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Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?



Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Old 06-07-2014, 03:25 AM
Straight QOL, homie
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Originally Posted by slowplay

Why the need for the historical revisionism spouted by Gloopy, Scambo, and now you?

There was never going to be billions poured into aircraft engine overhauls. ALPA never said there was
The sheer audacity of you accusing others of perpetrating "revisionist history" is stunning, even by Dalpa's high standards.

You worded it carefully then, no doubt. But the implication was there. It was one of the many FUD tactics you yourself probably orchestrated, and are now attempting to walk back.
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Old 06-07-2014, 05:02 AM
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Originally Posted by newKnow
Business case and hypothetical situation number #1:

Ask yourself one question:

If Delta Pilots are unhappy, what happens to the stock price?

(That's what matters to this management group.)
That point has validity up to a point, and we all now that. When it comes right down to it, we will go out there and do the job. We always have, and it won't change much.... for awhile. There will be rumblings here and there, but the vast majority of guys will still fill their lunchbox and go to work. But there might come a time when we are "fed up with it". Maybe ya'll are talking about that time, and I don't disagree about that... when we get there. But right now... today.. we are not even close. I'm still trying to talk about today. gszg is unhappy and wants a statement made telling Mr Anderson that we expect our sacrifices to be recognized and rewarded. I don't disagree with the idea per se, I just think at this juncture it is a waste of time. He and Ed want to whip the pilots into a frenzy and sustain that frenzy until negotiations begin in earnest. Again... imho.. a waste of time because between now and then we have the rest of summer and then football season. And THAT doesn't get us to exchange of openers. The vast majority.. or more importantly 62% will not remain all that interested until we actually get down to cutting bait or wetting worms. And a few malcontents will not affect the stock price. jmho.
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Old 06-07-2014, 05:16 AM
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Originally Posted by LivingTheDream
I don't think we have a prayer of succeeding, if we go in as 11500+ individuals.

I thought we were in a union... I.e., shouldn't it be about obtaining the goals of a group of 11500+ vice the goals of 11500+ individuals. (BTW, I have no idea what my unions goals are... except maybe imposing CDO's on us! And that is very sad.)

Finally, when we were going for the infamous contract 2000, the union was very public about announcing our goals and very methodical in our approach to achieving those goals... I still have my "restoration" tie tack.

I doubt I'll ever hear the term restoration or any similar term from my union for the remainder of my career... and if the membership keeps voting for 3% pay increases, we won't even keep up with real inflation (including food & energy).

It is what it is.
I didn't say anything about going in as 11,000 individuals. I was speaking specifically about seeing any survey results. A survey IS important to get the pulse of the group as a whole. But then, as Mr Spock said "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.." Once a TA is reached, the survey is unimportant, because we (theoretically) trust the negotiators to get us the best deal they can based on all the information they have available.. and here's the hard part... all the while trying to satisfy the "needs of the many" to the biggest extent possible. When I then have to evaluate the TA, why do I need to see a survey in order to judge whether or not it satisfies what I wanted to get on the contract? I don't. Because I do not care what YOU or NewK or Timbo want on the contract, because your needs and desires are different from mine. I will evaluate the contract based on what is before me and how it satisfies my wants/needs. Why do you care what I wanted anyway? I know many disagree, but there really is no upside in releasing survey results at that point. It only becomes a rallying point for future doughnuts with an agenda to overthrow our representatives and we are back at square one, and what is really sad about that is that is is but a snapshot of the entire process. It is discouraging to me because some think so little of those that are putting in the time and working on our behalf, and that will most importantly live under the contract that they negotiated that they then want to back a truck over them. Depressing really.... I have known Heiko since DEX days, and he is a good man. Logical in his thoughts and dedicated to the group. He's a gator, but I'll overlook that and give him my fullest support anyway, but I wouldn't want to do what he has to do, and put up with the constant sniping that he has to endure when he has nothing but the best interests of everybody here at heart.

sorry for the rant
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Old 06-07-2014, 05:50 AM
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Originally Posted by newKnow
Why do you think people buy Delta stock? I'm not an expert and this just my opinion (thanks index ) , but to me, people buy Delta stock because we offer a superior product compared to the other airlines. Every other airline of note is in a shambles, right now. (United, American, & Southwest-- the other airlines and cargo company's aren't really our competitors.) Plus, our management team has a great reputation. I still have all of my Delta stock, because I see what goes on here everyday.

If we, the drivers -- in more ways than one -- become unhappy, it could serve as a signal to investors that things aren't so great in Deltaland and management does not want that. They have been batting near 1.000, since the merger, and it has paid dividends.

We should be seeking substantial improvements in our contract. I don't care what they other airlines are doing.
Delta is the hot play right now because we are several years ahead of everybody else in the industry. AAL will be a formidable competitor when their merger is complete because they have a very strong network. UAL, would be awesome if their management wasn't living in the 70s. They are a mess now, and probably will stay in stick shaker for quite some time. But their network is far superior to ours in Asia. (They have way too many big airplanes though) The one thing that is really helping our cause there is Smisek... one of THE worst CEOs in the country. The one I really don't get is SWA. Their growth potential is done, (they are losing 88 717s and have minimal 737s on order) the merger integration is a train wreck but their stock hits new highs almost daily. Nothing about that company is exceptional right now yet people still buy it. I'd short the hell out of it if I weren't afraid of losing my arse, because it's GOT to crash sometime....

Your last point is well taken, and I don't disagree. I truly believe we will get substantial gains in C15. But we cannot ignore what the other airlines are doing. It just doesn't work that way. UAL/AAL/SWA have got to raise the bar in some areas. We cannot go alone each and every contract patterning against ourselves. Don't you get tired of having everybody else benefit by what WE do? I still want to be the premier group, but it's time for somebody else to at least do SOMETHING.
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Old 06-07-2014, 06:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Carl Spackler
It's not a question of you being a surrender monkey or some other name. It's that you're not supportive of being in a union. You're only supportive of being in an association that pretends to occasionally act like a union. Your mindset has been changed (or maybe you've always been this way) to that of an investor class and independent contractor. You believe that what's best for management will ultimately trickle down to employees and be best for them. And if employees don't like it, then quit.

It's hard to tell whether your belief system is the Delta pilot majority, or whether mine is. But it's clear our association is "all in" on the concept of partnering with management, and that shows no sign of changing.

You are partially right. My goal has been all along to be a member of the investing class. TVM is real, the greatest invention ever is that of compound interest, all those inconvenient truths that some choose to ignore when looking strictly at short term paychecks. You nailed me on that count, and nothing you can ever say will change that about me. What I find a bit disconcerting is that you , as a senior 747 captain, at the very top of the food chain still want to act like you are standing around a 55 gallon oil drum burning pallets to stay warm. It's great that you walk the walk regarding unity (with the exception of the DPA bullchit). It really is. But financially, if you are not clipping coupons right now, it is because you blew it all, and no amount of pay increase going forward will help that. It's just math.

And how dare you ever accuse me of not wanting what's best for this pilot group. If it comes down to a strike vote, contrary to what you have publicly stated, I will walk the walk with my brothers. Even you. Your problem is that you want to go nuclear before you even hear a gunshot. I think you even relish that concept. You hate dALPA because they do things differently than you are used to. You feel it ineffective because you don't see management with a bloody nose and you feel that a necessary by product of successful labor relations. Sad really. Show me a better contract in the industry right now. Any one. I'll wait. And then let's look at the relationships that their pilots have with their management. It has nothing to do with trickle down economics or anything like that Carl.. it's all about timing. Look at your watch. It ain't time yet.
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Old 06-07-2014, 06:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Carl Spackler
Not sure of what case you're trying to make here Splash, but it's an indefensible position to suggest that members should never see the results of their own opinions.

Ummmm don't you KNOW your own opinion? I know mine. I don't care about yours, because it's different than mine. What if the group as a whole believed that all 747 captains are paid about right and that resulted in your pay staying right where it is? Do you care? Why would you? Would you be happy about a massive paycut on the next contract because the group realized that a M88 FO works far harder than you and should receive a bigger pay increase than Carl? Really? I think not.

If they release survey results, fine. Whatever. It serves no useful purpose, but if it makes Carl happy, by all means we should release it. I need something to keep the oil off my garage floor anyway.
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Old 06-07-2014, 06:20 AM
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Originally Posted by FlyZ
Alan, I think sharing the results helps individual voters decide if their desires or minimums are in line with the rest of the pilot group. Let's say I had a personal minimum raise set of 25% over the contract, the TA came back with 18%, and the survey results showed that most of the pilot group would have been happy with 15%. I would consider our group in the aggregate to be more realistic than my view alone, and would likely change my vote to yes. It would help me have faith that ALPA did everything possible in the negotiations and that they met the majority's goals.

Some might say, well then, your personal minimum was not 25%. I can live on what we make right now. However, I think the average of the Delta pilots' opinions would be a very good indicator of what we are actually worth, just as the market determines stock price. That number should be made public.

Respectfully submitted.
Quoted so we had the bookends of the debate next to each other.
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Old 06-07-2014, 06:27 AM
Straight QOL, homie
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Originally Posted by tsquare[/QUOTE
Show me a better contract in the industry right now. Any one. I'll wait.
southwest. Fed ex.

And then let's look at the relationships that their pilots have with their management.
Who cares what the relationship with the company is? (Besides RA, that is.) A good relationship won't pay for my kids' braces. Feel good lovefests between RA and ALPA won't pay for your generic Viagra.

So what exactly is the "time value" of a good relationship with management?
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Old 06-07-2014, 06:34 AM
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Show me a better contract in the industry right now. Any one. I'll wait.
Originally Posted by Purple Drank
southwest. Fed ex.

Who cares what the relationship with the company is? (Besides RA, that is.) A good relationship won't pay for my kids' braces. Feel good lovefests between RA and ALPA won't pay for your generic Viagra.

Do you even think about what you write?
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Old 06-07-2014, 06:36 AM
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I've seen guys that bid reserve don't have a regular line bid preference in. Does anyone know if I can (not) bid a regular (full) line and instead start my bid with a Reduced lower limit bid?

I don't want reserve in July, but I don't want much of a line either. And yes, I know I could drop what I don't want after the bid, that's not the question.
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