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Av8tor0773 01-17-2020 02:26 AM

Originally Posted by goinaround (Post 2958480)
And....QOL in the ANG is vastly better than is was in the ARNG. Just as QOL in the airlines is vastly better than the ANG.

From a guy that is about to retire from AGR in the ARNG - go to the ANG! Lol. Air Force Rraerve is an option to, buy the ANG is the best bet.

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kevoctf16 01-25-2020 05:17 AM

I would pursue the ANG/AF Reserves if possible. But Army aviation is hard up and getting a flight school slot should be pretty easy. Complete the Ft. Rucker plan and pursue the RTAG RW to FW track. The regional airlines are fronting up the money for RW pilots to obtain their ratings through Commercial Airplane Multi-Engine. I wouldn’t expect an Army C-12 track in the Guard, they cut the hours way back to 13.1 hrs flown p/airframe which isn’t enough to keep the unit current. Good luck

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