APA pilots, no to age 60.

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Safety of the traveling public was cited as the No. 1 reason for maintaining the current retirement rule

Fort Worth, Texas (March 15, 2007)—The Allied Pilots Association (APA), representing the 12,000 pilots of American Airlines (NYSE: AMR), released the results of two recently conducted polls that demonstrate strong continuing support for maintaining mandatory retirement at age 60 for the nation's commercial pilots.

In the first poll, 86 percent of American Airlines pilots favored the current retirement rule, while 12 percent reported that they wanted a change — an overwhelming 7-to-1 margin. When the poll results were broken down by age, they showed that even the oldest pilots expressed a desire to maintain mandatory retirement at age 60. Furthermore, the safety of the traveling public was cited as the No. 1 reason for maintaining the current regulation. This poll was conducted by the Wilson Center for Public Research, a professional survey organization with extensive experience conducting polls on behalf of a wide variety of pilot groups and other labor organizations. The poll, conducted by phone, used a stratified random sample that resulted in an accurate cross-section of the American Airlines pilot group. A total of 600 interviews were conducted, providing a sample margin of error of 4 percent.

APA also conducted an in-house, Internet-based survey. Of the 2,496 American Airlines pilots who responded, 79 percent indicated they support maintaining mandatory retirement at age 60, while 18 percent indicated they desire a change.

Federal Aviation Administrator Marion C. Blakey recently announced that the FAA will issue a formal Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) later this year that calls for raising retirement age to 65 to comply with a newly adopted international standard. Ironically, this untested standard requires that at least one pilot on the flight deck be under 60 years old, indicating that there continue to be legitimate concerns about how old is too old to operate commercial aircraft.

Since the FAA established age 60 retirement 48 years ago, not one single airline accident has been attributed to the sudden or subtle effects of aging. Multiple studies have shown that a pilot's mental and physical performance is impaired with increasing age, and there is no definitive medical or functional test that can determine which pilots could safely fly past age 60.

“The FAA should consider the concerns of the men and women in the cockpits who have personally witnessed the impact of advancing age on their fellow pilots,” said APA President Captain Ralph Hunter. “APA strongly supports the current mandatory retirement age of 60 until the FAA can definitely establish that there will be no decrease in the current level of flight safety. Without this assurance, any change would be tantamount to conducting an experiment on the traveling public.”

Founded in 1963, the Allied Pilots Association—the largest independent pilot union in the U.S.—is headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas. APA represents the 12,000 pilots of American Airlines, including more than 2,800 pilots on furlough. The furloughs began shortly after the September 11, 2001 attacks. Also, several hundred American Airlines pilots are on full-time military leave of absence serving in the armed forces. The union’s Web site address is www.alliedpilots.org.

American Airlines is the nation’s largest passenger carrier.
Amen to that one. If any of you out there who are for this thing can prove by document or photo that you were opposed to age 60 when you were 35 or younger, I'll listen to your side of the story.

If not, your p!ssiing in the wind.

In the first poll, 86 percent of American Airlines pilots favored the current retirement rule, while 12 percent reported that they wanted a change — an overwhelming 7-to-1 margin. When the poll results were broken down by age, they showed that even the oldest pilots expressed a desire to maintain mandatory retirement at age 60.
I wonder if these numbers are indicative of the rest of the pilot population. I personally think industry wide, the percentages would be higher against a change. It would seem like regional pilots would be EVEN MORE OPPOSED to changing age 60 since it will stagnate their career even more, while many of the major pilots have progressed to near the top of the latter.
Quote: I wonder if these numbers are indicative of the rest of the pilot population. I personally think industry wide, the percentages would be higher against a change. It would seem like regional pilots would be EVEN MORE OPPOSED to changing age 60 since it will stagnate their career even more, while many of the major pilots have progressed to near the top of the latter.
Many of the senior pilots at my regional want the age raised to 65. They never had a retirement plan, and are currently making 100k-120k. An extra 5 yrs of banking away cash into the 401k is what they want. Personally, I applaud APA and hope they are able to keep safety first.
Quote: Amen to that one. If any of you out there who are for this thing can prove by document or photo that you were opposed to age 60 when you were 35 or younger, I'll listen to your side of the story.

If not, your p!ssiing in the wind.
Thats funny, p!ssing in the wind is exactly what APA is doing.

I say we grandfather anyone who was alive when the rule was first imposed in 1960. After all I remember when I was three saying this is Horse doodoo I'll have to retire before everyone else.
Quote: Thats funny, p!ssing in the wind is exactly what APA is doing.

I say we grandfather anyone who was alive when the rule was first imposed in 1960. After all I remember when I was three saying this is Horse doodoo I'll have to retire before everyone else.

It may be ****ing in the wind, but we will conintue the fight. While I have my issues with APA, they decided to POLL the membership for a current look at what the MEMBERSHIP wants. They now knkow what the majority wants and will represent them.

A little more than ALPA and the "blue ribbon panel".

Safety...uuummm....yes, that's right! Safety!
Quote: Safety...uuummm....yes, that's right! Safety!
Hmm...need to have one pilot below the age of 60 to fly with one older...Hmmm why.... I don't know, but that has nothing to due with safety.


Oh ya, I almost forgot the other line.... Well the airlines will give up all that experience and these copilots (sitting the co-pilots seat for 10-20 years) just don;t have the experience to do my job (senior captain)...yawn..

[quote=AAflyer;133959]It may be ****ing in the wind, but we will conintue the fight. While I have my issues with APA, they decided to POLL the membership for a current look at what the MEMBERSHIP wants. They now knkow what the majority wants and will represent them.


I could not agree with you more. The APA represents the interests of it's membership-the line pilots-and in effect is the mouthpiece of it membership...a textbook definition of what a union is.

It is noted that you may not agree with the APA, but you are 120% correct, they know what the majority wants and they have represented them in their actions.

I only bring this up because, like you, I have issues with the APA. In fact, as a former TWA pilot, I don't agree with anything the APA has done to me. But like you said, their actions may not find you personally in agreement; however, their actions represent the majority of the AA pilots.

Good luck in your fight.
Quote: Safety...uuummm....yes, that's right! Safety!
Safety...and an intact retirement plan
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