Hiring 2022
New Hire
Joined APC: Feb 2022
Posts: 5
Is there a way to update an application on Hawaiian's portal? I applied a few months ago and got the tbnt automated response. I've added some new experience, letters, etc., and would like to update my application. However, whenever I go into the portal I cannot apply for the FO position because I had applied before. Is there a trick or someone I can contact to have my application reopened? Thanks in advance.
I have arrenged some vistis with a Realtor and plan on arriving 9 days earlier to make sure I get everything ready before training starts.
Piece of mind is priceless!
Thank you.
It’s different depending what fleet you get, and also seems to vary per class. Some of the 321 guys in our class had a month off between indoc and flight training, while the 330 guys flew to Miami and started FTD’s the next day, and the 717 guys finished IOE first.. if Hawaii is home, or going to be your new home, I’d recommend getting a place prior to groundschool. Save you a ton of money on hotels and also give you less stress of trying to find a place should you be a part of a fleet that doesn’t have a break between training and IOE. The other fleets I’ve heard are moving along quite quickly, the 330 has about a month backup between checkride to IOE. Again, this is always changing..
It is good to have an idea of the differences between fleets and get ready.
Yes, fortunately Hawaii is going to be my new home! = )
I will just use the hotel discounted corporate rates they offered for a few days until get rental contract signed.
Hiring department has been very responsive and helpful with everything since day one.
Thank you MinimumFuel!
good rental car option is Lucky Owl. local run place, near airport, will pick you up and all used cars, well maintained.
They have good rates even compared to Turo (and Turo can't do Airport pickup anymore).
Thank you Neosporin!
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