The question is HOW to do this...the only possible solution I could imagine is all the regional pilots banding together in their own union--across company lines. Cross-regional SOLIDARITY is essential to avoid getting screwed or having the majors play one regional pilot group off of another...Regional Air Pilots Association (RAPA, anyone?)
And they can create their own SCAB list for the future to carry forward to the Majors when these pilots will inevitably get there. That's how union organizing UNIFIED group working together across the companies that are trying to screw the pilot workforce...
Of course there's still the RLA to contend with...but at least with a separate union, regional pilots won't get screwed as ALPA silently stands by while the majors engage in anti-labor tactics with their regional arms...
The original post sounds great...but it's easier said than implemented.
RALPA would be the greatest disaster to the regional pilot groups in the last decade.