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pete2800 11-10-2015 02:46 PM

Originally Posted by Phteven (Post 2007869)
That being said I've noticed the golden ticket at Horizon to getting a CJO at Alaska is being a CA for 15 minutes so...

Hey, it takes more than 15 minutes... :D

Originally Posted by snackysmores (Post 2008530)
Good luck with that. You don't necessarily need to be a CA, but you have to sell your soul to the air group. At least 3 job fairs, women in aviation, volunteer at the soup kitchen, help build the gay pride parade float etc. You also had to work in training department, but they don't allow pilots to train other pilots in ground school anymore. Pretty sure this only applies to Horizon guys, i haven't heard of other regional pilots having to do this crap.

This is largely urban legend.

Phteven 11-10-2015 03:22 PM

Originally Posted by FirstClass (Post 2008759)
lol I'm exhausted after reading that.:p

Yeah, I need to work on my run-ons...

Originally Posted by pete2800 (Post 2008793)
Hey, it takes more than 15 minutes... :D

If my forum-lurking serves, that would be 10 flight hours for you, right? Sorry I meant 15 minutes AFTER IOE. My bad! :)

Congratulations, by the way!

snackysmores 11-10-2015 05:53 PM

Originally Posted by Phteven (Post 2008813)
Yeah, I need to work on my run-ons...

If my forum-lurking serves, that would be 10 flight hours for you, right? Sorry I meant 15 minutes AFTER IOE. My bad! :)

Congratulations, by the way!

Yes congrats Pete, I assume you're class will be in Jan/Feb, do you how many other Qx guys are going with you?

Airplane 11-12-2015 08:08 AM

Originally Posted by emb145 (Post 2006859)
Let me try and get in here before the Cuj. Envoy. 2.5 upgrade. 6 year flow.

That's great news, I'll tell me friend that's been there 9ish years now he should upgrade soon.

Jammy 01-08-2016 07:24 PM

What is the upgrade time at RAH currently? And is it increasing or decreasing?

404yxl 01-08-2016 08:54 PM

Originally Posted by Jammy (Post 2043165)
What is the upgrade time at RAH currently? And is it increasing or decreasing?

A pilot currently upgrading at RAH has no bearing on the upgrade time of a pilot starting at RAH today.

With all being equal you will need 50% of the list above you to quit. Take into account other factors at a no change airline, you may see upgrade around 55-60%. However, each % below 50% means there is approximately that % above you that will keep you from moving up the captain bidding list as they upgrade.

If you need 1000 SIC and 2500 TT to upgrade, getting hired with 1500 hours will likely take you at least 1.5-2 years after your hire date for you to reach 1000 SIC hours. You will take 3-6 months after your hire date to even get a chance at starting to average 83 block hours/month(1000 block hour/year limit). Get hired with a 1000 hour restricted ATP, and you are looking at least 2-3 years.

Getting hired at a regional that is shrinking, having problems staffing and parking planes due to it, will cause you upgrade time to be longer than if you went to a regional that was stagnate in it's fleet size and is able to staff. A regional that is truly growing after you arrive and you will see a upgrade time that is quicker than if you went to a stagnate regional. There are your projected upgrade times.

Biggz 01-09-2016 06:47 AM

I've been at PSA for two years and i wasn't awarded the most recent captain bid. We still have plenty of really senior First Officers to upgrade.

sogtivr6 01-09-2016 07:19 AM

At Endeavor for 8 years now and still waiting for the left seat.

Jammy 01-09-2016 07:19 AM

Thanks, Biggz - PSA upgrade question was coming next from me. So at least 2 years AT PRESENT.

1. Anyone at RAH can tell me what the DOH is for recent upgrades there?
2. Is fleet growing/shrinking (i'm not counting cancelled options on 170's as shrinking)?
3. Is attrition still high or slowing (likely due to new contract)
4. any speculation on the future that may impact a new hire?

Thanks- I'm hopefully getting to the end of this process and all my APC newhire questions - i appreciate all those that have taken the time to answer them. Not all info is easily searched for and things go out of date VERY quickly these days.

CFIGUY22 01-09-2016 07:39 AM

RAH most junior captain is a September 2011 hire I believe. If the company can attract pilots I see upgrade dropping to 2.5-2 years, if not then maybe 3-3.5. In the recent months there has been a lot of attrition. 30-55 a month are leaving. For now RAH is staying about the same size but is very understaffed. RAH needs about 300 more pilots to be properly staffed. With 30 to 50 a month leaving they need to hire about 100 a month to get back to normal staffing in 2016. If you come to RAH now your quality of life will be good for a new hire FO in most bases because there are not many reserves, some are getting lines right out of training.

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