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Old 04-09-2011, 05:22 PM
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Originally Posted by jayme
So as part of a pilot group that just gave away more flying, do you, or do you not see the hipocrisy?
Always a good idea to know how to spell the word you are using to insult someone with son.

Originally Posted by jayme
You give away the flying and then berate the pilots that take the work.
Nobody's berating the pilots who take the work. Most of us are just trying to get you to see that it only makes sense for you to do so if the regionals are your final dream job. If your final dream job is a major, then you have to understand that you're working to undermine your own dream. It's not's just explaining reality.

Originally Posted by jayme
You are a fool with no understanding of human nature. I'll give you a short course: people do what's best for them, then their families, then their friends, then their tribe, then their country, then society as a whole.
Long before you or I were born, our country was born by the deaths of people who believed just the opposite of you. Since 1776 it has been done a number of additional times in various wars.

I only have this job because of all the great men that created ALPA in the 1930's and fought managements at great expense. These men were looking out for the pilots of the future at the expense of what might have been best for their own short term interests. They were not fools. They were heroes and people of great integrity. I owe them a ton. When I turned down the American B scale interview in 1982, I did so with a similar sense of wanting to do the right thing...and I hoped it would somehow work out for me someday.

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Old 04-09-2011, 05:29 PM
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Originally Posted by TrojanCMH
Carl do you really think that coming onto messages boards and telling people to quit or not take regional jobs is really accomplishing anything?
Never said somebody should quit their regional job. Just trying to focus the attention on what your ultimate goal is, then focus on whether your current actions are helping or hurting your goal. You don't have to take the advice of an old fart who has been in your shoes and probably far worse. I'm just giving it anyway.

Originally Posted by TrojanCMH
As long as majors require turbine time and there are regionals offering jobs people are gonna be there to take them.
It's always a choice. I'm sure there were a ton of pilots who wanted to fly an A320 for Spirit when their guys struck. That would have been great turbine time. Only 2 pilots actually did that. Why did so many other pilots not do it? Answer: They made a CHOICE not to.

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Old 04-09-2011, 05:39 PM
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Originally Posted by TrojanCMH
I agree that regional airlines are undermining our profession but this shift in the profession you are so fired up about needs to start at the top.
I agree.

Originally Posted by TrojanCMH
Every morning I wake up and drag my ass to the airport just so I can fly around a jet for less than a Chili's bartender makes just so I might have the opportunity to move on and get hired at a major someday.
This is the part that is so puzzling. Your work at the regionals for the pay you are willing to accept is lessening the chance that major opportunity will ever come your way. It's like buying lottery tickets in a contest that promises your odds will get worse with the more tickets you buy. Why would anyone buy lots of tickets if your odds get worse?

Originally Posted by TrojanCMH
I'd give my left nut to be able to fly a regional jet while on a mainline list and not have to worry about any of the regional BS that we deal with on a daily basis.
I understand and appreciate how much you would like that opportunity. But your work lessens those opportunities. You are getting qualified to take a job that you may never get due to your work to get qualified.

Originally Posted by TrojanCMH
But how are all of us supposed to get all of those thousands of hours of TPIC time needed to be worthy enough to get someone to call us back for an interview. Sure you can say go get a job flying corporate or some other form of turbine flying but the reality is those jobs are so scarce that it's next to impossible to find something without the same experience it takes to get on with a major to begin with...
That is absolutely untrue. Many 91 and 135 corporate operators are looking and the pay is better than a regional. Many non-sched freight operators are looking and the pay is better than a regional. Many foreign airlines are looking and will even type rate you to come and fly a contract...and the pay is better than a regional.

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Old 04-09-2011, 05:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Mason32
Why is this RAH stuff in the majors section? there is one airline (Frontier) that qualifies as a national, and then a bunch of seperate regionals all owned by a parent holding company.

If that's the guidelines, then they need to include the Pinnacle/Mesaba/Colgans and Virgin America's of the world...

doesn't it belong in the regionals section....

just sayin.
RAH flies for Delta Connection. Delta pays RAH a profitable rate to fly E145s and E-Jets for Delta. They fly jets that are within the confines of our Section 1. They also operate now a fleet of Airbuses, that are not permitted.

To get around the lawsuit brought by the APA back in 05, RAH began gaming the system. ALPA lawyers signed off on it but they’re now getting called on it in other areas. It is our view these jets must leave the system and anyone else who wants to play this game must also leave the system.

As to getting the flying back, that’s up to contract 2012 and that is to come. We won’t get the jets on mainline property nor will we prevent any other DCI from flying them in their place, but they won’t be here. And as to those ALPA lawyers, they're lawyers? What was it that the John Adams character said in the play 1776: I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace, two men are called a law firm, and three or more become a Congress.

Originally Posted by Check Essential
The Board finds a single transportation system only when there is substantial integration of operations, financial control, and labor and personnel functions. Burlington N. Santa Fe Ry. Co., 32 NMB 163 (2005); Huron and Eastern Ry. Co., Inc., 31 NMB 450 (2004); Portland & Western R. R., Inc., 31 NMB 71 (2003); American Airlines and Reno Air, 26 NMB 467 (1999). Further, the Board has noted that a substantial degree of overlapping ownership, senior management, and Boards of Directors is critical to finding a single transportation system. Precision Valley Aviation, Inc., d/b/a Precision Airlines and Valley Flying Serv., Inc., d/b/a Northeast Express Reg’l Airlines, 20 NMB 619 (1993). The Board’s criteria for substantial integration of operations do not require total integration of operations. US Airways/America West Airlines, 33 NMB 49 (2006).

I don't know all this legal stuff. I think its just hard for the average line pilot to believe that Republic is not an air carrier. What the heck is Republic Air Holdings if its not a company providing air transportation? They are tricking the system through a legal subterfuge.
Right is right. Our contract prevents codesharing with a company that has Airbuses and E-190s. At least we thought it did.
At this point, ALPA may have to file this grievance just to maintain any sort of credibility with the membership. We've been giving away pieces of our scope clause for so long that its kinda like the sun rising in the morning. A little scope erosion pops up -- ALPA lets it slide or agrees to "settle". Drip, drip, drip.
I'm just tired of it.
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Old 04-09-2011, 05:49 PM
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Originally Posted by TrojanCMH
So let me ask you this: If you are really serious about taking back the flying then how much of a pay cut would you be willing to take to bring it back?
Fortunately, most of us major pilots have stopped believing in this false choice that is often stated by management and ALPA. Most of us believe that we will no longer give up a single thing and make this profession even less worthy to aspire to.

Originally Posted by TrojanCMH
Next time you look over and see all of us regional guys taxing around on your ramp remember that none of us would be here if the majors were hiring guys with 1500 hours of piston time...
Next time you're taxiing around on "our" ramp and see "us", understand that your current occupation will very likely keep you right where you are for a career. The truth is, anyone with the smarts and drive to become a pilot can have a much brighter and financially rewarding future doing anything other than working for a regional airline. Trust me when I tell you this...a 747 is just like any other airplane. Just a bit bigger. It's all about the financial rewards you can bring to your family. Everything else is BS.

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Old 04-09-2011, 05:55 PM
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Originally Posted by gloopy
This is a mainline problem and as such will require, 100%, a mainline solution.
Absolutely correct.

Originally Posted by gloopy
If ALPA is really the one who keeps pulling the football away from Charlie Mainline pilot then ALPA needs to be replaced, but before that is a viable option we have to self educate to the point where a significant majority of the membership is loud and clear about scope being the number one issue. We are not there yet, but it appears we are finally making progress.
This is what is being missed. The pitch forks are not out for RAH or it’s pilots or any regional pilot, the pitch forks are out for ALPA if they don’t pursue this. Apologist HAVE ARGUED IN THE LAST TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THIS SINGLE CERTIFICATE FINDING that we our laymen pilots, as in don’t know how to read a contract, and shall never question ALPA’s lawyers who are paid with our own dime. That is who the pitchforks are out for… period. We’re tired of ALPA national, we're tired of the union drives at regional's that are violating our scope. Tired of it and we're hoping a lot inside of DALPA are too.


Boiler, I agree with gloopy, scope is solely our responsibility. I believe you believe that as well…

Originally Posted by BoilerUP
From your responses, it is apparent you aren't willing to accept responsibility for the consequences of your actions with regards to the sale of scope...or offer realistic options for recapturing it going forward.
Originally Posted by BoilerUP
Funny thing...ALPA doesn't ratify contracts that sell mainline scope, mailine pilots do.
It is the mainline pilots responsibility, so why argue that pilots should not pursue a violation of our scope?

Seems to me you're telling mainline pilots it's their fault scope erosion has happened and at the same time you believe they should not pursue this obvious violation in our scope. How is it that you don't believe that RAH is a single entity and why not question ALPA's conflicted lawyers?

Originally Posted by BoilerUP
Incorrect. I understand fully why you and others would think its a clear violation of your scope language...I also happen to see the legal argument of why its actually not a violation.

Just because I disagree with your conclusion doesn't mean I don't understand the issue.

Correct - the problem is that laypeople (you and me) can read something language on paper and think its black-and-white, while people to practicea living can see a multitude of holes, end-runs and workarounds....often on the meaning of a single word or phrase.

Hence the creation of "crewroom lawyers"...

So are you ready to fire up that DFR lawsuit?

Intent is considered...but so is past practice. The fact that a grievance wasn't pursued prior to this STS ruling, when RAH subsidiary Republic Airlines was already operating aircraft larger than DAL scope allows, *will* be considered.

There will have to be a compelling argument made of exactly what changed from the day before this ruling to the day after it, for this ruling to matter one hill of beans in the eyes of an Arbitrator.

This, to me, is the crux of the that my wife and I butted heads on MANY times during my tenure as an ALPA committe volunteer.

Pilots read contracts differently than attorneys do.

What a pilot thinks is black and white, or "bottom line common sense", isn't always that way when you start discussing ACTUAL language in a legal manner. Which is one reason why, historically, pilots get their asses handed to them by Ford & Harrison professionals.

But Delta doesn't have domestic codesharing with Frontier - that's the point.

Don't mistake my posts as meaning that I *want* Delta's scope clause to be weakened, because I don't. I'd love nothing more than for every mainline carrier to slowly recapture the scope they gave away over the last two decades.

But the fact remains that legal professionals with decades of experience have repeatedly told your reps that such a scope grievance is a loser. Its one's right to disagree with their analysis, but the opinion of your paid legal professionals on matters of contract law shouldn't be dismissed offhand simply because you don't like what they tell you.
Originally Posted by BoilerUP
Serious does a ruling of a Single Transportation System for Republic Airways Holdings change a thing with regards to Delta scope? After all, STS rulings are for union representation purposes, not operations.

Shuttle America and Chautauqua certificates are still flying DAL code, not Frontier and Republic certificates that operate the aircraft larger than DAL scope allows. This ruling will not change that.

I guess I fail to see the smoking gun here that would allow DALPA a successful grievance on Section 1 issues that they somehow didn't have I missing something?
Originally Posted by BoilerUP
I'm still not getting what has changed today vs. Monday; why would this be any more of a "slam-dunk" grievance today than it was previously when Republic was operating 99-seat E190s? Are those not considered "large aircraft" under the Delta scope clause?

Why would a STS ruling, that only considers employee union representation, strengthen such a case?
Originally Posted by BoilerUP
If it was as slam-dunk a grievance as some here believe it to be, why wouldn't ALPA have pursued it by now? If they didn't pursue such a grievance due to politics (which Moak & needing "RJ pilot support" is moot in this case since RAH is represented by the IBT), then they'd be setting themselves up for a rather strong DFR case.
Originally Posted by BoilerUP
If they didn't pursue such a grievance because lawyers who actually practice contract/labor law (unlike internet & crewroom lawyers all around the industry) are telling them the fight would be a loser, that's all together different.

Besides, a competent (and highly-paid) contract attorney would make the argument that Republic Airways Holdings is simply a holding company for a portfolio of airlines and does not itself undertake, either directly or indirectly, to provide air transportation.

Best of luck if this goes forward, but in my opinion, if the VERY experienced and VERY highly paid ALPA lawyers in Herndon think this is a probably is.

Last edited by forgot to bid; 04-09-2011 at 06:12 PM.
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Old 04-09-2011, 06:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Carl Spackler
Always a good idea to know how to spell the word you are using to insult someone with son.

Originally Posted by Carl Spackler
Nobody's berating the pilots who take the work. Most of us are just trying to get you to see that it only makes sense for you to do so if the regionals are your final dream job. If your final dream job is a major, then you have to understand that you're working to undermine your own dream. It's not's just explaining reality.
There are none so blind as those that will not see. It is amusing that EVERY RJ pilot imagines they will be in your shoes someday, Carl. Yet, how many of them will be flogging their RJ to Topeka in perpetuity?

Originally Posted by Carl Spackler
I only have this job because of all the great men that created ALPA in the 1930's and fought managements at great expense. These men were looking out for the pilots of the future at the expense of what might have been best for their own short term interests. They were not fools. They were heroes and people of great integrity. I owe them a ton.
WE owe them a ton, Carl. How many of the Key Men would be willing to extend Union negotiated privileges to non-Union pilots who were taking their jobs? My guess...NONE!

Originally Posted by Carl Spackler
Never said somebody should quit their regional job. Just trying to focus the attention on what your ultimate goal is, then focus on whether your current actions are helping or hurting your goal.
I guess you could point out the 400+ good Midwest Express jobs that were destroyed, but that might be like the boy who pointed out the Emperor had no clothes to this audience.

Originally Posted by Carl Spackler
It's always a choice. I'm sure there were a ton of pilots who wanted to fly an A320 for Spirit when their guys struck. That would have been great turbine time. Only 2 pilots actually did that. Why did so many other pilots not do it? Answer: They made a CHOICE not to.
And I'm equally sure those two justified it by saying, "I had to feed my family." Sound familiar?

Originally Posted by Carl Spackler
Your work at the regionals for the pay you are willing to accept is lessening the chance that major opportunity will ever come your way. It's like buying lottery tickets in a contest that promises your odds will get worse with the more tickets you buy. Why would anyone buy lots of tickets if your odds get worse?
They ALL think they're the ones who are going to grab the gold ring. The sad truth is, just as in athletics, there are only a finite number of Varsity positions. The rest of the guys who "try out" end up playing JV. The problem is EVERY JV player is absolutely certain they'll make Varsity next year.

Originally Posted by Carl Spackler
I understand and appreciate how much you would like that opportunity. But your work lessens those opportunities. You are getting qualified to take a job that you may never get due to your work to get qualified.
Elegantly put, but I fear you are casting pearls.

Originally Posted by Carl Spackler
That is absolutely untrue. Many 91 and 135 corporate operators are looking and the pay is better than a regional. Many non-sched freight operators are looking and the pay is better than a regional. Many foreign airlines are looking and will even type rate you to come and fly a contract...and the pay is better than a regional.
Exactly. But SJS is a cruel mistress.

Originally Posted by Carl Spackler
Fortunately, most of us major pilots have stopped believing in this false choice that is often stated by management and ALPA. Most of us believe that we will no longer give up a single thing and make this profession even less worthy to aspire to.
Sometimes it takes a hard lesson to illustrate the value of strong scope language. Hopefully, the pilots at my carrier can read the writing on the wall when our contract becomes amendable in 15 months.

Originally Posted by Carl Spackler
Next time you're taxiing around on "our" ramp and see "us", understand that your current occupation will very likely keep you right where you are for a career.
It is amazing. This board is riddled with posts about how every major airline pilot hired represents 1000 applicants. And where to the wannabes end up? Junior Varsity.

Originally Posted by Carl Spackler
The truth is, anyone with the smarts and drive to become a pilot can have a much brighter and financially rewarding future doing anything other than working for a regional airline.
Ah, but will the average Type A pilot ego allow that?

Originally Posted by Carl Spackler
Trust me when I tell you this...a 747 is just like any other airplane. Just a bit bigger. It's all about the financial rewards you can bring to your family. Everything else is BS.
And there you have it in a nutshell. A large nutshell, but a nutshell none the less.

Do you think they'll listen. Doubtful. But truth is truth even if some will not hear it.
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Old 04-09-2011, 06:57 PM
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Originally Posted by tsquare
I read what you wrote... and all I will say is this: That is easy for you or me to say.... now. Just like guys talking about retiring early. Easy to blather on about until you are actually faced with the decision. But I will give you the benefit of the doubt and concede that you did in fact turn down another job for that philosophical reason. good for you. I think times are much different now also.
Times might be different, but integrity and personal responsibility are timeless. We major pilots have to accept the responsibility of fighting to get scope back or hold the line at a minimum. Non-major pilots who aspire to be major pilots someday have to take the proper care to ensure their own actions to get qualified don't choke off their own opportunities.

Originally Posted by tsquare
The much ballyhooed pilot shortage we have been hearing about for tha last 20 years STILL hasn't materialized, so there aren't any more jobs to be had.. and guess what.. SOMEBODY's gonna take those jobs. Kind of like GS with guys on furlough. I admire your philosophical stance as I said, but from a practical standpoint, you are whizzin in the wind. It is not an easy problem with a simple solution.
I don't agree. Most pilots understand the scourge of being a scab. It's both a philosophical and practical disaster to take another person's job. It's also a philosophical error to accept wages less than a Chili's bartender to fly an RJ. Yet another philosophical AND practical error to work at a job that lessens your chance of advancing in your career.

As you know, we didn't cave on scope for personal pay increases as is stated so often by the RJ pilots here. We did it through the fear tactics of our airlines going broke without it, and the carrot tactics stating that RJ growth would also mean mainline growth. We were wrong in ever giving in on Scope. RJ pilots are wrong to continue to work for shamefully low wages given their responsibilities.

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Old 04-09-2011, 07:06 PM
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Originally Posted by TraneOfThought
With all due respect there's more than enough blame to go around, at the end of the day folks are going to do what's best for them. Even if it means selling the junior guys down the river, taking a job which they know isn't the "ethical" think to do, so on and so on.
I hope you're wrong, and I really still believe you are wrong. Management's tactics depend entirely upon their opinion of us pilots being self-interested. If your statement is correct, then management is correct as well. With the proper education on this complex subject, I believe the next generation of pilots will understand the mistakes we all made.

I'm already seeing it. I frequently speak to groups of young pilot candidates. I always ask the audience for a quick show of hands regarding who wants to join the military, who wants to fly corporate, who wants to fly for a regional, and who wants to fly for a major. The vast majority of hands go up for a corporate flight job. Next is the military. Next is a major airline. Dead last is a regional airline. Many times, there are no hands for regional airlines at all.

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Old 04-09-2011, 07:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Carl Spackler
I agree.

This is the part that is so puzzling. Your work at the regionals for the pay you are willing to accept is lessening the chance that major opportunity will ever come your way. It's like buying lottery tickets in a contest that promises your odds will get worse with the more tickets you buy. Why would anyone buy lots of tickets if your odds get worse?

I understand and appreciate how much you would like that opportunity. But your work lessens those opportunities. You are getting qualified to take a job that you may never get due to your work to get qualified.

That is absolutely untrue. Many 91 and 135 corporate operators are looking and the pay is better than a regional. Many non-sched freight operators are looking and the pay is better than a regional. Many foreign airlines are looking and will even type rate you to come and fly a contract...and the pay is better than a regional.

It is quite the predicament isn't it...

And I have looked for other jobs, foreign is out as I have a wife that has a stable corporate job making better than livable wages and I don't think she would be too keen on me packing it up and moving over seas for several years. If I were single and didn't have other responsibilities I would have looked into the foreign stuff and I agree for some that's a great option but for most moving to some country on the other side of the world just to be a martyr for the industry is out of the question. As for the part 91 and 135 jobs, everything I've found the pay is garbage and you are on call for 25 days a month and I'd still only be getting SIC time while everyone else is still at a regional upgrading and moving on. If you guys reign in scope and I get furloughed you won't hear a peep from me. I think it would be great for the industry. But at this point it is, for most anyways, the path of least resistance.

But besides all of that, none of your ideas would fix the fundamental problem with the industry. You still have 10's of thousands of regional pilots out there and there are many more new pilots who are looking for work. You have a lot of come to jesus speeches to give if you plan on educating every regional and every commercial pilot out there who is throwing their applications into any and every regional whose times they meet.

Remember you gotta treat the illness not the symptoms...
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