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Republic to Operate as American Eagle


Republic Airways Regional Airline

Republic to Operate as American Eagle

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Old 02-10-2013, 02:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Mason32
Actually it's not the same. As I see it once they created Eagle 16 years ago anybody on their pilot list flew as American Eagle. To this day pilots if executive airlines are in the master Eagle pilot seniority list and they operate as American Eagle. During those past 16 years when AMR contracted out flying as they did with TSA and CHQ the contractors used the American Connection brand.

If the name of your airline is nothing more than a brand, wait until Delta United and the rest license the brand to the lowest bidder. AMR is setting a new precedent and thus us the foot in the door just as baby jets for regionals was 20 years ago.
If what you claim was valid, it would be American Eagle pilots who own their brand. Your union gave that away, thus AMR owns the brand American Eagle and is free to do as they wish in regard to what pilots have rights to it. The only thing stopping AMR from having another carrier fly the American Airlines brand is APA scope. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but AA, Delta and United have ALREADY partially lost their brand as evidenced by those names being placed on "lowest bidder" aircraft simply with the addition of names, like Eagle, Connection and Express. That boat has already sailed and that "precedent" was broken 25 years ago.

The majority of regional pilots couldn't care less what "brand" their shiny and not so shiny jets have as long as it gets them to the captain seat and out as fast as possible. You'll find no loyalty in the regional pilot business anymore as its pilot-eat-pilot and any rationalization works. That's why many at Eagle told me the flying they now do that used to be AA's was never AA's or their pilots, but AMR's. Now the shoe is on the other foot and suddenly it's not so comfortable anymore. Again, its happening everywhere else and those on the acquisition end justify it and those on the other cry about the injustice. Sooner or later, you switch ends and go from justification to crying. The only thing new here, is that it's finally gotten around to American Eagle or what USED to be American Eagle.
First, it isn't my union. I just have good friends working there. I read your posts, you're a FT who now thinks your better than everybody else; we get it. When you graduate to 76I I'll even let you swing gear for me. Hurry up though I'm going to do my last few years on the new 7's.

As for contracts. You better read again what we passed. Read about codesharing, livery and franchising.
Whats happening at Eagle is just a test.
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Old 02-10-2013, 02:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Mason32
First, it isn't my union. I just have good friends working there. I read your posts, you're a FT who now thinks your better than everybody else; we get it. When you graduate to 76I I'll even let you swing gear for me. Hurry up though I'm going to do my last few years on the new 7's.
Pure B.S. I have friends there too....just got done talking to one. As for Eagle's "right" to anything, he and virtually all the others I know agree and it's a major reason they are bailing (some to AA and 2 others soon elsewhere). The old claim I think I'm "better" than anyone is a tired place to run to when one feels insulted and has nowhere better to run. My point was relevent to the discussion and we simply disagree and yet you go personal. It's interesing you claim I'm someone with a superiority complex and then turn around and embrace that very concept, belittling F/O's as people who simply "swing gears" for "real" pilots. I've done both and don't see it that way at all. Of course, if I ever do swing gear for you, I'm sure you'd treat me just as bad as you apparently would to the other lessor pilots sitting to your right one day.

Originally Posted by Mason32
As for contracts. You better read again what we passed. Read about codesharing, livery and franchising.
Whats happening at Eagle is just a test.
I'm more than familiar with what we've passed and if you even attempt to try get one of my other inferences, is that it's almost now to the point, NO PILOTS OWN ANYTHING ANYMORE (regionals now, majors next). Instead, hot-headed emotion takes over, but alas that's more satisfying, yes ?

You been hanging around.........
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Old 02-10-2013, 02:54 PM
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Originally Posted by RJ Pilot
I dont know whats JJ Eaglefly's obsession with Eagle.

....knuckledragger's like this guy too much (who....*sigh*, AGAIN, just gave the finger to the mods request) ?
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Old 02-10-2013, 03:22 PM
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Originally Posted by eaglefly
....knuckledragger's like this guy too much (who....*sigh*, AGAIN, just gave the finger to the mods request) ?
You come in trolling and when someone trolls back you play the "mods, please help me card". You left the regional airlines not by choice we get it, but if you want in again just apply, they'll even give you five grand!
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Old 02-10-2013, 04:05 PM
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Originally Posted by What
You come in trolling and when someone trolls back you play the "mods, please help me card". You left the regional airlines not by choice we get it, but if you want in again just apply, they'll even give you five grand!
Now I want back into a regional airline ?


I'm not asking anything frrom the mods (man, you make a lot of erronous assumptions) as I'm not the person this knuckledragger keeps outing.....and again, it's clear he totally has no control over himself. Why don't you, RJ and Mason just put me on ignore and solve your problems ?

Answer : Because you don't want to disregard or not hear what I say, but CONTROL it. Read my posts.........all I did was highlight the fact that Eagle is the latest carrier to have any identity it had stripped away and sure enough, certain characters go hysterically type A, running in the wrong direction. Most read it and move on and saw no reason to get emotional.

Why is it always the same members who get emotional ?

Seriously dude, solve your problems and do yourself a favor...........put me on ignore.
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Old 02-10-2013, 04:11 PM
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Originally Posted by eaglefly
Now I want back into a regional airline ?


I'm not asking anything frrom the mods (man, you make a lot of erronous assumptions) as I'm not the person this knuckledragger keeps outing. Why don't you, RJ and Mason just put me on ignore and solve your problems ?

Answer : Because you don't want to disregard or not hear what I say, but CONTROL it. Read my posts.........all I did was highlight the fact that Eagle is the latest carrier to have any identity it had stripped away and sure enough, certain characters go hysterically type A, running in the wrong direction. Most read it and move on and saw no reason to get emotional.

Why is it always the same members who get emotional ?

Seriously dude, solve your problems and do yourself a favor...........put me on ignore.
You are not bothering me, I was making the observation that you troll but get upset when someone trolls with you. I have no problem with you, but it seems like every week you are fighting with someone new. Look in the mirror bud and get over yourself.
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Old 02-10-2013, 04:18 PM
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Originally Posted by What
You are not bothering me, I was making the observation that you troll but get upset when someone trolls with you. I have no problem with you, but it seems like every week you are fighting with someone new. Look in the mirror bud and get over yourself.
I'm very relaxed, calm and smiling. Actually, if you look over history here, the people I "fight" with (as you put it) are the ones who INSTIGATE it directly at me....and it's always the same few. My observations and posts aren't aimed at any person, but some of the replies are. In fact, YOU are one of those very people.

Simple question : If what I say bothers you so much that you feel the need for direct retaliation, WHY don't you put me on ignore ?

Clearly, you believe I'm just a troller with nothing to offer, so I'm confused why you wont do something so simple for your own benefit ?

I'm convinced if about a half dozen of the same members who are the core of this group would do that, there would be no conflict and I'd be just another one of the crowd who says things some agree with and others don't. Something you see on every thread in this forum daily.

Come on man.......it's just one mouse click away from paradise and eaglefly disappears forever !

I say, "go for it" !!!
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Old 02-10-2013, 04:33 PM
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Originally Posted by eaglefly
I'm very relaxed, calm and smiling. Actually, if you look over history here, the people I "fight" with (as you put it) are the ones who INSTIGATE it directly at me....and it's always the same few. My observations and posts aren't aimed at any person, but some of the replies are. In fact, YOU are one of those very people.

Simple question : If what I say bothers you so much that you feel the need for direct retaliation, WHY don't you put me on ignore ?

Clearly, you believe I'm just a troller with nothing to offer, so I'm confused why you wont do something so simple for your own benefit ?

I'm convinced if about a half dozen of the same members who are the core of this group would do that, there would be no conflict and I'd be just another one of the crowd who says things some agree with and others don't. Something you see on every thread in this forum daily.

Come on man.......it's just one mouse click away from paradise and eaglefly disappears forever !

I say, "go for it" !!!
Why won't you put me and those same members that always pick on you on ignore?
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Old 02-10-2013, 05:05 PM
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Originally Posted by What
Why won't you put me and those same members that always pick on you on ignore?
You are the guys that get emotional over my posts, not the other way around. I try to discuss the position of the POST and not the person who posts them and you and these few others seem to attack personally. I will acknowledge RJ pilot, AKA "the knuckledragger" is a different bird as he's here ONLY to instigate trouble and in that respect, I'm more than willing to oblige. He meets the pure definition of troll with the overwhelming majority of his posts, especially his compulsion to use a personal name of someone that does exist and direct it at me, but isn't me SOLELY to troll.

You want to discuss the ISSUE (Eagle, Republic and Eagle's future in that respect), GREAT !!!....contridict and disagree with me all day long and even prove me wrong (which I AM, from time to time), .......you want to belittle me as somone with a superiority complex or an ax to grind not addressing the SUBJECT, not so great. Again, I'm repeatedly told I'm essentially a trolling tool, so it confuses me why you wouldn't eliminate trolling tools from your APF experience.

BTW, I was looking at your avatar and I noticed the big word "AMERICAN" and the apparently exasperated passenger in the foreground.

Just curious, but what's your motivation for that ?

I mean, it's my understanding you work for Eagle and since you don't work for American, someone could say that was a swipe at AA (very common at Eagle) as I don't see an "American Eagle" there (or Delta, UAL, etc.) and it's seemingly implying AA is something exceptionally inferior. If I was emotional, I suppose I could attack you for that instead of asking you about it.

You sure you don't have some bias toward AA (or AA pilots) either conciously or sub-conciously that bleeds over into impacting your choices for offensive attack ?

I would think me being who I am, I would be ripe for offensive attack from someone with that albatross around their neck, especially taking it to a personal level. Just an observation anyway that provokes some thought from me considering our situation with me apparently being an upset troll who needs to get over himself. Just curious anyway................

Last edited by eaglefly; 02-10-2013 at 05:19 PM.
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Old 02-10-2013, 06:24 PM
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Originally Posted by RJ Pilot
Great avatar. It speaks for itself,a frustrated costumer flying a crAApy airline.
Doesnt get any better than that!..Oh wait, USairways joining soon, another sub-par mediocre airline.
So, if this is true, what does that make Eagle ?
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