Special Magenta Line – ALPA 43rd Biennial BOD
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What was/is the point of this election?
If you want a strong, national union then you pick the best person, period. From whatever airline.
If your idea is that your MEC only vote for the people from your own company, no matter what the qualifications of the other candidates, the you will NEVER have a strong, national union.
If you want a strong, national union then you pick the best person, period. From whatever airline.
If your idea is that your MEC only vote for the people from your own company, no matter what the qualifications of the other candidates, the you will NEVER have a strong, national union.
What was/is the point of this election?
If you want a strong, national union then you pick the best person, period. From whatever airline.
If your idea is that your MEC only vote for the people from your own company, no matter what the qualifications of the other candidates, the you will NEVER have a strong, national union.
If you want a strong, national union then you pick the best person, period. From whatever airline.
If your idea is that your MEC only vote for the people from your own company, no matter what the qualifications of the other candidates, the you will NEVER have a strong, national union.
That was my point when I said I was glad to see our MEC endorse UNANIMOUSLY Capt. Stratton from FDX. As much as I would hope that the CAL candidate was the best person for the job in a perfect world, if there was someone out there who would do the job better, I expected my reps to support that candidate. It appears this was the case and my MEC was not a rubber stamp for Prater just because he is CAL and they are CAL.
Originally Posted by XHooker
I agree Pierce should go in March because he broke his commitment, but Pierce never hid his intentions for national, he just said he wouldn't go until either: A) His term was up, or B) The JCBA (it might have been the SLI) was completed. He said he wouldn't go to the company, ever. Ironically, because he's been thwarted at national, I, like you, wouldn't be shocked to see him appear as UAL management.
I do think there needs to be a change on the MEC, but right now I think the pilots of the IAH council will have to be the ones to make that change for the good of all CAL pilots.
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Problem is we are never going to get the truth. Both IAH CA & FO reps will never tell, Jay will never tell and if the "facts" were to actually come out, they will be done in closed session. The problem I see is perception. Perception about moral, ethics, and who these people actually represent. At the least, IMO, both the IAH CA & FO reps should step down.
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Skybo, this goes beyond Baron, Pierce, and the communiqués from the union. I'd been hearing about 171 buddying up with UAL for a from others while. You are correct, we don't know what was said, but I've yet to hear someone in a position to know who backs 171's position.
I agree Pierce should go in March because he broke his commitment, but Pierce never hid his intentions for national, he just said he wouldn't go until either: A) His term was up, or B) The JCBA (it might have been the SLI) was completed. He said he wouldn't go to the company, ever. Ironically, because he's been thwarted at national, I, like you, wouldn't be shocked to see him appear as UAL management.
I agree Pierce should go in March because he broke his commitment, but Pierce never hid his intentions for national, he just said he wouldn't go until either: A) His term was up, or B) The JCBA (it might have been the SLI) was completed. He said he wouldn't go to the company, ever. Ironically, because he's been thwarted at national, I, like you, wouldn't be shocked to see him appear as UAL management.
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Skybo, this forum isn't a deliberative body. Yes, I think the 171 reps are owed due process. However, the reality is they aren't putting their story out and I've been hearing about this since before it went public. My gut, along with the evidence so far, tells me the 171 reps have "gone rogue" at an inopportune time and the FO rep has violated the intent, if not the letter of the trip loss policy. Do we really need to go down that road again?
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The truth is only as good as the reputation of those telling it. I wouldn't trust Pierce, Baron, or Gator to watch my kids let alone tell the truth. The reps in IAH will come out with a statement. It's not up to the EWR pilots anyway. The IAH pilots have to decide if they are telling the truth. These reps actions are far more honorable than that of others in the union. I disagree...they should not step down. Just the fact they are voting against Pierce tells me they are there for this pilot group.
I suppose you thought Kaye never told the truth either. How can what they did been even remotely considered honorable? This stinks of the same BS that came at the end of C02 and no matter how you spin it or distort it, they're in the wrong here.
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Guess we will have to wait for an explanation. Pierce should leave now...
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Joined APC: Mar 2008
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The reps in IAH will come out with a statement. It's not up to the EWR pilots anyway. The IAH pilots have to decide if they are telling the truth.
These reps actions are far more honorable than that of others in the union.
I disagree...they should not step down. Just the fact they are voting against Pierce tells me they are there for this pilot group.
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