Yes. I started at XJT in '06. Bad timing and things went downhill quickly with the departure of JR and the setup for sale. Took a quick assessment of the situation at the end of '10 beginning of ''11 and I still had about 700 between me and upgrade with no upgrades on the horizon. Figured it would be about 3-4 more years right seat. I bailed then for a government job to bide my time till things improved in the industry. And I was correct about the upgrade time. I was a G8*** and I think my new-hire class is still waiting or just did upgrade. But to what?
XJT is just a different place than it was in '06.
I have nothing but respect and admiration for my XJT brothers and sisters but the situation there is abysmal. That united CPA is disgusting. XJT is costing SkyWest millions. The 50 seaters are at risk, everywhere.
I passed through IAH a couple weeks ago and it's like thee is a dark cloud hanging over the place, because there is.
CPZ has a bright future. Crews are happy, lots of movement, Delta loves them (consistently #2 for on-time performance, and that'll improve with flying out West), and with such a small pilot group it takes very little to see light at the end of the right-seat tunnel.
Consider this, XJT has almost ten times the pilots of CPZ. So for the same relative movement just due to flows alone, XJT would need to see an almost 200 a month pilot attrition. Or conversely, hold upgrade classes of 100-200 a month. Never going to happen.