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CGLimits 08-06-2021 05:37 PM

Originally Posted by captkangaroo (Post 3274981)
So you're vaccine doesn't work, unless other people take their vaccine? Doesn't seem like a very effective vaccine.

No vaccine in the history of vaccines works unless most people are vaccinated. The reason we eradicated a lot of deseases in the last one hundred years is because everyone got vaccinated. You really don’t know the way vaccines work? Do you think poleo got eradicated because only a few got vaccinated, or measles, or countless other diseases? Unless most of us get vaccinated we are not beating this thing anytime soon. The longer it takes the more time it has to keep mutating.

CGLimits 08-06-2021 05:45 PM

Originally Posted by 303flyboy (Post 3274991)
The guilting people into taking something they don’t want is one for the history books. Ask him how guilty he felt over the years walking into a grocery store killing someone’s grandma because he didn’t have his flu shot. Spare me the Covid is no flu. You would be correct. But a very similar corona virus nonetheless.

Covid can be a terrible thing for some. And it is no joke for some. It’s real. Thankfully there is a vaccine for those who want it. If the objective is a safe work floor than vaccinations or showing a negative test will indeed do the trick. Especially for those already who have been exposed to it.

We need to help and discuss all ways possible to protect our elder and weaker population. But this is slowly starting to feel like medical apartheid and it scares me more than an infection with an IFR of 0.15%.

This is not about guilting people. This is about understanding that this virus is absolutely nothing like the flu. And each variant is behaving differently from previous variants. Some variants are milder, some more aggressive. The Delta variant is a bad one. It is no accident that states with the highest vaccination rates have the lowest cases right now. It’s also no accident that states with the lowest vaccination rates are going through spikes that we had not seen since February. This is not apartheid. We as a country are not understanding that we are in it together. Either we all pull in the same direction or we are not getting out of it.

itsnotme 08-06-2021 05:47 PM

Originally Posted by CGLimits (Post 3274989)
If it’s such a lifesaver then why are hospitals having to mandate it for their own healthcare professionals?”

You answered your own question. Even among health care workers there is misinformation. They have to mandate it to protect everyone and to stop it.

Let me spell it out for you…healthcare people don’t trust it and don’t want to be forced to take it either. Quit the fear tactics, management loves people like you. You’d probably take a pay cut right now🙄

F9Driver 08-06-2021 06:01 PM

This is so rich, plus the FB page is a barn burner, woo boy

No one is forcing you take take anything. You can be anti vax all day long and have a job. You just have to take a test saying you don't have it. Now, queue the complaining about the test.

The argument about being shamed into the vaccine, or treated like 2nd class citizens... something something actions have consequences? Toughen up kids.

F9Driver 08-06-2021 06:03 PM

Originally Posted by itsnotme (Post 3274998)
Let me spell it out for you…healthcare people don’t trust it and don’t want to be forced to take it either.

Why because your sisters uncle's cousin doesn't like it? Overwhelming majority of healthcare workers are for it. Don't confuse facts and feelings.

CGLimits 08-06-2021 06:05 PM

Originally Posted by itsnotme (Post 3274998)
Let me spell it out for you…healthcare people don’t trust it and don’t want to be forced to take it either. Quit the fear tactics, management loves people like you. You’d probably take a pay cut right now🙄

Let Me spell it out for you. Most healthcare workers trust the vaccine. Unfortunately some healthcare workers are as vulnerable as you are to disinformation. This has nothing to do with fear man, but you know what…if after a year and a half of this some of you think this is a hoax, there is nothing I can say to break through.

F9Driver 08-06-2021 06:09 PM

Originally Posted by CGLimits (Post 3275013)
if after a year and a half of this some of you think this is a hoax, there is nothing I can say to break through.

So, unbelievablely true. Probably best to log out, and move on.

303flyboy 08-06-2021 06:21 PM

The biggest problem is most people their inability to accept that they don’t have all the pieces. Some people on the right love to downplay Covid. And some people on the left love to pretend it’s worse. Our inability to meet each other and see where we are both wrong while we’re both being played all the time on many levels presents a bigger treat to our democracy than any nation ever will.

itsnotme 08-06-2021 06:30 PM

Whatever F9Driver, you stop smoking yet?

BB would love it if he could get us all to sign on. This is a marketing ploy, you fools. He’s already said in a press release that the “vast majority of F9 employees are vaccinated.” Not even Disney unions were weak enough to cave to this type of optics.

V1 McFlyerson 08-06-2021 06:32 PM

Originally Posted by itsnotme (Post 3275035)
Whatever F9Driver, you stop smoking yet?

BB would love it if he could get us all to sign on. This is a marketing ploy, you fools. He’s already said in a press release that the “vast majority of F9 employees are vaccinated.” Not even Disney unions were weak enough to cave to this type of optics.

You types are weird.

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