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crazyjaydawg 08-11-2023 04:29 PM

China and US agree to double weekly flights by the end of October. That will definitely drive some more WB hours and positions.

Hrkdrivr 08-12-2023 05:43 AM

Originally Posted by Scooter432 (Post 3681286)
Yes I do , but I can still sport b#$@h about it.

Yes, it’s our birthright as pilots! 🤣

FlexManFlex 08-12-2023 06:29 AM

Originally Posted by tcco94 (Post 3681209)
Hope you are right on this. I can’t hold SEA/MSP330 yet but I’ve conceded my race until the end of next summer. By then I’ll be a low 11-high 10. Only thing that I’m gambling I guess is age 67, but I don’t think I’d want to get a 330 slot then be the plug 2 years anyways when I can still fly intl on the ER. That seems like buyers remorse waiting to happen. They also said on this AE they may not award all the 330 slots too.

I wish I had the cojones Flex has to go for NYC330 but man I can’t do it. So I’ll live vicariously through him for the next year.

Fish, Big E, and Taco… thank you! I currently have 6 350/330 positions bid with no percentages. I’m hoping that MSP and ATL 330B opens up a good amount of NYC330 backfills

Jdub2 08-12-2023 06:58 AM

Originally Posted by FlexManFlex (Post 3681449)
Fish, Big E, and Taco… thank you! I currently have 6 350/330 positions bid with no percentages. I’m hoping that MSP and ATL 330B opens up a good amount of NYC330 backfills

I believe in you!!

runinonfumes 08-12-2023 08:35 AM

I believe the children are our future….”

Flex, when your dreams come true, Don’t just ghost us quiet fans out here in the cyberspace wilderness. We appear to be drawing uplifting emotional support from your positive energy. I’m beginning to believe it’s creating a bit of a dependency situation. One that may result in withdrawal symptoms if a cold turkey cut off were happen.

StoneQOLdCrazy 08-12-2023 08:41 AM

Originally Posted by Tropical (Post 3681130)
I'll never understand how "Curly", a retiree, gets access to the seniority list and proprietary Delta information, which he openly uses for profit, yet John Bell, an active line pilot who puts job hacks on his website for free, that make our lives better, gets a cease and desist letter. I guess it's just the good old fashioned Delta South good old boy network at play.


Look at the irrational amount of time Delta spends pontificating about cyber security--they're even making us switch to an 8 digit passcode on our iPads, ffs. Yeah, that will really move the needle. It's luddite, obsolete tech eyewash from some bubba corporate security empty suit in his fadeout-to-retirement job.

but they give Curly the data--OUR data-- without a peep. maybe it's a payoff for being a sleeper company stooge before, during, and after his DALPA work.

I wonder if curly has sold our data to the chinese government yet.

Jaww 08-12-2023 08:57 AM

Originally Posted by StoneQOLdCrazy (Post 3681504)

Look at the irrational amount of time Delta spends pontificating about cyber security--they're even making us switch to an 8 digit passcode on our iPads, ffs. Yeah, that will really move the needle. It's luddite, obsolete tech eyewash from some bubba corporate security empty suit in his fadeout-to-retirement job.

but they give Curly the data--OUR data-- without a peep. maybe it's a payoff for being a sleeper company stooge before, during, and after his DALPA work.

I wonder if curly has sold our data to the chinese government yet.

Somebody should tag IT and ask the question on SkyHub. That’ll settle it.

Scooter432 08-12-2023 10:37 AM

Originally Posted by Jaww (Post 3681510)
Somebody should tag IT and ask the question on SkyHub. That’ll settle it.

Please don’t , myself and others find a lot of value in his website. I’m sure DL knows already anyhow.

Buck Rogers 08-12-2023 10:37 AM

Originally Posted by StoneQOLdCrazy (Post 3681504)

I wonder if curly has sold our data to the chinese government yet.

Relax, the Chinese already have that info if you are on any social media or use a phone with a Huawei chip.

Bergman 08-12-2023 10:40 AM

Originally Posted by Buck Rogers (Post 3681559)
Relax, the Chinese already have that info if you are on any social media or use a phone with a Huawei chip.

Or have applied for a work-related Chinese visa lately.

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