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Fox News: surge in new cases


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Fox News: surge in new cases

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Old 10-30-2020, 01:38 PM
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Originally Posted by WotFace
You're right. They did predict that. But here's the mindblowing part about COVID. Every hotspot and every coldspot are completely controlled by human behavior. I don't envy IHME's job. They're trying to model the virus and how it spreads accounting for American behavior. Which if you look at their website, it actually gives a spectrum of predictions. A good behavior prediction, a bad one, and their most likely one.


But don't let that give you an excuse to dismiss their work and their warning about how dire this winter is going to be.
complaining about human nature is not going to stop human nature. Even Europe and Australia are clearly not ever going to go back to the kind of sustained lockdowns they once did. Their people simply won’t tolerate them. Don’t preach about what people in Singapore or China or North Korea will tolerate, we are talking different cultures. I suspect we have already taken the best shot we will ever take for societal controls, they simply weren’t effective enough soon enough to draw support for more.

It doesn’t have to make sense to you personally, the British Parliament was genuinely surprised that the Stamp Act and blockading Boston Harbor until the rowdy band of Colonials paid for the tea would actually stoke a revolution, it made sense to the people that did it. Same here. If lockdowns had been any sort of dramatic success IN THE US that might have bough the states credibility enough to repeat them. They did not. Don’t matter if you think that’s just because they weren’t applied soon enough or strictly enough. You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression and the ship has now sailed.

Time to deal with that reality.
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Old 10-30-2020, 01:48 PM
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Originally Posted by AntiPeter
I let these scientists give me a (reasonable) excuse to dismiss the IHME:

https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M20-1565 <-- Says IHME good for short term predictions

https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2...-ihme-pandemic <-- Written May 2nd.

https://towardsdatascience.com/this-...i=d9b44368a68e <-- focuses solely on the Sept 6th forecast

https://www.beckershospitalreview.co...-19-model.html <-- Written April 17th

https://www.statnews.com/2020/04/17/...s-critics-say/ <-- Also written April 17th

IHME is good for websites they write about fiction, like CNN.
Most of these articles were written when data was scarce and the country was scrambling. The country's negligent lack of testing in April led to huge holes in our intel of where the virus was and where it was headed.

Also, IHME took a lot of heat from their Sept 6. model, which was an anomaly compared to the rest of their bi-weekly predictions.

But hey, it sounds like you've already reached your conclusion. Don't let facts (or models) stand in your way. And if IHME doesn't float your boat, there are a dozen more models to choose from.

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Old 10-30-2020, 01:49 PM
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Originally Posted by furloughfuntime
You're making a political argument right now, even though you're accusing others of doing exactly what you're doing. Yes, there are many risks in life, but the pandemic and its health consequences were avoidable. The argument your making is childish, and amounts to "why do anything if we are going to die anyway?"

Do you wear a seatbelt when you drive? What's the point, you might die of cancer? Why should I quit smoking because I might get hit by a car anyway? This is the attitude of an edgy 15 year old, and it's insane to me that pilots are struggling to understand the very basic premise of risk mitigation.

In any case, this whole "cure is worth than the disease" narrative is false and pseudoscientific. It's not based on any evidence, and pandemic deaths outweigh any of the external deaths if you look at the numbers.

Sad how those who are the most confident are often the most incorrect

What a ridiculous distortion of my post.

Lets take your risk mitigation to its logical conclusion.

People die in car accidents, so no more cars.

People die from airplane accidents, so no more flying.

People die from skiing accidents, so no more skiing.

People die from obesity related comorbidities, so no more food.

People die from motorcycle accidents, so no more motorcycling.

People die from falling in the shower, so no more showers.

People fall off their roofs and die when cleaning the gutters, so no more roofs, gutters, or houses.

Etc, etc, etc, etc.

Every day when you wake up you expose yourself to a myriad of risks. Wuhan flu is just one of many. We will all die from something and for many of us it will be from something we would never have guessed.

No matter how you try you cannot escape the fact that this virus is airborne and WILL make its way through the population. Luckily for our world population it kills very few of the people it infects. As of yesterday 1.18 million of 7.8 billion. 0.0151282%.
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Old 10-30-2020, 01:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Excargodog
Time to deal with that reality.
Here are some sure signs when things are getting bad.

When Excargodog:
-- Stops posting daily worldometer charts
-- Stops comparing death per million stats with Europe
-- Starts comparing deaths to global mortality totals

... then you know it's really bad.
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Old 10-30-2020, 02:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Excargodog
I suspect we have already taken the best shot we will ever take for societal controls, they simply weren’t effective enough soon enough to draw support for more.
This is 100% false. We've had a leader who has been an insurgent against mitigation since the very beginning. The damage to our response has been catastrophic. This was most definitely not our best shot.

Originally Posted by Excargodog
If lockdowns had been any sort of dramatic success IN THE US that might have bough the states credibility enough to repeat them. They did not. Don’t matter if you think that’s just because they weren’t applied soon enough or strictly enough. You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression and the ship has now sailed.
If you stop taking your antibiotics half way through the cycle and your gonorrhea comes back, it doesn't mean the antibiotics were ineffective. It means that you weren't responsible enough to finish the treatment.
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Old 10-30-2020, 02:33 PM
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Originally Posted by WotFace
This is 100% false. We've had a leader who has been an insurgent against mitigation since the very beginning. The damage to our response has been catastrophic. This was most definitely not our best shot.
I didn’t say it was the best shot we might have been able to take, I said it was the best shot we will ever get, and it was. There is simply too much COVID fatigue and active resistance To lockdowns to do any better on a second attempt.

If you stop taking your antibiotics half way through the cycle and your gonorrhea comes back, it doesn't mean the antibiotics were ineffective. It means that you weren't responsible enough to finish the treatment.
Well, you may well be the voice of experience on gonorrhea treatment, but it simply doesn’t matter. One can avoid gonorrhea or HIV for that matter - simply through condom use - BUT AS A SOCIETY WE’VE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO PULL THAT OFF (no pun intended). Nor are you going to change that. Intercepting HIV infections are a thousand times easier than stopping this from spreading, and far easier for contact tracing because most of us actually know the name of someone we’ve been screwing, but I’ve been within six feet of dozens of total strangers today - most of us have.

But lamenting what could have or should have been done is silly, what WAS done is the historical reality and it has gotten us to here, and nothing is going to change that. And where ‘here’ is is at COVID fatigue. Without attempting to turn the US into a police state the will is simply not there for a severe lockdown. It just isn’t.
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Old 10-30-2020, 03:03 PM
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The French aren't taking another lockdown very well.

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Old 10-30-2020, 03:10 PM
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Originally Posted by AZFlyer
The French aren't taking another lockdown very well.

Which of course spreads the virus more, as people travel away and mingle.

Oh well. At least the French and Italians are showing a backbone, unlike the Germans.
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Old 10-30-2020, 04:33 PM
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Originally Posted by WotFace
8 months later, I can see this APC temper tantrum has gone on unabated. And here we are, 8 months later, and people are still making the "it's just the flu!" claim. Incredible.

You keep asking why such drastic actions for COVID, but you fail to look at the facts. We're on pace for TEN TIMES the fatalities of flu, and that's with all of the mitigations that you scream about. We're on pace for 400,000 deaths by February 1, that's a pretty amazing feat if you think about it. It takes an incredible amount of denial and disorganization to have 400,000 people die from a virus that kills 1 in 200.

So keep it up, boys. Your denial and resistance only extends this nightmare.
The troll is back and wondering again why no one listens to his drivel.
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Old 10-30-2020, 06:53 PM
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Originally Posted by AZFlyer
The French aren't taking another lockdown very well.

Nor is the REST of Europe:

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