

Vaccination Passport!

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Old 03-29-2021, 07:53 AM
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Originally Posted by UASCOMPILOT
You'll lose 50% of the international travel if on is required! It will never return because there's people like me that are healthy and in great shape that have noproblem with getting sick but willn't and have never took a Vaccine!

Let's get international travel back? Not gonna happen if this is required!

Almost everyone in my circle is passing on this Vaccine until it's not experimental and why take it, there's only a 99.98% chance I'll die. It's more dangerous driving and texting this reply that's obviously in the minority here.

Personal choice is still the law of the land as far as one's body is concerned and I believe SCOTUS will affirm that...the constitution doesn't have a pandemic clause.
SCOTUS won’t help if it’s the rest of the world that says you need the vaccine to visit.
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Old 03-29-2021, 07:56 AM
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That is ok guys... i totally expected this. The world is very ignorant and dumbed down by design. Eventhough it is here staring at us in the face and implemented we still think it is crazy! hahahaha All you people will still think we are free and all this is nuts as you are only allowed to leave your homes on certain days of the week. You can scan your QR code to leave your home on a thursday and I will still hear that this is all crazy. It is mindblowing... Tyrants have always tried to control and dominate humanity all throughout world history. Do you think that the tyrants all just dissapeared and not around us anymore?? Its amazing how nobody can even think for themselves anymore.

But hey, Ill just leave some quotes here for you to read:

"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism,loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and
religious dogmas" - Brock Chrisholm

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a
Luciferian Initiation" - David Spangler UN Director of Planetery Initiative

"Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people"- US President Theodore Roosevelt

"A total world population of 250M-300M people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal"- Ted Turner

"In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to come back as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation" -Prince Philip

" We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order" - David Rockefeller 1994

" Countless people will hate the New World Order and will die protesting against it"- H.G Wells 1939

"In politics nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way"- US President F.D.R

" Some people believe we are a part of a secret cabal working against the US characterizing my family and me as internationalists and conspiring with others around the world to a build a more integrated global political and economic structure; one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty and I am proud of it"- David Rockefeller

"We shall have world government whether you like it or not, by conquest or consent"- Paul Warburg

"Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you"- Benjamin Franklin I guess this is coming true because the world is full of sheep LOL

I can go on and on with people in positions of power in the past and present who are at the top openly admitting what they are doing and as long as you have your eyes open and spend time researching it is so blantantly clear. But hey none of you guys research anything, you just "expect" america is invincible and this is why you will end up getting destroyed in the end. I cant imagine being this dumbed down and think this is just some random virus that came along and still think im free because the TV told me so. History repeats itself boys and girls and we are watching it happen again and the only difference is that technology is so advanced that the tyrants will most likely succeed this time and none of you will even know it until its too late. I want to make this clear, I have been a researcher for 15yrs. I didnt learn all this stuff from a bunch of quotes. I knew this would happen, I just didnt know they would use a virus, it is genius if you ask me. But all the documents, patents, ID2020, virus simulations over the past 3yrs that they have been running is all public info as well.
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Old 03-29-2021, 08:21 AM
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Interesting. I would also like to hear your educated thoughts on:

1) The Rothschilds
2) Use of the electromagnetic spectrum and its negative health effects.
3) The shape of the Earth.
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Old 03-29-2021, 08:21 AM
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Originally Posted by StopBeingWhimps
When are all you people going to wakeup out of your brainwashed world and realize all of this covid b.s was just the cover to bring the whole world into a new digital world system and centralized control??!! This was written about for decades and in their own plans and documents, now they announce it arrogantly at the UN and 60% of the world still doesnt see it.... Maybe you should all start reading the bible again and read through the book of revelations! Its amazing to see 90% of you have no idea what is going on still and fell for all of this! We are all now going under a global high tech surveilence grid controlled by a centralized database and we will all get a social credit score (live in china since 2017) if you dont be a good little citizen then your score goes down and you will be shutoff from your banks, wont beable to buy food,airfare,hotels, etc.... Wakeup guys!! The ignorance is astounding here. You all need to wakeup and come together and fight this.... The power airline pilots have is huge! Pilots together that dont fly, means no planes fly and the airlines will have to reverse course. We have the power, if we stand up, then it is a snowball effect. If nobody flies then shareholders get mad, then airlines reverse course, then everyone else out there reverses course, then other countries reverse course. I cant believe so many people are just so easily willing to submit to an authoritarian communist fascist corporate global governance. But wait, the virus is scary and bad and i might die if i get it!!! Hey morons, you cant just take over the planet because everyone will reject it.. You need a cover, covid is the cover. This is 50 years in the making and this is just the "end game" playing out. Everyone submits to white labcoats, its very genius on their part. Its so sad to watch 90% of the people on here still focused on the virus.... It shows mission accomplished by the world managers to bring in their system.... Its really not that hard to understand... Just use your brains. I'll spell it out one last time...

The elite globalists have consolidated their power for 50 years, used their 501c foundations and the UN and bought off, recruited scientists, doctors, politicians,ceo's and media. They followed the blueprint their ancestors had formed and have successfully created bio-weapons in labs knowing that was their end game because the only way to get the public into their system is through submission and not through force. All the politicians and ceo's and media in place with technology caught up, the weaponized virus got released and the media and corrupt medical experts put fear into the people scaring them to death and keep it up until they rollout their QR code digital global ID attached to a vaccine they create, tie it all to their centralized database, all the banks, corporations signed onto it. So now nobody will beable to have a job,do commerce, or even just do what they want without permission. They openly admit they want everyone to beable to get permission to leave your homes and scan that QR code to do so. It is going to be hell on earth and its coming faster than any of you realize.

Its time to stop the fantasy football, social media and come together and demand an end to all of this!! We are not left wingers, right wingers, we are human beings... For the ones not even close to being awake, have an open mind and do a little research and realize humanity is at a cross roads! Id rather be dead than live in the world they have planned for us in the near future. Get right with god if you have not been doing so... With technology so advanced, the mark of the beast system talked about in the bible can now be realized!

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
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Old 03-29-2021, 08:25 AM
It's 5 o'clock somewhere
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Originally Posted by StopBeingWhimps
Wwakeup… brainwashed... centralized control… bible… china… ignorance… authoritarian… communist… fascist… corporate… global… virus… morons… "end game"… submits… world managers... system... elite globalists... the UN… scientists… doctors… politicians… ceo's… media... bio-weapons… submission... QR code... global ID… database… banks... corporations … hell… left wingers… right wingers… awake… research… god...
Originally Posted by StopBeingWhimps
ignorant... dumbed down… crazy… mindblowing… Tyrants… control… dominate... some quotes... world government… religious dogmas… New World Order… worship… allegiance... Ted Turner… Prince Philip… transformation… crisis... H.G Wells… secret cabal… internationalists… one world… Paul Warburg… sheep… wolves… the TV… History...
This is amazing. This guy has managed to encapsulate every single conspiracy theory and cockpit rant ever into two posts. I think we may have found Q. Quick, someone put this man in charge of an airliner!

Odd that he didn't mention HRC though… very sus.
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Old 03-29-2021, 08:39 AM
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Originally Posted by StopBeingWhimps
When are all you people going to wakeup out of your brainwashed world and realize all of this covid b.s was just the cover to bring the whole world into a new digital world system and centralized control??!! This was written about for decades and in their own plans and documents, now they announce it arrogantly at the UN and 60% of the world still doesnt see it.... Maybe you should all start reading the bible again and read through the book of revelations! Its amazing to see 90% of you have no idea what is going on still and fell for all of this! We are all now going under a global high tech surveilence grid controlled by a centralized database and we will all get a social credit score (live in china since 2017) if you dont be a good little citizen then your score goes down and you will be shutoff from your banks, wont beable to buy food,airfare,hotels, etc.... Wakeup guys!! The ignorance is astounding here. You all need to wakeup and come together and fight this.... The power airline pilots have is huge! Pilots together that dont fly, means no planes fly and the airlines will have to reverse course. We have the power, if we stand up, then it is a snowball effect. If nobody flies then shareholders get mad, then airlines reverse course, then everyone else out there reverses course, then other countries reverse course. I cant believe so many people are just so easily willing to submit to an authoritarian communist fascist corporate global governance. But wait, the virus is scary and bad and i might die if i get it!!! Hey morons, you cant just take over the planet because everyone will reject it.. You need a cover, covid is the cover. This is 50 years in the making and this is just the "end game" playing out. Everyone submits to white labcoats, its very genius on their part. Its so sad to watch 90% of the people on here still focused on the virus.... It shows mission accomplished by the world managers to bring in their system.... Its really not that hard to understand... Just use your brains. I'll spell it out one last time...

The elite globalists have consolidated their power for 50 years, used their 501c foundations and the UN and bought off, recruited scientists, doctors, politicians,ceo's and media. They followed the blueprint their ancestors had formed and have successfully created bio-weapons in labs knowing that was their end game because the only way to get the public into their system is through submission and not through force. All the politicians and ceo's and media in place with technology caught up, the weaponized virus got released and the media and corrupt medical experts put fear into the people scaring them to death and keep it up until they rollout their QR code digital global ID attached to a vaccine they create, tie it all to their centralized database, all the banks, corporations signed onto it. So now nobody will beable to have a job,do commerce, or even just do what they want without permission. They openly admit they want everyone to beable to get permission to leave your homes and scan that QR code to do so. It is going to be hell on earth and its coming faster than any of you realize.

Its time to stop the fantasy football, social media and come together and demand an end to all of this!! We are not left wingers, right wingers, we are human beings... For the ones not even close to being awake, have an open mind and do a little research and realize humanity is at a cross roads! Id rather be dead than live in the world they have planned for us in the near future. Get right with god if you have not been doing so... With technology so advanced, the mark of the beast system talked about in the bible can now be realized!
Did you get banned from Facebook and Twitter?
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Old 03-29-2021, 08:43 AM
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Originally Posted by UASCOMPILOT
You'll lose 50% of the international travel if on is required! It will never return because there's people like me that are healthy and in great shape that have noproblem with getting sick but willn't and have never took a Vaccine!

Let's get international travel back? Not gonna happen if this is required!

Almost everyone in my circle is passing on this Vaccine until it's not experimental and why take it, there's only a 99.98% chance I'll die. It's more dangerous driving and texting this reply that's obviously in the minority here.

Personal choice is still the law of the land as far as one's body is concerned and I believe SCOTUS will affirm that...the constitution doesn't have a pandemic clause.

I love guys like you who spew disinformation and make up stuff on the fly because one of your FB groups said it, so it must be true.

All I keep hearing is the 'experimental' or 'emergency use' line from so many of you. I can guarantee that if they "Approved" it fully tomorrow you still wouldn't take it for some other reasons that you'll come up with.

Basically, you believe that these companies are injecting stuff into the arms of hundreds of millions of Americans, billions of people globally, and that it's going to kill us and/or have long term negative affects? You understand that there are actual documented long term affects in covid cases already, but you believe a vaccine is what's going to kill you?

Your logic is on the same level as the Karens who refuse to fly on a 737 because they believe "It's one of those Maxs and they're not safe because Boeing in a dirty company and those airlines are in on it and I'm not putting my family on it".

Hey, if you don't want the vaccine, don't take it. You're free to stay home and live your life as you choose.
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Old 03-29-2021, 08:47 AM
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Originally Posted by AYLflyer
I love guys like you who spew disinformation and make up stuff on the fly because one of your FB groups said it, so it must be true.

All I keep hearing is the 'experimental' or 'emergency use' line from so many of you. I can guarantee that if they "Approved" it fully tomorrow you still wouldn't take it for some other reasons that you'll come up with.

Basically, you believe that these companies are injecting stuff into the arms of hundreds of millions of Americans, billions of people globally, and that it's going to kill us and/or have long term negative affects? You understand that there are actual documented long term affects in covid cases already, but you believe a vaccine is what's going to kill you?

Your logic is on the same level as the Karens who refuse to fly on a 737 because they believe "It's one of those Maxs and they're not safe because Boeing in a dirty company and those airlines are in on it and I'm not putting my family on it".

Hey, if you don't want the vaccine, don't take it. You're free to stay home and live your life as you choose.
I would love it if he didn’t get the vaccine, maybe I’ll move up a number!
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Old 03-29-2021, 08:56 AM
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I hear that Qanon is looking for a new shaman. SBW sounds like he’s got the right stuff to wear the Buffalo skin hat.
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Old 03-29-2021, 09:03 AM
Joined APC: Oct 2020
Posts: 345

Originally Posted by Margaritaville
This is amazing. This guy has managed to encapsulate every single conspiracy theory and cockpit rant ever into two posts. I think we may have found Q. Quick, someone put this man in charge of an airliner!

Odd that he didn't mention HRC though… very sus.
Very observant. Don’t forget to mention V Foster and Benghazi in the same sentence with HRC to complete the ring of fire.
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