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Wolf424 08-03-2023 09:56 AM

Originally Posted by tcco94 (Post 3677260)
council 16 didn’t say that, there was an email from C16 RCC upset that out of base Europe flying was only being given to ATL/NYC with double deadheads while the west coast saw none of it. Which is literally the RCC’s job in your council.

I suggest you re-read the 25 July 2022 Council 16 update.

“1. LAX expects to retain its (emphasis added) flying. That means keeping Hawaii, Central America, and SNA trips in base.”

BK then goes on to rant about the “fair share” of flying LAX was entitled to in Europe.

Either way, you missed the joke.

BK, is that you?

tcco94 08-03-2023 10:06 AM

Originally Posted by Wolf424 (Post 3677378)
I suggest you re-read the 25 July 2022 Council 16 update.

“1. LAX expects to retain its (emphasis added) flying. That means keeping Hawaii, Central America, and SNA trips in base.”

BK then goes on to rant about the “fair share” of flying LAX was entitled to in Europe.

Either way, you missed the joke.

BK, is that you?

I did miss the joke, I own that.

But context matters here that C16 never asked for any bases Europe and/or any out of base Hawaii. They were purely stating they wanted the LAX flying retained which at the time was being shifted to other bases while they also got out of base over the water flying. I’m on board with no flying is “ours”, but what they sent out is very likely what a majority of bases agree with. Not that it really matters because they don’t care about any of our opinions.

it’s really easy to take that email and twist it against C16 which wasn’t really the intention as it’s been misconstrued.

interceptorpilo 08-03-2023 11:54 AM

Originally Posted by tcco94 (Post 3677387)
I did miss the joke, I own that.

But context matters here that C16 never asked for any bases Europe and/or any out of base Hawaii. They were purely stating they wanted the LAX flying retained which at the time was being shifted to other bases while they also got out of base over the water flying. I’m on board with no flying is “ours”, but what they sent out is very likely what a majority of bases agree with. Not that it really matters because they don’t care about any of our opinions.

it’s really easy to take that email and twist it against C16 which wasn’t really the intention as it’s been misconstrued.

Misconstrued? I think it is a stretch to see it as anything other than what it was. - Don’t take “our” flying and we want more of “yours”. Like you said though - it is essentially spitting in the wind. The pilots have no say in who does what flying.

Whoopsmybad 08-03-2023 12:47 PM

Originally Posted by tcco94 (Post 3677260)
council 16 didn’t say that, there was an email from C16 RCC upset that out of base Europe flying was only being given to ATL/NYC with double deadheads while the west coast saw none of it. Which is literally the RCC’s job in your council. For some reason that set off NYC guys about how Boston, RDU, and CVG is all theirs. Nevertheless that email was blown so far out of proportion.

And then in return they gave LAX a month of going to Africa. Which I actually enjoyed. And this summer, LAX didn’t overtake any significant amount of Europe since the Atlantic saw growth. And in return had a massive amount of HNL flying given to NYC. Felt like a win-win for everyone involved. But for some reason there’s always people who create a council war.

My buddies out in LA B!tched constantly about no Europe and they wanted their share, but when I would ask if they would trade Europe for Hawaii all they said is “it’s ours!!”.

PilotWombat 08-03-2023 01:09 PM

If it helps anyone, they held an informal meet and greet in AMS today, and provided a.lot of context. Reps from NYC CPO, CR, and CS.

- The 7ER is a true flex fleet. Its drawdown is dependent on whether Airbus meets it delivery schedule, along with the economy over the next 5-10 years. If things go south, they'll be the first to be decommissioned, but if things are good, they'll continue to fly them as long as the money is there.
- 9 A330s supposed to be coming in 2024, but Airbus might not be able to deliver them all on time due to parts. FO is trying to push back on Network to keep them realistic if things don't go as planned.
- Last year the problem was not enough pilots. This year, it's TechOps and a lack of parts and experience. Less experience means more time required for fixes, which combined with lower touch times (ref new boarding time frame) means more broken planes, more crews out of position, more pilots needed. Smart management is key.
- Would not talk about a widebody order. Still in negotiations , but anything is possible for the right price. Boeing's price has to be a LOT lower than AB to justify a new fleet.
- Big D is not too worried about delivery spots. We're the only airline in the world with orders on their entire line, so they'll make room for us as needed.
- A330-900 is the right fleet for SLC, IF (big if) Airbus can figure out its AD issue on the packs. Fix is scheduled for 1H 2024, but who knows if it'll actually happen on time. Then they'll have to negotiate with Network about 330 vs 350 in the long term. So I wouldn't expect a decision on SLC WB until after summer 2024. Either way, lots of growth potential in SLC international if they can make the performance work.
- Mostly just musings on schedules and fatigue.
- Biggest safety threat right now is runway incursions. Be careful out there.

TED74 08-03-2023 01:30 PM

Originally Posted by PilotWombat (Post 3677486)
FO is trying to push back on Network to keep them realistic if things don't go as planned.


Then they'll have to negotiate with Network about 330 vs 350 in the long term.

Smart management might be the key, but smart leadership is what has always seemed to be what was lacking in my years here. I’ve always found the degree to which Network and Flight Ops are on different and conflicting sheets of music pretty surprising.

FangsF15 08-03-2023 03:46 PM

Originally Posted by Whoopsmybad (Post 3677466)
My buddies out in LA B!tched constantly about no Europe and they wanted their share, but when I would ask if they would trade Europe for Hawaii all they said is “it’s ours!!”.

You want to go to Europe? Don’t bid LA.

And it wasn’t ‘just a request’ by C16, it was the absurdity of their entitlement.

Schwanker 08-03-2023 05:02 PM

Originally Posted by FangsF15 (Post 3677565)
You want to go to Europe? Don’t bid LA.

And it wasn’t ‘just a request’ by C16, it was the absurdity of their entitlement.

but they’re willing to give up their red eyes, so there’s that

tcco94 08-03-2023 06:06 PM

Originally Posted by Schwanker (Post 3677597)
but they’re willing to give up their red eyes, so there’s that

They literally asked for Latin America which is all redeyes. This is why this is so comical how emotional people get.

tcco94 08-03-2023 06:07 PM

Originally Posted by FangsF15 (Post 3677565)
You want to go to Europe? Don’t bid LA.

And it wasn’t ‘just a request’ by C16, it was the absurdity of their entitlement.

Just so we are clear who is “entitled” to Europe flying in your eyes then? Cause this post is quite ironic and reeks of entitlement that something belongs to one’s base that is not LA…

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