Southwest Hiring Info 2016
Our insurance went up a lot over the last couple of years with the ObamaCare Cadillac tax looming. I have traditional coverage in a high deductible plan (regular traditional has roughly the same rates) and pay about $325 for my family ($425 -$100 non smokers credit). Some of the employee groups that have not settled on a contract yet have much lower rates. I know pilots married to flight attendants that use the flight attendant plan. There are a lot of other HMO/PPO style plans that cost somewhat less but I am unfamiliar with those (my wife is a doctor and doesn't want to go through a gate keeper). The dental plan is traditional and is pretty good ($32/month). There are a few other HMO style options with dental also.
I stand corrected - nice list of some improvements I hope we can secure. For the time being though, I'll take our rigs and line bidding over what you listed above. Those are the real drivers of QOL, not the company paying $30 a month for my parking. A lot of that stuff will come in he next contract (some of it was in the failed TA).
"Company paid type-ratings" - ha. Did a Delta guy teach you that?
"Company paid type-ratings" - ha. Did a Delta guy teach you that?
Gets Weekends Off
Joined APC: Jun 2007
Position: CA
Posts: 1,207
Preferential bidding system. You basically give the company a set of parameters you would like for your schedule and they build you a schedule. The way we do it now is the company publishes 450 lines (standard, blank, and reserve) and you rank all 450 if you're the bottom guy. PBS is bad news, especially for us and vacation overlap.
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