list are former CALEX. I'm not considering the furloughed UAL pilots because we don't know how many are going to return back to UAL. I'm speaking about CAL's junior pilots who are greatly influencing our union.

I did not say CA Jim Bruscia will "sell out" our junior pilots. You are totally missing the point. CA Bruscia must negotiate seniority matters for ALL pilots. What I said is that he is not going to make deals giving super seniority for CALEX pilots at the expense of 3800 other CAL pilots. Former CALEX pilots actully think they are going to get super seniority over 15 year UAL pilots. They are convinced of this. Where they got this stupid idea, I do not know.

I do not like to deal with rumor but rumor is that Pierce's lap dogs (Mostly EWR LEC) are maneuvering to kick out all influential union officials who are senior pilots. Jim Bruscia and Dave Ernest top that list. There is a concerted effort to lock out senior pilots. Dave Ernest, Jim Bruscia, Tom Howard, Terry Adams, Pat Burke are a short list of extremely well qualified honorable men who should be running our union. I gaurantee you, that JP and the MEC will lock them out. Make no mistake about it, this is a former CALEX run show. They have the power and they are not going to let it go even if it hurts 4800 pilots career.
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Old 03-21-2012, 11:33 AM
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I asked this question on the UAL forum and either nobody knew the answer or everyone ignored it. What Date of Hire is shown on CAL's Master Seniority list for the Calex flow throughs? Was it the day they started at Calex or was it the day they started at CAL?

I know back when the merger was announced and the UAL ALPA people were exchanging seniority list info with CAL's ALPA people, they weren't being given a straight answer over some of the issues dealing with absences and longevity dates.
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Old 03-21-2012, 12:00 PM
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The answer is it doesn't matter. Whenever the three arbitrator panel decides the pilot and aircraft "snapshots" should have been taken they will determine how many mainline pilots were required to fly the fleets at each airline, and from the demographics of the groups and the flying and compensation they brought to the merger they will determine how to merge those pilot jobs. Ancillary issues that can be proven with solid evidence will affect things on the margin but once the arbitrators decide how to merge those slots from each airline they will then fill in those UAL/CAL slots starting with the pilots from the top of both lists.

Also, no matter how much we debate our arguments on APC will have zero effect on the outcome.
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Old 03-21-2012, 12:01 PM
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Originally Posted by pilotgolfer
I asked this question on the UAL forum and either nobody knew the answer or everyone ignored it. What Date of Hire is shown on CAL's Master Seniority list for the Calex flow throughs? Was it the day they started at Calex or was it the day they started at CAL?

I know back when the merger was announced and the UAL ALPA people were exchanging seniority list info with CAL's ALPA people, they weren't being given a straight answer over some of the issues dealing with absences and longevity dates.
For most flow through's, their date of hire is the date that they transitioned to CAL. There are some pilots that were offered deferrals due to short staffing at CalEx. Those pilots retained the date of hire based on the class they would have started in but did not transition until later.

I don't know about the Bar Harbor or Rocky guys. They had different deals.
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