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Old 03-10-2011, 12:47 PM
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Originally Posted by sailingfun
Carl came from a culture of disunity. Its all he knows. The next contract process is starting as we speak. The single most important thing we can have is unity. DPA is dead because they could not even organize themselves and get the most modest aspects of their own requirements done. Carl thinks they could take over and represent 12,000 pilots???????
Culture of disunity? Keep listening to the revisionist urban myths the Moakies keep chanting. Pass that $@it they smoke down there in ATL. Does RA give it to you?
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Old 03-10-2011, 12:53 PM
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Originally Posted by johnso29
Wrong Carl. It's not parroting. It's facts.

Fact-USAPA has failed to negotiate a SLI.

Fact-USAPA has failed to negotiate any kind of raises for their members.

Fact-FAPA failed to negotiate the top spot on a seniority list thereby having the most senior Frontier pilot ending up junior to a regional pilot.

Fact-SWAPA has failed to ever negotiate industry leading rates

APA has failed to negotiate a new contract and LOST an arbitration case allowing 22 more CRJ700's to be flown by American Eagle.

Fact-Caplinger reached out to APA President Bates, & Bates himself told Mr. Caplinger DPA was a BAD idea, & he would not support DPA.

Those are facts Carl. All failures by independent unions. I'll stick with ALPA. And that's my OWN research Carl.
None of the independents that you've listed above have ever engaged in union busting. ALPA did...and lost.

IPA and SWAPA are unions with the highest paid pilots in our profession.

The above are also facts. You've made your choice, and I've made mine.

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Old 03-10-2011, 01:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Karnak
But you'll need him too, right? He'll be a "brother" that will need to support them if DPA takes over? You'll expect that, right?
Listen very carefully: No I will NOT expect it...I will work tirelessly to EARN it.

Originally Posted by Karnak
You call him a "parrot" because he used the most recent de-certification of ALPA by an independent union, advised by the DPA law firm, as evidence.
No, I call him a parrot because one of ALPA's talking points is to equate DPA with USAPA even though there's no comparison. I suppose DPA should do the same by comparing ALPA to Al-quaeda because they both start with the letter A.

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Old 03-10-2011, 01:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Carl Spackler
I suppose DPA should do the same by comparing ALPA to Al-quaeda because they both start with the letter A.

Well at least there is no doubt what Al-Qaeda is trying to accomplish. I'm just sayin'....
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Old 03-10-2011, 01:12 PM
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Originally Posted by DAL 88 Driver
The problem I see is that your "mind" appears to be part of the collective now. At least that is what you are speaking here these days. ALPA talking point after ALPA talking point. Not at all the way you sounded just a little over a year ago. Sorry, but other than some lip service here and there, I have seen very little change in ALPA. Your thoughts, however, are another story. A lot of change there.
Wanting ALPA to succeed does not mean that I do not want motivated pilots to affect change within the organization. Those two are very different. I am a big believer in transparency of process. Fact is that you and I have not talked in quite some time, so you do not know where I stand on many issues. Of the issues I have discussed here, my points revolve around the fact that we need to follow a process. If we want restoration etc, we need to first unify under the organization that will produce the best chance of that result, and allow their full turn at the plate prior to our turn at the plate.

Sorry, but I've got to come back to good old, basic, common sense and time tested successful practices. You don't reach your goal in any business or organization without first identifying it and clearly communicating it so that everyone is on the same page. ALPA has failed miserably in this extremely important first step.
And how would you feel if DALPA went and stated that we want retirements or bust, but you want pay and not a DC? Fact is that until you can put out a "goal" you must know what the board wants. In our case the board is the line pilots and the medium is the contract survey. After that is completed you will see the goals come out. It is not something new, and it follows a proven process of section six talks.

No. Anything we could get "mid term" just raises the bar and makes a lower percentage needed to achieve in Section 6. Plus, it does one other very important thing (well, actually a couple of things). 1) It let's all concerned parties (including even those in our own pilot group) know that we do not consider our current level of compensation some kind of new baseline. 2) It gives us a chance to evaluate the "relationship" that ALPA worked so hard to build with management during the Lee Moak era. With bankruptcy and the threat of liquidation long behind us, our current bankruptcy/emergency compensation is clearly inappropriate. Correcting this is simply the right thing to do on the part of management. Let's press to test on this and see if this "relationship" is legitimate or not. If they agree, then we all have more much needed money for our families and a better base from which to start Section 6. If they refuse, then we have a better idea of what we are dealing with and how to proceed going forward.
I do not know one pilot, management type or other person that knows this industry that thinks we are happy with what me make. Never mind a farewell letter from a former leader.

As I have stated, a mid term may be done, but the pilots need to be polled first. It will undoubtedly cool the collective temperature of the pilot group down. Depending on where the other cards may be, that may or may not be a good thing.
It is business to them if they are willing to part with a raise with no extension to the contract great. I just see any "mid-term" raise coming with restrictions and or conditions.

This is just my opinion, but I think that is a real stretch. As I said above, I see no downside to asking for a mid contract partial pay restoration. In fact, I only see upside with this, one way or the other. And if we get something like SWA pay mid contract, and UCAL and APA leap frog us before our Section 6... well again I only see upside to that. This isn't a race! I don't care which pilot group is the highest paid at any particular point in time. I only care that we are compensated appropriately. If us getting a mid contract increase helps UCAL and APA to get better contracts, well then we will have helped ourselves with this whole pattern bargaining thing you seem to think is the only way to go. Your argument on this just doesn't make any sense to me at all.
See my above. A mid term without a quid pro quo would be a great thing, but the reality is that there would be conditions to it.

That's about as intentional a misrepresentation as I've seen from you. Show me where I've "ranted" about "restoration or bust." (Hint: you aren't going to find it.) I've talked a lot about setting objectives and making sure that all of our actions are oriented around those objectives. I've pointed out how ALPA is failing miserably in this area. I've stated that I believe we've settled for agreements in the past that we should not have accepted. But that doesn't translate into "restoration or bust." Give me a break. Even you know better than that.
I am too lazy to look back six months on this and the L&G tread. My recollection is that you were irked that we would not ask nor demand such a thing starting now. I will give you that when faced with some criticism, you even stated you do not expect the touted 73% raise, but you still want it out there today.
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Old 03-10-2011, 01:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Carl Spackler
As always, you haven't a clue of what you're talking about. I came from NWA. A management group that constantly tried to crush its unions. We had to strike in order to get what we knew was fair. It was painful, but we did it with 100% unity.
When the DPA law firm (Seham) represented two of those NWA unions (PFAA and AMFA), they failed miserably to protect the careers of their members. You should mention that to Sailingfun.

Originally Posted by Carl Spackler
In contrast, you've never struck and have always accepted the first offer. How shall we describe this "culture" Sailingfun??
You could start by describing how YOU crossed the AMFA picket line to go to work. How did it feel to help the union-crushing management at NWA crush an independent union represented by Seham that had recently ousted a National union?
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Old 03-10-2011, 01:17 PM
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Originally Posted by acl65pilot
Yes that was the process, but as the reps have stated and acted, Resolutions will no longer be just received. They will be turned up or down. This is a result of our input and demand over the past practice. It is the "process" in action.

As for FPL, and the budget. I believe that the FPL Committee will be presenting findings and actions taken on this. Again, because of resolutions that were drafted and ratified in the local councils. The process is working.
This is just the latest example of what you're missing. The efforts of individual members should not be wasted on fighting our own union!

We should ALL be fighting to make gains against a management that doesn't want to give us a single thing. Instead, we fight each other over process. It is no wonder why management is terrified of losing ALPA.

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Old 03-10-2011, 01:34 PM
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Originally Posted by acl65pilot
That statement is full of crap and you know it. No one supports the growth of the regionals and do not put that in my mouth,
That is dead on and YOU know it. It's just painful for you to hear your desires clearly stated.

Originally Posted by acl65pilot
As for what I support and who I support, you again are totally wrong, again. I am of the camp that believes that we can and should reign in outsourcing and not just to save my rump, but help not just our profession but our industry. As for RJ's being good, they are, but they should be flown by us.
Translation: I want those aircraft and those pilots merged onto our seniority list even though many are unhireable. They are my friends and I don't want to see them suffer the way I did.

Originally Posted by acl65pilot
Again, I have been over this many times before and will not bore you again. Suffice to say, unity will be the way to make this happen.
Translation: Anyone who doesn't agree with my dream of creating a back door entry of RJ pilots to the majors' seniority list is fostering disunity.

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Old 03-10-2011, 01:47 PM
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Originally Posted by acl65pilot
If we want restoration etc, we need to first unify under the organization that will produce the best chance of that result,
Kind of hard to do when the "organization" continually argues that true restoration is "not realistic."

Originally Posted by acl65pilot
And how would you feel if DALPA went and stated that we want retirements or bust, but you want pay and not a DC? Fact is that until you can put out a "goal" you must know what the board wants. In our case the board is the line pilots and the medium is the contract survey. After that is completed you will see the goals come out. It is not something new, and it follows a proven process of section six talks.
I am so tired of folks like yourself hiding behind that. It doesn't take a survey or poll (or rocket scientist) to determine that the general goal is to restore our profession back to the point where it can provide for our families in a similar way to how it provided for decades. There are a million different ways to slice the small stuff... but pay and scope are the two "biggies." And I am also extremely tired of this mentality where you think we have to give up something ("but you want pay and not a DC?") to get something. Have we not already given enough? Was a 42% pay cut not enough? Was the termination of our pension not enough? Was outsourcing thousands of our jobs to regional pilots not enough? What more do you think we should give?

Here's the way I see it. This is NOT going to be a normal "give and take" negotiation. We are FAR from a normal situation! Or put another way, you don't dig yourself out of an unprecedented, extreme emergency by going about business in a slow, lackadaisical manner. Read my lips, "NO MORE GIVEBACKS!"

Originally Posted by acl65pilot
As I have stated, a mid term may be done, but the pilots need to be polled first. It will undoubtedly cool the collective temperature of the pilot group down. Depending on where the other cards may be, that may or may not be a good thing.

It is business to them if they are willing to part with a raise with no extension to the contract great. I just see any "mid-term" raise coming with restrictions and or conditions.

See my above. A mid term without a quid pro quo would be a great thing, but the reality is that there would be conditions to it.
See my comments above.

Originally Posted by acl65pilot
I am too lazy to look back six months on this and the L&G tread. My recollection is that you were irked that we would not ask nor demand such a thing starting now. I will give you that when faced with some criticism, you even stated you do not expect the touted 73% raise, but you still want it out there today.
That is a misleading paraphrasing of what I have previously said. And I absolutely did not change my story "when faced with some criticism."
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Old 03-10-2011, 01:53 PM
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I love it when "unity" is trotted out.

It is nothing but a bludgeon to get people to go along with a weak leadership with a slight majority.

Go against the status quo, and you are causing dissent. Speak up with an opinion, and you are being divisive. Offer up alternative courses of action, and you not only dis-loyal, but part of the "lunatic fringe".

A strong or well respected leadership would have no issues with informed dissent or a healthy discourse of opinion. A healthy leadership would have NO problems posting what they are doing, and the cost of doing so. A healthy structure would have a constant turnover of people because they love flying more than polishing a chair. A healthy leadership would not only encourage a variety of viewpoints, but would DEMAND it.

Yet we are faced with polling (done with outsourced labor...hello sweet irony...) who's sole function seems to be pimping pilots about alternative representation instead of making the changes the pilot group has already demanded, which, had anyone been listening, would have obviated the need for the polling.

Of course, the usual suspects are, well, suspected, so why not point out how that mean, old, terrible NWALPA was full of all kinds of dysfunction... There certainly were food fights, that much is certain. But in all my time there I never saw anyone crank up a card drive for alternate representation, or even CONSIDER IT.

Yet here we are, not 2 years into the merger, and there is a good number of people willing to organize such a drive here.

I'm not a DPA supporter, but I sure told the polling people I was. Let'em sweat.

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