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FangsF15 08-12-2023 02:35 PM

Originally Posted by Jaww (Post 3681661)
What’s is the point you’re making? That Curly gets a pass because it is convenient for the pilots? Hmmm. Absolute good ole boy nonsense.

My point is Curly was once privy to ALL the information he uses for his site without restriction, and had his site up and running for years with DL's full knowledge/blessing. He's not an outside/3rd party company trying to piggy back, or more critically tunnel in to DL's servers.

*Note* I was an iCrewMax user, and was genuinely beaked when DL shut their access. I'm not defending the ouster. I just see them as two totally different issues.

And if DC retiree's actually do get unfettered access, this really is a moo issue.

Jaww 08-12-2023 02:44 PM

Originally Posted by FangsF15 (Post 3681672)
My point is Curly was once privy to ALL the information he uses for his site without restriction, and had his site up and running for years with DL's full knowledge/blessing. He's not an outside/3rd party company trying to piggy back, or more critically tunnel in to DL's servers.

*Note* I was an iCrewMax user, and was genuinely beaked when DL shut their access. I'm not defending the ouster. I just see them as two totally different issues.

And if DC retiree's actually do get unfettered access, this really is a moo issue.

So Uncle Ed always get access to my personal data? Cool.

FangsF15 08-12-2023 03:23 PM

Originally Posted by Jaww (Post 3681674)
So Uncle Ed always get access to my personal data? Cool.

I'm not sure why this is such a big deal? Seriously, we have 16,000+ pilots on the seniority list with the exact same access to... Your Name and DOB. I mean, CJO holders not yet on property get access to it for crying out loud.

StoneQOLdCrazy 08-12-2023 03:33 PM

Originally Posted by FangsF15 (Post 3681691)
I'm not sure why this is such a big deal? Seriously, we have 16,000+ pilots on the seniority list with the exact same access to... Your Name and DOB. I mean, CJO holders not yet on property get access to it for crying out loud.

curly is not on the seniority list and probably 5000 pilots have been hired since he left, which he never would have had access to. Defending this kind of corporate hypocrisy and data mining is troubling.

there is no provision for a retired pilot to make money using ostensibly protected personal data, nor should there be. but by golly, we'll need to use an 8 digit passcode to protect...something.

theUpsideDown 08-12-2023 10:02 PM

Originally Posted by StoneQOLdCrazy (Post 3681694)
curly is not on the seniority list and probably 5000 pilots have been hired since he left, which he never would have had access to. Defending this kind of corporate hypocrisy and data mining is troubling.

there is no provision for a retired pilot to make money using ostensibly protected personal data, nor should there be. but by golly, we'll need to use an 8 digit passcode to protect...something.

i get what ur saying about delta IT and our bizarre tech troubles. But with regard to curly that thing is a labor of love, hes gotta pay for the site upkeep on a server and that isnt free, hes not asking for much and he aint buyingan island. I bet anything hes got extra goes into a single account which will the webhosting will charge off of until its at zero.

the guy likes the excel sheets and getting different views of the data. Hes not taking the money and buying an island either, in 15 years i doubt itll be around.

I dont wanna have to program all that on excel like i did the previous company. Just relax about this **** youre gonna end up making a load of work for me.

Hotel Kilo 08-13-2023 07:45 AM

Originally Posted by Gone Flying (Post 3681579)
if WS gives me bad data the worst that happens is I screw up my bid and that’s a me problem. If oak notes gives me bad data and I screw up that happens in a DL flight deck and that’s a DL problem and leaves the door wide open for them wrt liability. That’s why the double standard.

Oak harvests straight data from Miss+

So not sure how it is going to happen as you describe. I would say let's test it. Shouldn't take long to see how accurate reliable and robust his stuff is. Id wager it would pass any rigorous tests with flying colors as again he's simply harvesting data direct from Miss+ But we can't have good things like that so let's kill it. And then there was iCrewMax.... good stuff but again, deemed inappropriate for our use for some silly reason


Hotel Kilo 08-13-2023 07:53 AM

Oops this is the AE thread


Xray678 08-13-2023 10:31 AM

Originally Posted by StoneQOLdCrazy (Post 3681694)
curly is not on the seniority list and probably 5000 pilots have been hired since he left, which he never would have had access to. Defending this kind of corporate hypocrisy and data mining is troubling.

there is no provision for a retired pilot to make money using ostensibly protected personal data, nor should there be. but by golly, we'll need to use an 8 digit passcode to protect...something.

How do you know Curly hasn’t worked out a deal with the company for access to this data? You don’t. I have no doubt if the company had a problem with it….his access to information would be cut off in a heartbeat.

Why are people trying to create a problem where there isn’t one?

Tropical 08-13-2023 12:08 PM

Originally Posted by Xray678 (Post 3682051)

Why are people trying to create a problem where there isn’t one?

Because John Bell developed and distributed a product that helped all of us, for free, and the company stomped him, but good old boy Curly, who gets special favors because he knows where the bodies are buried, gets access to our names, employment date, birthday, and job position, which he sells to anyone who pays him, including possibly identity thieves, and the company quietly hands him the data and looks the other way. Sounds like Delta could be equally liable if that data is ever used for nefarious purposes.

notEnuf 08-13-2023 12:14 PM

Just one more example of big D's hypocrisy. Pilots - pro Bell. Company - pro Curls. Now about the AE, who's gonna have the break down first?

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