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Old 09-26-2007, 05:10 AM
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On a diffferent subject. The interview process went really well. They are starting to interview three days a week instead of two and are training another HR pilot recruiter. (AKA trying very hard to hire more and more) It was nice meeting all of the guys I interviewed with, and it really is just like everybody says. Very relaxed, and just a high desire to get to know who you are. Good luck to all.

Oh yeah, and they don't ask EVERYBODY about a constant speed prop
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Old 09-26-2007, 05:15 AM
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Originally Posted by LabMonkey76
On a diffferent subject. The interview process went really well. They are starting to interview three days a week instead of two and are training another HR pilot recruiter. (AKA trying very hard to hire more and more) It was nice meeting all of the guys I interviewed with, and it really is just like everybody says. Very relaxed, and just a high desire to get to know who you are. Good luck to all.

Oh yeah, and they don't ask EVERYBODY about a constant speed prop
So Labmonkey, how long ddid they tell you to expect before you know whether or not you got the job? Any tips for me, my interview is coming up on Tuesday. Where did you stay the night before?
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Old 09-26-2007, 05:32 AM
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It was a great interview experience and I can only echo Labmonkey's comments. BTW...I enjoyed the opportunity to get to know all of the other "black suited" fellas. I was beyond nervous the entire trip, but being around all the other guys really helped make me feel more comfortable.

I stayed at the Homebridge Suite and it was a pretty nice room. Kitchen, two beds, microwave, full-size fridge, dishes/glasses, etc. If I ended up staying there through training, it wouldn't be a bad deal. The only thing I wish is that there were some eatery places a little closer (walking distance).

The building was impressive and everyone we were introduced to was very nice. The interview process was on par with the most recent gouges. I got a kick out of how everytime a guy would come out of one session, we would surround him with "Tell me what happened!" All of the guys were really forthcoming and that's what I have to stick together!

Everyone had the same schedule, just at different times. We went through a Mesaba informative PowerPoint Presentation, Wonderlic Test, 25 question FAR 91 test, Oral/Tech, Sim, and the pee test. We started at 7:30 and I was done at 3:30. I just made it to MSP in time to catch a 4:20 departure back to Madison and I slept the whole way home.

I swear, last night was the first night I got any significant sleep since getting the call for the interview. When you want something bad like this, it can be tough. Man.....if you go, eat a breakfast (if you can) before you go because there is nothing to eat. Luckily, I packed some bran cereal bars, but jeepers....when I got home I was feasting on Culver's cheeseburgers and I thought I was eating filet mignon.

There were 8 scheduled for the guy didn't show for his flight inbound and another disappeared after the oral. Maybe Labmonkey knows what happened to him, but when I came out of my oral, he was gone.

Steve and Darren (sorry, if spelling is wrong guys) really made me comfortable. I'm in the waiting game now, but if they call me it would be awesome. I really liked what I saw and I hope they liked what they saw of me. My Sim was shaky, but I think almost everyone of us reached a point during the Sim where we were confused...nothing that would fail any of was just too easy to start 2nd guessing myself with two completely silent evaluators writing on pads of paper behind me while I attempted to determine my location from a random VOR. I turned around at one point and informed them that if they didn't start talking my heart was going to jump out of my chest and knock this clunky sim off the table. LOL

Thanks Labmonkey, pleasure meeting you and I hope we hook up in October in a class. Good luck.
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Old 09-26-2007, 06:10 AM
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Hang in there guys. Good to see all of you are excited to come to XJ. Seniority list is growing fast and this is a great time to come aboard. We have all been through it one time or another and I myself went through it this Spring and since I,ve been hired, XJ has added over 200 of you guys to the pilot seniority list.

HR will call soon. They are just really busy with all this hiring. Just relax and enjoy the times you have now because once training starts, it will be furious and fast. You will enjoy the training though. It's First rate. Mesaba is a class act as far as regionals go, and it is run like a major airline. You'll know what I mean by this when you show up at the training center. Training department is first rate when compared to others.
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Old 09-26-2007, 06:19 AM
Saab Saab Phooey!
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Originally Posted by evh347
I swear, last night was the first night I got any significant sleep since getting the call for the interview. When you want something bad like this, it can be tough. Man.....if you go, eat a breakfast (if you can) before you go because there is nothing to eat. Luckily, I packed some bran cereal bars, but jeepers....when I got home I was feasting on Culver's cheeseburgers and I thought I was eating filet mignon.
Yup, I remember what that was like. I ended up really thinking that the whole interview process at Mesaba was actually kinda fun, after it was all over with - a bit more relaxed than some of the other places I tried. Even with the new hires ahead of you, it's still a good time to come aboard. Good luck!
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Old 09-26-2007, 06:41 AM
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Originally Posted by jandem44
So Labmonkey, how long ddid they tell you to expect before you know whether or not you got the job? Any tips for me, my interview is coming up on Tuesday. Where did you stay the night before?
I was told to expect a call (either way) within 3-5 days. It takes that long for your background check and your pee test to be confirmed.

I have some tips for you....

Wonderlic Test (50 questions):
  1. Take some "Classic IQ" tests online. That will prepare you for what you'll see fairly well.
  2. I skipped most of the harder math questions and stuck to the English related questions. That's my strong point.
  3. There were some "shape" comparison problems.
  4. They never provided your score, but I was able to shake the HR girl enough to get her to tell me that they're looking for you to get 20 correct. I don't necessarily believer her since I don't think I even answered 20 out of the 50. Maybe I did...I don't remember, but she was new and probably was just giving me what she thought was the answer. Whatever it was, she admitted that noone had graded any of the previous two tests prior to going into the Oral.
FAR Part 91 Written (25 questions):
  1. Studying the ATP is not necessary. There is no 121 stuff on there. They will teach you that, so don't over study like I did for 3 days.
  2. It's multiple choice, but if you are freshened on Part 91 IFR stuff, you'll do fine. I'm about 99% confident I got every one of them correct.
  3. Everyone took the same test with one HR person administering and a second HR person observing the other.
  4. Here are some examples:
    1. Max airspeed below 10,000MSL?
    2. Max airspeed underlying Class B?
    3. Cloud clearance in Class D?
    4. What is Va? V1?
    5. Difference between LDA and localizer?
    6. Height above on MM, FAF on ILS?
    7. What does basic operating weight doesn't include? (which is usuable fuel)
    8. Hold entries
    9. Approach clears for approach but doesn't tell you which one so what approach can you shoot? (Looking for any published approach besides visual or contact)
    10. When you have the approach lights in sight how much you can descend?
    11. What does MSA guarantee? (only 1000 feet obstacle clearance not nav. or communication)
  1. TMAAT...lot's of them. Scariest flight, flight you shouldn't have gone on, something you noticed someone do that was bad and what did you do about it....etc. Being involved in skydiving...I had plenty of stories. LOL
  2. HR questions: How do you feel about commuting/low pay, what do you when your captain won't follow checklists? Why Mesaba? Why do you think you're ready for the airlines? Have you broken a reg? Since I'm a skydive pilot...there was no point in denying that hadn't flown through a cloud or two in my days. I'm a CFI/CFII/MEI...Why did you choose flying skydivers over instructing? What are your strengths? Training will be very difficult, how will you handle? How did you get into flying (tell me about yourself)?
  3. Technical: Explain your airplane's electrical system....this led into a 5-10 minute drilling on a situation where the left engine failed and the right alternator also long will we have power? you're in the soup, 200 mile area of solid IFR down to Mins, WWYD? Of course it's VFR on top @ 4000 ft. I told them declare emergency, try to restart, appropriate checklist, call crash fire/rescue (we were over my hometown airport), reduce electrical load per FOM. Then they asked me if I could keep the wings level....of course, I told them the equipment that would still be operating due to having one engine still working. what? Now what...what? Kiss my a$$ goodbye? Use the force? No...duh, inform ATC that you had an alternator failure and you might not be hearing from me soon (communication failure). Then what? They led me to the answer they were looking for....climb back up on top into VFR (above 4000). I had already ruled that option out since they had since told me it was solid IFR everywhere...wrong answer, but no big deal.
  4. After that, I got like three questions on a Jepp plate: Where is the MSA? How much coverage to the MSA cover (25NM)? Where is the MSA based off of (LOM)? What is the MSA here/there (it was split into 2 different MSA depending on the direction from the LOM)?
  5. After the Oral, they inform you if they would like to invite you to continue with the interview process and have the SIM evaluators have a go at you.
  1. It's a clunky thing that sits on a table about the size of a 27" TV. It has no sound, it does have lights. It looks like a $1000 contraption that some of these typical flight sim geeks would purchase, but more solid than those CH product devices. The rudder pedals don't work.
  2. They provide a Jepp plate for you to begin reviewing as soon as you're out of the Oral portion. They give you a second card to review which includes all of the recommend power settings and airspeeds.
  3. There is only one NAV and one COM radio. You're expected to tune both of them. They tell you assume the FREQ has been identified once you tune it. You don't touch the COM freq, but the NAV must be set by you. This is a not a non-flying pilot situation does stuff for have to do everything. The NAV freq dial has preset frequencies and it can take a bit to find the right freq. They didn't seem to be in order.
  4. You do some steep turns and then they tell you to tune in a VOR (not on the Jepp plate you were studying) and identify where you are in relation to the station. Then, maneuver to intercept the 170 radial (15 miles) out. I was east of the station and turned from 360 to 240. Even though I was correct, my two evaluators sat there silent and jotting stuff down. I started getting really nervous and second guessed myself. I took some deep breaths and assumed I was about to get the SIM stopped and sent on my way, but everything I'd done was correct after all. Whew. Vectors ILS, go missed to the VOR (remember to follow the text), describe the holding entry (it was a parallel entry)...change of plans....cleared direct to the LOM and hold, describe that entry (it was a teardrop and don't forget to use the localizer/ILS to determine right/left of course since it's aligned with the inbound).
After that, I waited for another guy and we were shuttled to the pee test. Make sure you can produce or they'll force you to do some sort of liquid guzzling therapy (a process I was told would not be friendly).

Good luck.
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Old 09-26-2007, 06:45 AM
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Originally Posted by jandem44
So Labmonkey, how long ddid they tell you to expect before you know whether or not you got the job? Any tips for me, my interview is coming up on Tuesday. Where did you stay the night before?
I interviewed on a thursday but I got the call on the next monday. HR is very busy hiring though so I have heard from others that up to a week is not unusual.
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Old 09-26-2007, 09:18 AM
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Dido to labmonkey and evh. It was a very comforting interview process.

P.S. It was nice to meet you both. Hope to see you in class sometime soon.
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Old 09-26-2007, 09:42 AM
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Got a call this morning about an interview next week. The lady who called was very nice. So it looks like I will be up there next week for the Wednesday interview.
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Old 09-26-2007, 10:29 AM
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yeah, what evh347 said. That sums it up entirely, if you study that post, the interview will be simple and all you gotta do is be yourself (again, thats all they're looking for anyway)

Also, what does "radar contact" mean, how close to the FAF must the procedure turn stay (10nm), how often for a VOR test, sidestep approach procedures, ....

And I believe what he meant was the Homestead Studio Suites, I stayed there too, nice place, good shuttle, Mesaba rate of $69, good luck, and I also echo the 3-5 day thing. Interview for me was Tuesday, I'm hoping to hear by next Monday at the latest. Waiting patiently....... good luck to all.
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