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MEGAFUPM 07-28-2019 09:54 AM

Originally Posted by Varsity (Post 2860748)
Why aren’t FO’s pay banded then?

FOs are all paid the seat warmer rate.

Varsity 07-28-2019 10:06 AM

Originally Posted by MEGAFUPM (Post 2860757)
Read my post right before yours as to why PSAs blended rate makes sense for them and not us.

And every airline your pay will be based on the the size of your aircraft and the number of seats it has. If you don't like that idea, then you should get out now.

Is that why mesa pilots make so much money? Atlas pilots must be millionaires.

MEGAFUPM 07-28-2019 10:22 AM

Originally Posted by Varsity (Post 2860764)
Is that why mesa pilots make so much money? Atlas pilots must be millionaires.

Well some companies still undercut their pilots as a whole while still paying based on the size/seats of the airplane. Yeah Atlas underpays but a 747 captain still makes quite a bit more than a 767 captain.

Same thing at JetBlue for another example. A320 pay is under market value pay compared to the legacies but you still get paid more than a 190 pilot.

My point being, if you do make it to the mainlines, don't be surprised if your regional 737 flying is paid a lot less than international 787 flying for the same company.

Pedro4President 07-28-2019 01:07 PM

Originally Posted by Varsity (Post 2860748)
Why aren’t FO’s pay banded then?

The all get Large RJ pay.

dera 07-28-2019 01:13 PM

Our blended rate would mean a paycut for most. PSA has a much higher ratio of large v.small RJs. Stop wishing for a blended rate. It would be a loss in pay.
That's not the way to fix this discrepancy.

But seriously 07-28-2019 01:42 PM

Originally Posted by Tyrion (Post 2860723)
So, all those guys who could bid anywhere else but NY, but still choose NY, because they probably live in NY, would choose to commute to DFW just for $10/hr. Mind you that $10/hr gain would be wiped out by one missed commute. There are less than 100 people who could possibly do what you are suggesting, and they are giving up their no commute and first pick of lines just for $10/hr.

You can ridicule the idea that this would happen all you want, but this is exactly what happened when the CRJs showed up. There was no pay banding, and you had senior captains commuting from all over the country to make more $$$. Obviously it’s not everyone, but there’s history on this.

Crimson37Roger 07-28-2019 01:47 PM

Originally Posted by MEGAFUPM (Post 2860757)
Read my post right before yours as to why PSAs blended rate makes sense for them and not us.

And every airline your pay will be based on the the size of your aircraft and the number of seats it has. If you don't like that idea, then you should get out now.

Well no sh*t. But it seems like every airline but us does this since were pay banded.

Naviator 07-28-2019 03:53 PM

Originally Posted by dera (Post 2860879)
Our blended rate would mean a paycut for most. PSA has a much higher ratio of large v.small RJs. Stop wishing for a blended rate. It would be a loss in pay.
That's not the way to fix this discrepancy.

NOPE sorry but math does not work that way. Most would get a pay raise. Some, the senior guys, would get a reduction.

Naviator 07-28-2019 03:54 PM

Originally Posted by MEGAFUPM (Post 2860757)

And every airline your pay will be based on the the size of your aircraft and the number of seats it has. If you don't like that idea, then you should get out now.

Or stay here at Envoy because we don’t do it like everybody else. We have seniority based pay vice equipment based pay.

pitchattitude 07-28-2019 04:01 PM

Originally Posted by Crimson37Roger (Post 2860899)
Well no sh*t. But it seems like every airline but us does this since were pay banded.

Blended rates are in aircraft that have the same type rating. On the CRJs for instance, instead of paying one rate when a 200 is flown and a higher rate when a 900 is flown, a percentage of 200s vs 900s is averaged and that rate is paid across the board. Makes things simpler.

United flies the 757 and 767. Same type rating. 75s have one rate and 76 200&300 and 76-400s each have different rates. Significantly so. 767-400 trips go very senior because of it. True for captains and FOs.

Envoy does not have different aircraft that share the same type.

That being said, I think the whole pay band thing is bogus. While there is the statement on APC about it, it is clear that even most of the Envoy pilots still don’t understand what it really means and sure don’t have any idea how many people receive it or when they are eligible.

Until this current set of pay changes, 145 FOs actually made more because of the higher sign on bonus. Explain that one. SNJ is more popular. Supply and demand. Doesn’t have anything to do with size of the aircraft. Maybe that should be taken into account with the pay rates.

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