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Old 10-20-2014, 01:11 PM
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Gotta go, thanks for all the input guys. Even you CCB! Laterz
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Old 10-20-2014, 01:27 PM
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Originally Posted by wrxpilot
I've been here almost 4 years, and I've never experienced a 4 day like that. You are such a whiner, it really is incredible. I give it two years, tops, before you have a stroke and lose your medical.
4 whole years, checked the FAT schedules lately? Ya know EH I have read your posts here and on F/I and on the S-Forums as well, not impressed. This is an endurance run, you need people to come in under you, so you can upgrade, but guess what, the same thing that happened to you at your other airline will happen here too, your brass ring is always out of your reach and you will make another decisions to jump ship to a fast upgrade/street captain slot, but the sad truth is the fast street captain will indeed be there but you will be on reserve and every F/O that upgrades after you get there is senior to you and will push you towards the bottom of the list, again.
Sorry, you are where you are, because of your decisions. I have no dog in the hunt, and stand to gain nothing if he comes to SKYW. So take a chill pill, and look at any CRJ/ERJ domicile for next month, there are many of the stated trips available for anyone not senior enough to avoid them....
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Old 10-20-2014, 01:40 PM
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Originally Posted by ClickClickBoom
4 whole years, checked the FAT schedules lately? Ya know EH I have read your posts here and on F/I and on the S-Forums as well, not impressed. This is an endurance run, you need people to come in under you, so you can upgrade, but guess what, the same thing that happened to you at your other airline will happen here too, your brass ring is always out of your reach and you will make another decisions to jump ship to a fast upgrade/street captain slot, but the sad truth is the fast street captain will indeed be there but you will be on reserve and every F/O that upgrades after you get there is senior to you and will push you towards the bottom of the list, again.
Sorry, you are where you are, because of your decisions. I have no dog in the hunt, and stand to gain nothing if he comes to SKYW. So take a chill pill, and look at any CRJ/ERJ domicile for next month, there are many of the stated trips available for anyone not senior enough to avoid them....
Well Mr. E.M., you have guessed wrong. You don't know me, and obviously you don't know my background. SKW is my first airline, and I've already turned down several offers to stay here. I do want to move on, but only for a Legacy at this point. I actually like it here, including my schedule and the people I fly with.

I really am sorry you're having so many issues, but almost anybody can see your constant negativity is very unhealthy. I hope you are able to make a change before it destroys you or the people in your life.
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Old 10-20-2014, 01:48 PM
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Originally Posted by flylowfast
Maybe true. I just hope i get the chance to fly with you CCB during those 2 years!! I bet the company gives out a ribbon or trophy or something for guys that have flown with you. Kinda like when you land at leadville, co. They give you a corny certificate for landing at the highest airport in the US.
You asked, its your problem if you don't like the answers. I spend plenty of time sitting next to guys like many of the above posters. I listen to their stories, good and bad, I am not exaggerating when I describe the perils of reserve. Plenty of guys can corroborate the facts. Like me or not, doesn't matter. The reality is you sound like a very devoted family man, this job is extremely difficult for families to understand, the fact that you are asking these types of questions means that you don't fully comprehend what you are getting into.
Stretch your imagination a bit. You are junior, your bidding in the bottom 25%, put all your kids birthdays on the calendar, wife too and all your close family as well. See how many fall on weekends, you probably will be on reserve, many reserve lines are over weekends, and even if you aren't on reserve you are junior and probably flying over the weekends anyway. Some domiciles have movement, some up some down, can you predict which you will be in? How fast can you move your home? You can only transfer when they process them. I am sorry you don't like the answers, but a 25 year career allowed me to see many corners of the business. I have been at multiple airlines and consider myself a Journeyman in the business. I am the guy who comes to work, does my job the best I can, and haven't been in the CPs office, except to stop by and say hello. Bottom line, I don't bend metal, or get in trouble with the FAA, don't hassel F/As and have never scratched a plane in 25 years, in other words, I make them money and they don't have to do anything extra, that's why I am still there, unmolested.
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Old 10-20-2014, 02:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Electra
Well... Most people (myself included) tend to blow off steam here. It is NOT necessarily indicative of the global experience here. Longtime reserves will universally complain about the raw treatment they get from scheduling. Many people commute to reserve and are happy to get a TDY or a 5 day trip and the perdiem and get out of the hotbunked crash pad. But some of us live in domicile and get pretty peeved when we get sent somewhere week after week that people would like to transfer to, and sit 5 days unused, possibly costing us time at home with a loved one and the potential to sleep in our own bed. But SkyPilot35 is correct in that you are theirs for the duration of your reserve week. You have to stop expecting to stay home and get paid to play XBox until your eyes bleed, instead a day spent at home without a call should be a pleasant surprise.

As to your fear of missing out on your kids, well, that is the nature of this business. It's a decision only you can make for yourself. Depending upon where you choose to live and where you choose to be based, your time on reserve could be pretty short or long-term, your ability to tailor your schedule will depend on a lot of factors. You WILL be working weekends and holidays for a long time, and you'll probably miss a few birthdays. Down the road upgrading to Captain or going to a major will probably require the same kind of consideration. This isn't for everybody. It IS still the best job I've ever had.
100% spot on. If your major concern is that you will have to spend time away from home (and that is a legitimate concern for some), then perhaps this is not the industry for you. Personally I a former military guy, so the time spent in a cushy hotel a few days out of the month is not the worst thing I've ever done (remember I live near my domicile). I have no kids and an awesome wife, who on occasion can come hang out with me.
Have you checked out any Part 135 gigs? Some of those enable you to be home most days. I don't necessarily know that anyone of us offering our "sage" like advice can give you the answer you're looking for. Chances are your first year WILL be spent on reserve. You WILL be gone or on-call on weekends & holidays. If you do not live in a domicile, you WILL have to commute to reserve (miserable existence). If these are things that you and your spouse cannot abide, I would recommend a different route.
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Old 10-20-2014, 02:15 PM
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Originally Posted by skypilot35
100% spot on. If your major concern is that you will have to spend time away from home (and that is a legitimate concern for some), then perhaps this is not the industry for you. Personally I a former military guy, so the time spent in a cushy hotel a few days out of the month is not the worst thing I've ever done (remember I live near my domicile). I have no kids and an awesome wife, who on occasion can come hang out with me.
Have you checked out any Part 135 gigs? Some of those enable you to be home most days. I don't necessarily know that anyone of us offering our "sage" like advice can give you the answer you're looking for. Chances are your first year WILL be spent on reserve. You WILL be gone or on-call on weekends & holidays. If you do not live in a domicile, you WILL have to commute to reserve (miserable existence). If these are things that you and your spouse cannot abide, I would recommend a different route.
I totally agree. You should look into some of the 135 freight companies. The company I work for flies only at night but I'm "home" every day, the first year FO pay is better than any regional and I've already upgraded after only 5 months. Look into REPUTABLE freight companies near you but DON'T sign a training contract. Best of luck!
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Old 10-20-2014, 02:26 PM
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Lots of preaching kinda sounds like a mini-genilee

Originally Posted by wrxpilot
I've already turned down several offers to stay here. I do want to move on, but only for a Legacy at this point.
Originally Posted by wrxpilot
That's right. I've been a CA (prior to SKW). That's how it's done!
Originally Posted by wrxpilot
Yeah... Good luck with that. I'm in my 30s, over 10 years of aviation experience, zero checkride busts, engineering degree, LORs from LCAs at my regional, and several internals at the Legacies. I can't even get a phone call. The Legacies will NEVER have a shortage, and guys like me will be extremely lucky to ever even get a shot at one carrier.
Originally Posted by wrxpilot
I'm sure this has been covered on here at some point, but just wanted to point out a potential gotcha with the PAQ. In the PAQ instructions it says to save a copy to your computer and change the filename to your legal name. After doing that, it ERASES everything in the PAQ. Of course I didn't discover this until after I sent it! I was able to save a PDF copy by sending a filled out copy to my "PDF Printer", and resent that to the crewjobs email.

I've applied at every window the past several years, and I think I've been through this before. But since it has been a few months, I of course forgot and figured maybe some of you might too. Good luck everyone!
Originally Posted by wrxpilot
I have over 4,000 hours TT, I am current 121, prior 135/91, engineering degree with honors, never failed a checkride, numerous LORs, and 3 internal Rec's at AA. I have not received the TBNT, but I haven't even received the video invite. My app is over 6 months old (I applied at Day 1).

So... You're probably safe to take your upgrade. Seriously, I would not delay your present career progress in the hope that something might work out with the Legacy airlines. It will just lead to disappointment.
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Old 10-20-2014, 02:40 PM
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APC says 2nd year FO pay on the e175 is $40 and hour? Is this correct?
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Old 10-20-2014, 02:51 PM
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Originally Posted by ClickClickBoom
Lots of preaching kinda sounds like a mini-genilee
The fact that I've tried to help people with their applications by explaining what I've also done is preaching? Strange, I always thought it was called "paying it forward". I bet you'd have a hard time finding too many posts of mine on here (or anywhere else) that were negative compared to posts where I've tried to provide help and/or encouragement.

The fact that you derive pleasure by trying to crap all over your employer and co-workers is very telling. It's a sign of a VERY unhappy person. Seriously man, from what I understand we have a pretty decent EAP program, and I hope that you use it before really going off the deep end.
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Old 10-20-2014, 03:18 PM
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Originally Posted by wrxpilot
The fact that I've tried to help people with their applications by explaining what I've also done is preaching? Strange, I always thought it was called "paying it forward". I bet you'd have a hard time finding too many posts of mine on here (or anywhere else) that were negative compared to posts where I've tried to provide help and/or encouragement.

The fact that you derive pleasure by trying to crap all over your employer and co-workers is very telling. It's a sign of a VERY unhappy person. Seriously man, from what I understand we have a pretty decent EAP program, and I hope that you use it before really going off the deep end.
I guess telling the truth about personal experiences and observations is "crapping" exactly how? My coworkers as well? Do I not like the SS department, there is no secret there, they are operating the same way as they did 30 years ago, and the disregard they had/have for me as a person wasn't imagined. While there plenty of good intentioned individuals in every department, there are also a few less well intentioned. What you see as negative, I see as posting real experiences without coloring or glossing over. Wonderful you have found a positive change from being a cubicle dweller, while your 4 years have been pleasant, that's great, every domicile is different, having been domiciled in more than a few of them over the last 15 years, I have also seen some of the more "interesting" practices. Your time in the barrel is one keystroke away from reality. I have seen the ups and downs here, and make no mistake, yesterday or even today is no guarantee for a month away. Want an easily seen evidence? Go to the bid list and check the freezes for certain EMB Captains for transition, 'nuff said. As far as the EAP, not needed for this pilot, while you may not see it, I am consistent, and have even had a few psych evals for different positions over the years. Your 4 years experience does not make you an expert on the entire company, there was a lot of stuff, I didn't even know had happened until I had a decade at the company and talked to senior guys who had experienced it. Ask around about the DD case, or even read it online, its out there.
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