
Republic Airways Regional Airline

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Old 01-21-2018, 01:30 PM
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Originally Posted by MileHi
So, the logic you're using is the company will offer unlimited new hire bonuses? They aren't doing that now. They currently offer $17,500 max. They could offer a million dollars right now, but that doesn't make smart business now nor in the future. Why overpay or get into a bidding war for new hires when they don't have to? This is the same company who we agree doesn't ever pay a dime extra to anyone they don't have to. Your reasoning is counterintuitive. Also, regarding future bargaining leverage. Don't you think that if the company acts in bad faith and stops
negotiating people will start bailing in droves? Once again, INCREASING attrition would be antithetical to their staffing challenges. Your logic just doesn't make sense and neither do your failed attempts to rationalize emotional decision making.
The NC themselves said the company could very well offer attrocious amounts of money to new hires. I have video proof! Then they said the very same thing you just did....."but we don't think it would make good business sense for them to do so." My response to all of you......Maybe not this week or next, but when the times soon become desperate it is a great option to have and take advantage of.

Please think further ahead than last week.

Last edited by Snowbound; 01-21-2018 at 01:49 PM. Reason: spelling
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Old 01-21-2018, 04:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Snowbound
The NC themselves said the company could very well offer attrocious amounts of money to new hires. I have video proof! Then they said the very same thing you just did....."but we don't think it would make good business sense for them to do so." My response to all of you......Maybe not this week or next, but when the times soon become desperate it is a great option to have and take advantage of.

Please think further ahead than last week.
Please tell me, in what scenario does it make wise business sense to get into a bidding war for FOs? Also, in what scenario would it be wise to anger a pilot group in the same aforementioned circumstances creating increased attrition thereby negating any success the company had with recruitment? Let me give you an example:
The Company needs ten pilots and currently pays $17,500 for each to get them here equalling $175,000 in recruiting costs.
Now, two years later, the Company again needs ten pilots and pays them $35,000 costing $350,000 in total. But in this case the company also refuses to negotiate with the pilots on a new LOA. That angers the pilots and 5 of them leave. Now, the company must spend an additional $175,000 to aquire said pilots for a total of $450,000.
Do you see how it would be much easier (and much less costly) to retain the pilots already here? The company would much rather offer contract improvements over signing bonuses. It's smarter business and much cheaper. Hopefully, us pilots can stop being our own worst enemy and see that too.
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Old 01-21-2018, 06:06 PM
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Originally Posted by MileHi
So, the logic you're using is the company will offer unlimited new hire bonuses? They aren't doing that now. They currently offer $17,500 max. They could offer a million dollars right now, but that doesn't make smart business now nor in the future. Why overpay or get into a bidding war for new hires when they don't have to? This is the same company who we agree doesn't ever pay a dime extra to anyone they don't have to. Your reasoning is counterintuitive. Also, regarding future bargaining leverage. Don't you think that if the company acts in bad faith and stops
negotiating people will start bailing in droves? Once again, INCREASING attrition would be antithetical to their staffing challenges. Your logic just doesn't make sense and neither do your failed attempts to rationalize emotional decision making.
The only one here using crap logic is you, MileHi.

I love the way that you cherry pick your points. Even you can't rationally defend the unlimited bonuses which your vote unleashed not long ago. So you ignore and attack things which I just merely pointed out as similars. And then you use first-grade maneuvers to attack the legitimacy of others (like Snowbound) by calling their logic "counter-intuitive." Or attacking their "emotional" decision-making.

Laughable, since the majority on here recognize that you are one of about 3 total readers who actually believe your own bullcrap.

I call you the "counter-intuitive" and "emotional" one. How about that?

And I'm pretty sure I know the identity of both you and Snowbound. And if he's who I think he is, then he knows way the ****** more about airlines and history than you ever will.

Listen, MileHi. The majority on here do not believe you this time, because they're starting to see their own value in this market. And because, unlike you, they don't need to limit their worth to just what is adequate for the company's good.

I could talk business with you all day long, but even your mom's little boy can't be too stupid to understand the concepts behind "feast or famine." It's not called "'get a little while they'll let you' or famine." And it's damn well past time for the feast.

This pilot group has a right to demand its due in this emerging economy. And every day will make you out to be more of a liar and fool than the last.

You are kind of like, and by that I mean exactly like, that spineless twit at the high school party who won't ever quite stand up for right or for fight, but is quick to pump his fist in the air when the brawl starts. And then is laughably rejected by every first-person witness to the event.

Grow a pair.

And answer these 2 questions, without ignoring it head on:

Were you one of the ones who voted YES to allowing unlimited bonuses in the first place, during the 2015 vote?

And are you one of ones suggesting that we should allow further control over the timing and effect of those unlimited bonuses?

And you want to do that while handcuffing our bargaining hand during a 2 year period of massive change ... for a meager sum!

And you claim to care about our employees! HA!

And that's in addition to the fact that after 12 years of flying on the same contract, and fighting the good fight, and pouring in the blood and sweat and treasure of 2,000 pilots, MileHi is the same douche that voted in approximately a 74% gain in first-year FO pay, while not one single employee who had been there for the duration got more than a fraction of that!

Ladies and gents, if you are an actual living, breathing, on-property Republic pilot, then MileHi does not have your best interest at heart.

You should definitely read his posts for content. And you can make up your own mind. But I believe you'll find that he only knows how to do two things. Attack the logic, integrity, intelligence, or emotions of others. And repeat himself, ten times over, with phrases like:

"Anything is better than nothing" or
"Why would they want to do that?" or
"They might not come back to the table" or
"What makes you think that you're worth that?" or
"But our group might not survive that"

He is a fear-mongering moron with a spell-checker and a thesaurus.
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Old 01-21-2018, 06:15 PM
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Originally Posted by MileHi
Please tell me, in what scenario does it make wise business sense to get into a bidding war for FOs? Also, in what scenario would it be wise to anger a pilot group in the same aforementioned circumstances creating increased attrition thereby negating any success the company had with recruitment? Let me give you an example:
The Company needs ten pilots and currently pays $17,500 for each to get them here equalling $175,000 in recruiting costs.
Now, two years later, the Company again needs ten pilots and pays them $35,000 costing $350,000 in total. But in this case the company also refuses to negotiate with the pilots on a new LOA. That angers the pilots and 5 of them leave. Now, the company must spend an additional $175,000 to aquire said pilots for a total of $450,000.
Do you see how it would be much easier (and much less costly) to retain the pilots already here? The company would much rather offer contract improvements over signing bonuses. It's smarter business and much cheaper. Hopefully, us pilots can stop being our own worst enemy and see that too.
How about a scenario where there is no long-term plan? How about a scenario where the name of the game is not, "wise business sense" but unbridaled greed for a very few? Or better yet, how about a scenario where lessons aren't learned from the past? Where the love of money has corrupted the very foundations of an industry to the point where wrong is right and right is wrong and the end result is no one wants to work for you anymore. The land where it is better to file bankruptcy than to fulfill an obligation.

Sounds kind of like the current state we live in.

Newsflash. No one in the upper echelon cares about you and they do not care about me. If they can get out of their own way they look at the horizon and see an end to the gravy train. Then they panic, close their eyes and try to navigate through the next hour. Tomorrow is too far ahead. You have put more effort into impressive math equations than they have.

That is the "wise business sense" world we live in today.

Think critically.

* What happens when an organization, or industry for that matter, can no longer produce something that is desperately needed?

* What happens when every easy method of repair has been cut off?

* What happens when the current producers are a rareity?

* What happens when the cost of the rareity outweigh the profits gleened from low-cost production?

Stay 10 steps ahead.

And my golly try being courageous!

Last edited by Snowbound; 01-21-2018 at 06:28 PM. Reason: addition
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Old 01-21-2018, 06:17 PM
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Originally Posted by MileHi
Please tell me, in what scenario does it make wise business sense to get into a bidding war for FOs? Also, in what scenario would it be wise to anger a pilot group in the same aforementioned circumstances creating increased attrition thereby negating any success the company had with recruitment? Let me give you an example:
The Company needs ten pilots and currently pays $17,500 for each to get them here equalling $175,000 in recruiting costs.
Now, two years later, the Company again needs ten pilots and pays them $35,000 costing $350,000 in total. But in this case the company also refuses to negotiate with the pilots on a new LOA. That angers the pilots and 5 of them leave. Now, the company must spend an additional $175,000 to aquire said pilots for a total of $450,000.
Do you see how it would be much easier (and much less costly) to retain the pilots already here? The company would much rather offer contract improvements over signing bonuses. It's smarter business and much cheaper. Hopefully, us pilots can stop being our own worst enemy and see that too.
I have to say... I have no dog in this fight, but you sir are a complete and utter idiot.

Throughout this entire thread you refuse to listen to honest analysis and continue to push your pro-RAH garbage.

You’re incompetence makes me never want to put a family member on an RAH airplane.
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Old 01-21-2018, 06:23 PM
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Originally Posted by MileHi
Please tell me, in what scenario does it make wise business sense to get into a bidding war for FOs? Also, in what scenario would it be wise to anger a pilot group in the same aforementioned circumstances creating increased attrition thereby negating any success the company had with recruitment? Let me give you an example:
The Company needs ten pilots and currently pays $17,500 for each to get them here equalling $175,000 in recruiting costs.
Now, two years later, the Company again needs ten pilots and pays them $35,000 costing $350,000 in total. But in this case the company also refuses to negotiate with the pilots on a new LOA. That angers the pilots and 5 of them leave. Now, the company must spend an additional $175,000 to aquire said pilots for a total of $450,000.
Do you see how it would be much easier (and much less costly) to retain the pilots already here? The company would much rather offer contract improvements over signing bonuses. It's smarter business and much cheaper. Hopefully, us pilots can stop being our own worst enemy and see that too.
Oh, and he'll try to bamboozle you with hard math, but he'll base the entire equation on a regional market that has roughly about 15 players at current strength. And only 15,000 regional pilots left in it.

He blinds you to the inevitable truth which lies before us all. The regional market will consolidate in the same manner as the mainlines and legacies before it. And after you are hired, you will find that movement between carriers has become an obstacle to career growth, while new-hire bonuses and tuition reimbursements continue to climb.

He is either deaf, dumb, and mute to his surroundings, or he is intentionally ignoring the fact that the future regional segment will spend greater and greater amounts of money on the college kids, while at the same time trapping existing pilots in an ever more static regional mold. With ever more sluggish gains once you are employed.

This LOA, and the next ten like it are proof of exactly that. While the continued "big asks" by management further strengthen my point.

Look at it like this ... Do you see mainline pilots at the top 5 carriers ditching their jobs willy-nilly to go pursue benefits and pay at better carriers? NO. Because every employee will eventually reach a Point of No Return. No pun intended. A point where the Cost/Benefit Analysis that you run for your own personal situation will dictate that accepting new risks, and giving up slow gains for a chance at more is foolish. They don't do it often in the top 5, or even the top 10 majors. And the regional sector will be even more sparse, post merger and acquisition.
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Old 01-21-2018, 10:26 PM
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The "reasoning" (I'm being very generous, here) on some of these replies are all over the place. They range from personal attacks, to false claims of fear mongering, to nonsensical logic. Look, it's a very simple concept. In the current regional market, staffing is the challenge du jour. And we can be certain of 2 things:
1. RAH will continue to compete for recruits, but not overpay market value for them. And,
2. RAH will continue to recognize the importance and value of retention, as it is cheaper for staffing reliability than recruitment bonuses. And any action that will upset that dynamic (i.e. not bargaining in good faith) will be detrimental to achieving said goal of retention making staffing less predictable and more costly.
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Old 01-21-2018, 11:46 PM
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Originally Posted by MileHi
The "reasoning" (I'm being very generous, here) on some of these replies are all over the place. They range from personal attacks, to false claims of fear mongering, to nonsensical logic. Look, it's a very simple concept. In the current regional market, staffing is the challenge du jour. And we can be certain of 2 things:
1. RAH will continue to compete for recruits, but not overpay market value for them. And,
2. RAH will continue to recognize the importance and value of retention, as it is cheaper for staffing reliability than recruitment bonuses. And any action that will upset that dynamic (i.e. not bargaining in good faith) will be detrimental to achieving said goal of retention making staffing less predictable and more costly.
1. "Overpay market value"?????? This proposed LOA doesn't come close to even "paying" market value. NOT EVEN IN THREE YEARS!

2. "CONTINUE to recognize the value and importance of retention?" How can they CONTINUE something they have never tried before. The only value I see is the people who don't even work here yet.
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Old 01-22-2018, 04:25 AM
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I am sorry I need to correct myself.

1. They will most certainly OVERPAY for NEW RECRUITS in the form of bonuses because it is a short-sighted fix to a long-term problem. A long-term fix would be to pay everyone across the board what they are worth in today's environment, but they won't go there because it takes away from their long-term wealth.
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Old 01-22-2018, 04:30 AM
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I’m sorry anyone who trusts BB needs to have their head examined. Of course he plans on using the concessions on bonuses to stretch out the current CBA. Why would he ask for unlimited bonuses if he didn’t plan on offering above industry average in the future?
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