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ForeverFO 05-19-2013 06:09 AM

The lasers would be great, but the problem again is the sensors that can detect and aim/guide the weapon. Anything other than radar is going to be fair weather only. A single cloud in the way will prevent detection. It'd also prevent the laser from doing its job.

I always envisioned an F-22 with 6 drone wingman that he can direct via datalink and that carry missiles.
I like the concept and decoys/drone wingmen are in development, I believe. They are just going to get smarter and more effective.

How about the AIM-120 seeker head as a small/light sensor?

This bad boy has an active mode. Mount 3 or 4 of these on a cheap, light drone armed with 2 AIM-9's. These radars could slew the AIM-9 seekers onto an enemy. Program the drone as I mentioned earlier, something simple, with an RTB command if winchester or bingo fuel. Then, launch hundreds of them into enemy territory! :D

USMCFLYR 05-19-2013 07:56 AM

Originally Posted by BigBlue (Post 1412041)
I like your creativity but I agree with you that it'll be a LONG time before drones can do air-air. It's such a dynamic environment that requires a thousand decisions a second (feels like at least!), and that's hard enough to do when you are sitting IN the seat surrounded by the info.

It isn't the drones actually engaging in A/A rather how they might compliment other platforms. Watch at around 42+00
Dogfights of the Future - YouTube

With the exchange of targeting information available and building the *big* picture, even the TV shows are showing uses that would not been thought possible so many years ago. Watch at 1+02+00
Dogfights of the Future - YouTube

As far as the Lazy-Susan missile round-about goes, it would be nice. Unfortunately there's so much more to making that missile work that a stationary platform just couldn't perform. B-52 guys advocated for a long time that we should put 100 AMRAAM's on them and they could be "missile trucks". haha.

If you had that lazy susan drone (that i picture not very fast due to aerodynamics), you could in theory shoot some missiles off of it but the probability of kill would be extremely low for its missiles. that's provided it didn't get shot down first though. creative thought though!
As far as Lazy Susan missile trucks go - - TV shows have already envisioned such uses for larger platforms years ago too. See the concept of B-1Rs at 13+30
Dogfights-The Fifth Generation Aircraft (Dogsfights Of The Future) - YouTube

Remember - one of the things that you have to get past are the *current* limitations of weapons systems (one poster mentioning that lasers are limited in weather).

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