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Mesa Pilots - Why the Bad Rap? Warranted?


Mesa Airlines Regional Airline

Mesa Pilots - Why the Bad Rap? Warranted?

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Old 12-21-2017, 05:52 AM
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Originally Posted by calmwinds
So, let’s take your calculation. It is more like 10 and 1/2 months. You hit your Part 117 annual minimums about then. And, let’s say the average is 180 credit hours per month. (This is for an FO with the lifestyle of a CFI at a busy flight school). 180 hours times 10 1/2 months times 36 per hour is 68k, plus 6k per diem. $74k for an FO. This is for a second year FO.

Not everyone likes this lifestyle: flying at the drop of a hat, always bumping up against 117 minimums and doing your 30 hour rest at outstations. Some view this lifestyle as exciting and some don’t. Some it works for, those who just want to get in and out just view it as a step in their career like their time teaching at a fligjt school.
Do you think that Endeavour guys, just by working a little bit the "extra mile" could potentially make 74k a year? Because if I'm correct your rationalization is that Mesa pilots, can, at any given month, make more money than other FO. So in order to justify your point you brought to the discussion the fact that someone can work his/her butt off. Such example is failing to acknowledge that the same is true for guys working for Endevour or perhaps Envoy.

On the other hand, although you never said any number, other than just 240 hours credit. It's clearly seen that you suggested that pilots can credit 240 hours credit; hence, making more money. I just plugged some numbers and do some math, cause it's easy to imply that 240 times 36, or 38, or 67 is what an FO or captain at Mesa could potentially make a month, according to you. I worked everything out from your number. Frankly speaking, I highly doubt you credit 240 a month (unless training center guys, line check-airman may be so). Even if you drop every single trip you're awarded and pick 80 hours up at 300%. I doubt you have enough reserve coverage to do that.
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Old 12-21-2017, 08:29 AM
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Originally Posted by andili61
Do you think that Endeavour guys, just by working a little bit the "extra mile" could potentially make 74k a year? Because if I'm correct your rationalization is that Mesa pilots, can, at any given month, make more money than other FO. So in order to justify your point you brought to the discussion the fact that someone can work his/her butt off. Such example is failing to acknowledge that the same is true for guys working for Endevour or perhaps Envoy.

On the other hand, although you never said any number, other than just 240 hours credit. It's clearly seen that you suggested that pilots can credit 240 hours credit; hence, making more money. I just plugged some numbers and do some math, cause it's easy to imply that 240 times 36, or 38, or 67 is what an FO or captain at Mesa could potentially make a month, according to you. I worked everything out from your number. Frankly speaking, I highly doubt you credit 240 a month (unless training center guys, line check-airman may be so). Even if you drop every single trip you're awarded and pick 80 hours up at 300%. I doubt you have enough reserve coverage to do that.
Guys routinely credit 200 hours or more. None of them line check airman or in the training department. Endeavor and Envoy have many more pilots than they have open time to pick up. And, they have reserve pilots.

A pilot doesn’t drop their flying. (There are no lines that are 80 hours by the way). The company drops your line for you in order to cover urgent flying.

You can believe what you want, but you aren’t here and are clueless. Do you even know a Mesa pilot who is here on the Ejet? Or, do you just call people liars out of habit? Go talk about something you know something about.
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Old 12-21-2017, 08:49 AM
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Originally Posted by calmwinds
Guys routinely credit 200 hours or more. None of them line check airman or in the training department. Endeavor and Envoy have many more pilots than they have open time to pick up. And, they have reserve pilots.

You can believe what you want, but you aren’t here and are clueless. Do you even know a Mesa pilot who is here on the Ejet? Or, do you just call people liars out of habit. Go talk about something you know something about.

I did not call you liar. That's more like you trying to turn the argument on your favor by making false statements of something I didn't say. In fact I know guys in Mesa and they acknowledged being awarded lines in the 90 hours credit wise. But ok, I am not there routinely making 12k dollars a month or more, because is what you said above. Once again; 200 hours times 67 captain pay, gives you, routinely 12k (or more), routinely a month. That explains why people don't leave Mesa to majors, who wants to take a pay cut. Making 85k first year reserve in EWR or SFO.
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Old 12-21-2017, 09:32 AM
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Originally Posted by andili61
I did not call you liar. That's more like you trying to turn the argument on your favor by making false statements of something I didn't say. In fact I know guys in Mesa and they acknowledged being awarded lines in the 90 hours credit wise. But ok, I am not there routinely making 12k dollars a month or more, because is what you said above. Once again; 200 hours times 67 captain pay, gives you, routinely 12k (or more), routinely a month. That explains why people don't leave Mesa to majors, who wants to take a pay cut. Making 85k first year reserve in EWR or SFO.
You are limited to 1,000 block hours per year. How many months can you block 98 hours per month and stay with 1,000 hours. You are assuming one doesn’t time out in your calculations. You took my example of one CA’s 240 credit and applied it to FO’s.

Also, we do get partially paid for deadheads and they don’t count toward the 1,000 hours per 365 or the 100 hours per 28 days.

It is pretty simple to work the system. Come in 2 days early for your 4 day. (Assuming 4 days on and 3 days off pattern). Volunteer. Reserves for CA’s are called after volunteers since the company is trying to preserve reserve pilots. Each time you land,
even when you are flying a line, you call and ask if they need you for a more urgent trip. The company drops your trips and adds flying at 300%. If they don’t drop your line trips, you just get your 100%. Eventually, you time out at 100 hours and they must drop part of your line which they cover.

As you point out, a few CA’s don’t leave because it is a pay cut.

In IAH, up until now, we were covering all the flying this way on the CA side. On the FO side, we cover it with FO’s who need to consolidate.

The big difference for January is that United bumped our flying up by 20% because of our outstanding performance. In January, not only is the CA side overloaded but so is the FO side. It will be interesting.

I would have thought it would make more sense to bump signing bonuses, but for some reason the company wants to run lean on pilots.
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Old 12-21-2017, 12:48 PM
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Originally Posted by avi8tor614
OK had to chime in. I know this is an open forum but OMG. I AM A MESA PILOT. Other regional pilots bashing other regional and they call themselves professional hmmm ok. Regional pilots telling other regional pilots or potential new hires to "Have some respect for yourself and the industry. Go somewhere else." (Godisgood), I'm sure your a great pilot and all, but I am 7000+ pilot, 1 phase check failure at Riddle, and 1checkride bust, many moons ago; God-was-good, and humbled my big butt to show my once arrogant self, yes mistakes are made and a true professional since that's the word of today picks him/herself up and fixes the problem and moves on. I'm sure you do that in the cockpit or maybe all of you at other regionals are just that perfect. I got my private in 78 hours because of the "Gemini" program my flying mate did his by 70. I guess he is a better pilot 8 hours equates; what, 4 extra sims in 121 world. I had 8 sims and then checkride at Mesa All done. My sim partner, ENDEAVOR washout! had 11 sims so what. We both came from corporate jets and turboprops. I did not call him out, say he sucked, just took him few more sims I tried to help not tear down, guess what he got it and now at 2 years later at WTH DELTA go figure. Guys really, we are fighting over better regionals. Chris, PSA have their act together now. BUTTTT. I remember when they were scabs in ther regional world for selling out to USAir and notorious for having the some of the industries toughest check airmen from comair. Countless amounts of bust on chechrides for frivolous stuff from "the hebrew hammer" could be a myth but it was out there. I remember when the training department was backed up so bad. People were waiting MONTHS for checkrides. Don't say they werent I have 5 friends there that went through it and two did bust their initial ride. After sitting home waiting forever for thier rides. Set up for failure. I don't know about you super pilots but when I have more than 5 days off (rare/never at mesa lol)it takes me a min to gethe back into flow let alone an initial type ride or oral.This was before your flow was really in full swing at AA. Hence one of the reasons I came to Mesa I did not want to sit after going through training, to bust an oral or ride. I've jumseated on PSA, Envoy, Edeavor, commutair, and transtates in my MESA uniform. I think all you guys are cool always polite and welcoming, We all squabble about the Indiosyncrasies of our companies. I don't fly for a "starter" regional I fly for a company that has some of the best on time performances of any regional company that's one of the major things my mainline partner companies really care about. That's why Mesa won't be going anywhere anytime soon. I wish got more bonus money or more piece of the pie for performing for AA and United, QOL somwtinws That's not Mesa's problem (well not most of it) that's an ALPA issue Major and regional level. For all my fellow Mesa pilots who are ranting I feel your pain, im with you all the way, I've probably flown with you, and batchEd and moaned myself and probably high five you lol I have my days too. Overall I'm great. Great coworkers all the way around. But I'll be dammed if am going to let someone else (outsiders) come in my house and diss it. They waiting in the same line I'm in. Some may get lucky and go before I do, thats fine. Good for them Yayyy!!!! I'll tell you what though, I'd be the first to congratulate them on getting whatever their ultimate prize is. If I get there first I'd extend a hand and pull them up as well or try. Don't forget we are all regional brothers/sisters. With common goals and aspirations. We all have different paths how we got here. Let's blaze new paths and get to where ever it is you trying to go. Chris and God I was not trying to single you two out, you stepped on my tail guys lol. I'm sure your dudes/dudettes are cool people just remember we have 1100 pilots over here at Mesa, I'm sorry if we don't meet your standard but United and American have not complained that much to drop us and we do the best we can with what we got. I am not a company troll or recruiter either. CRJ FO trying to escape the regional just like everyone here

P.S to all you grammar nerds out there "I'm sorry Ms. Jackson, I am for real" lol
Just to **** EVERYONE off
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Old 12-21-2017, 02:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Whatmeworry
Just to **** EVERYONE off
Love it. Each for their own. If I choose Mesa, that’s my business. Every regional has their squawks. I was going to Envoy, but I would prefer to be at IAH vs ORD. In the end, I’ve come to accept that no regional is perfect.
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Old 12-21-2017, 03:28 PM
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Originally Posted by VASBYT
Love it. Each for their own. If I choose Mesa, that’s my business. Every regional has their squawks. I was going to Envoy, but I would prefer to be at IAH vs ORD. In the end, I’ve come to accept that no regional is perfect.
And, now you have to worry if you here after June 2018 whether IAH or ATL are junior bases.
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Old 12-21-2017, 03:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Navmode
Once again, it’s no comparison to say that working your fingers to the bone and having no life at al, picking up every shrewd of open time thatl you can out earn what you would at another company where someone only has to do the minimum to make that much.

To answer your question, I left a year ago. As far as shenanigans...my favorite is mx trying to classify grounding mel’s as something else an hoping you don’t notice. Or maybe clearing an Mel that clearly isn’t fixed so that when you write it up immediately again, they try and use the entire Mel interval as if it’s a new discrepancy. Or when they forget to book you in layover hotels. Or not booking scheduled deadheads. Maybe the stories you hear about the company withholding paychecks from people that leave (illegal regardless of training contracts, but they know you’re too poor to take it to court)...just to name a few. Maybe all of this hasn’t happened to you, maybe it doesn’t go on as much in iah, but it happens.
Yeah Navmode, we seem to be cleaning up our act, if not slowly, in pretty much all of those areas. But, I’m with you on how working away what little free time you have for more money DOES NOT make a better place to work.

And, as for these 240 hour months that someone else on here claimed ... puhleeeeez. They’re going to award you at least 76 so the most you can hope to pick up from open time during any given month while still staying legal is 24 more at 300%. That means 148 is the best you can do. Even then, trying to adjust your existing schedule to accommodate extra flying, especially that amout, is extremely difficult since you can’t drop anything while trying to fit it in.

Finally, people shouldn’t forget that the 300% for open time is only a band-aid. That’s going away at the first chance management can get rid of it or concoct some other scheme that isn’t nearly as costly to them (in other words find a new and ingenious way to **** us). Even though the 300% may be in the picture for the unforseeable future, it WILL go away at some point. And, when it does, we’ll immediately go back to making minimum wage in the regional world.

I wouldn’t go so far as to tell anyone that they shouldn’t come here. Everyone has their own unique needs and priorities, some of which can make Mesa a reasonable choice. There actually are a lot of good reasons to come to Mesa. But, for God’s sake, when people are looking for us to tell them why to come ... at least tell them the TRUTH.
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Old 12-21-2017, 03:58 PM
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Originally Posted by calmwinds

The big difference for January is that United bumped our flying up by 20% because of our outstanding performance. In January, not only is the CA side overloaded but so is the FO side. It will be interesting.
I’m not doubting you I’m just curious where the performance numbers are coming from because I got reassigned for 2 days early in December to cover flights that Mesa canceled due to what the United app called “operational difficulties”
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Old 12-21-2017, 04:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Out Of Trim
Yeah Navmode, we seem to be cleaning up our act, if not slowly, in pretty much all of those areas. But, I’m with you on how working away what little free time you have for more money DOES NOT make a better place to work.

And, as for these 240 hour months that someone else on here claimed ... puhleeeeez. They’re going to award you at least 76 so the most you can hope to pick up from open time during any given month while still staying legal is 24 more at 300%. That means 148 is the best you can do. Even then, trying to adjust your existing schedule to accommodate extra flying, especially that amout, is extremely difficult since you can’t drop anything while trying to fit it in.

Finally, people shouldn’t forget that the 300% for open time is only a band-aid. That’s going away at the first chance management can get rid of it or concoct some other scheme that isn’t nearly as costly to them (in other words find a new and ingenious way to **** us). Even though the 300% may be in the picture for the unforseeable future, it WILL go away at some point. And, when it does, we’ll immediately go back to making minimum wage in the regional world.

I wouldn’t go so far as to tell anyone that they shouldn’t come here. Everyone has their own unique needs and priorities, some of which can make Mesa a reasonable choice. There actually are a lot of good reasons to come to Mesa. But, for God’s sake, when people are looking for us to tell them why to come ... at least tell them the TRUTH.
Where are you based? Basically, you are flat wrong. CA’s are crediting over 200 hours in IAH. CA’s joke that they are buying new furniture for their house with the pay. Talk to any CA in IAH.

I agree that as long as Mesa is the bottom of the barrel in pay rate and they have contracts, it will keep going until something changes. I don’t see an army of new recruits coming to our rescue.
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