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DashTrash508 12-03-2018 08:27 AM

Again, it’s a MAC policy that you can’t park for more than ten consecutive days. It has little to do with Kool-Aid. When was the last time you were on a trip what was longer than 10 days? I’ve only been on one 10-day trip during my time at Sunny, and I volunteered for it.

Bottom line, we need a lot of improvements if we are going to survive. Our new MEC chair has a big hill to climb with negotiations six months away (which, coincidentally, would be a good time to work out a fix for your parking concern). While I have my doubts about his ability to deliver what we need, I will throw all of my support his way!

sca fact rumor 12-03-2018 09:29 AM

Originally Posted by DashTrash508 (Post 2718219)
Again, it’s a MAC policy that you can’t park for more than ten consecutive days. It has little to do with Kool-Aid. When was the last time you were on a trip what was longer than 10 days? I’ve only been on one 10-day trip during my time at Sunny, and I volunteered for it.

Bottom line, we need a lot of improvements if we are going to survive. Our new MEC chair has a big hill to climb with negotiations six months away (which, coincidentally, would be a good time to work out a fix for your parking concern). While I have my doubts about his ability to deliver what we need, I will throw all of my support his way!

I have a schedule this month that has 17 days off in a row. Again, I'm well aware of it being a MAC policy, that doesn't mean the company can't cover the cost if they want to build lines with more than 10 days off. Again this is huge detriment to the company to be able to attract pilots. Yes its a MAC issue, but it's also a company issue, its not a pilot issue. It can be fixed and it can be a win/win.

Pull and Rotate 12-03-2018 10:04 AM

Originally Posted by sca fact rumor (Post 2718251)
I have a schedule this month that has 17 days off in a row. Again, I'm well aware of it being a MAC policy, that doesn't mean the company can't cover the cost if they want to build lines with more than 10 days off. Again this is huge detriment to the company to be able to attract pilots. Yes its a MAC issue, but it's also a company issue, its not a pilot issue. It can be fixed and it can be a win/win.

Geez, we better either demand schedules with less than 10 days off in a row or the company pay for parking in excess of 10 days in a row! I wonder which fork in that road the company would take??

Yes, there is a list of reasons a mile long as to why people aren't flocking to Sunny. Somehow, I suspect that not being able to to park in the ramp for more than 10 days in a row is pretty far down that list. Just sayin'...

Mciflyboy 12-03-2018 11:10 AM

Originally Posted by sca fact rumor (Post 2718251)
I have a schedule this month that has 17 days off in a row. Again, I'm well aware of it being a MAC policy, that doesn't mean the company can't cover the cost if they want to build lines with more than 10 days off. Again this is huge detriment to the company to be able to attract pilots. Yes its a MAC issue, but it's also a company issue, its not a pilot issue. It can be fixed and it can be a win/win.

Im more curious why in gods name you have to park your car in the parking ramp on your days off? Vacations?

3rdGen 12-03-2018 12:29 PM

Originally Posted by sca fact rumor (Post 2718251)
I have a schedule this month that has 17 days off in a row. Again, I'm well aware of it being a MAC policy, that doesn't mean the company can't cover the cost if they want to build lines with more than 10 days off. Again this is huge detriment to the company to be able to attract pilots. Yes its a MAC issue, but it's also a company issue, its not a pilot issue. It can be fixed and it can be a win/win.

Why should the company pay If you choose to leave your vehicle at the airport for more than 10 days? I could understand if you are away on company business, but if you choose to take 2 week vacation and head out of town, why should the company pay for a ticket or a tow???

sca fact rumor 12-03-2018 10:22 PM

Originally Posted by Mciflyboy (Post 2718309)
Im more curious why in gods name you have to park your car in the parking ramp on your days off? Vacations?

Obviously coming from someone who lives in MSP. I live in MSP, but when I think of my brothers and sister pilots who commute is why in Gods name I think of them when they wonder where they can park on their days off or when they have vacation and just want to go home. Glad you guys only think of yourselves.

sca fact rumor 12-03-2018 10:29 PM

Originally Posted by 3rdGen (Post 2718347)
Why should the company pay If you choose to leave your vehicle at the airport for more than 10 days? I could understand if you are away on company business, but if you choose to take 2 week vacation and head out of town, why should the company pay for a ticket or a tow???

I'm well aware of not being able to use the parking ramp for personal use and vacation. Again, this is for commuters, not everyone lives is MSP and SCA has already said they need to find pilots from outside of MSP. Commuters are not "choosing" to park their cars at the ramp. Also, maybe these commuters would like to just go home on their earned vacation (hard to say this is for personal use) and be able to come back to work and not worry about a car being towed? Just a thought. How dare them want to commute. They should just move to MSP, so they can just get bumped out of MSP when Jude opens up a new base for 6 months to see if it works. Glad you guys never had to commute or think of others. The mentality of this airline and some of their pilots sometimes astounds me. Again and by the way, I am not a commuter, I live in MSP, but I do think of my fellow pilots from time to time.

3rdGen 12-04-2018 04:20 AM

Originally Posted by sca fact rumor (Post 2718630)
I'm well aware of not being able to use the parking ramp for personal use and vacation. Again, this is for commuters, not everyone lives is MSP and SCA has already said they need to find pilots from outside of MSP. Commuters are not "choosing" to park their cars at the ramp. Also, maybe these commuters would like to just go home on their earned vacation (hard to say this is for personal use) and be able to come back to work and not worry about a car being towed? Just a thought. How dare them want to commute. They should just move to MSP, so they can just get bumped out of MSP when Jude opens up a new base for 6 months to see if it works. Glad you guys never had to commute or think of others. The mentality of this airline and some of their pilots sometimes astounds me. Again and by the way, I am not a commuter, I live in MSP, but I do think of my fellow pilots from time to time.

I’ve done my fair share of commuting, and I think it would be ridiculous for any company to pay a fine for an airport rule.... it would be different if SCA owned the parking garage and the would tow/ticket you after a number of days there, also different again if you had been gone on a trio for over 10 days then I think SCA should help if you got ticket or towed. Honestly, this is out of their hands, if it’s airport parking garage rule then it has nothing todo with SCA airlines, would you like them to say to the airport, “if you don’t take this rule away, the we will leave?” I bet the airport would just wave and says bye!

sca fact rumor 12-04-2018 08:04 AM

Originally Posted by 3rdGen (Post 2718668)
I’ve done my fair share of commuting, and I think it would be ridiculous for any company to pay a fine for an airport rule.... it would be different if SCA owned the parking garage and the would tow/ticket you after a number of days there, also different again if you had been gone on a trio for over 10 days then I think SCA should help if you got ticket or towed. Honestly, this is out of their hands, if it’s airport parking garage rule then it has nothing todo with SCA airlines, would you like them to say to the airport, “if you don’t take this rule away, the we will leave?” I bet the airport would just wave and says bye!

It's not actually out of their hands, and I agree with you for the most part and that's why I think there can be a win/win situation. Why not have people park at Building C and get a ride over to the terminal if you're a commuter that has a schedule that was built with more than 10 days off(yes those are being built) or if you're a commuter and going home for vacation? I don't believe MAC has authority over SCA's building C parking lot. It's at least a possible solution. I'm just wondering how this turned into a situation the pilots have to deal with when it's in the contract that the company will provide parking within their control. I believe it's still within their control.

Highflyer35 12-04-2018 12:22 PM

Ok enough of the parking debate. What’s the plan with moving HQ to building C?

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