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FedEx MEC on wrong Track


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FedEx MEC on wrong Track

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Old 02-29-2012, 04:09 PM
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Originally Posted by NoKoolAid
In case it is not wildly apparent to the casual observer, the APLA constitution and by-laws AUTHORIZE the elected reps to choose the 3 MEC reps. Brilliant!
The block reps AND the MEC should be elected by the pilots. I suggest an immediate amendment to the ALPA C&BL to correct this egregious provision. Hell, we can just make it FedEx ALPA specific if possible -- let the other groups decide. I don't want to hear -- if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

The current election process would be similar to all the congressional reps and senators deciding on the next President -- WITHOUT the voice of the people! Same thing here ... it's a perfect example of cronyism gone wild.

We need a vote of no confidence and the entire lot should be booted.

Regarding BM.
Brad is a freakin' stand-up guy who has gone waayyy beyond anyone on this forum in union service and sacrifice. Isn't it ironic he chooses to step down with essentially the same message as others in dissent? The MEC is not serving the pilots and he is unable to support the officers. We should all reflect on how difficult a decision he faced -- put yourself in his shoes when you read the resignation letter.

As a dues paying member at FedEx for 13 years, I feel I have a right to throw some spears at the process! Essentially, I feel like enough is enough. Enough politicians, enough games, enough passivity...

I'm tired of the "business approach" of dealing with management on contractual issues. We've been outmanned, outgunned, and outsmarted at every turn over the past 2 contracts. We could talk for hours on this topic -- 4A2B, FDA LOA, Age 60, bid disasters, 777 pay, etc. These are essentially total strikeouts by our UNION from top to bottom.

I want a team of professional negotiators. Hired guns with clear cut objectives.
We oversee the process. To think that our own pilots can take a NC orientation course and stand up to a full staff of FedEx attorneys is freakin' laughable and unbelievable arrogant. I'm a pilot, I can do this. So far, I don't see it guys. This is our union and we can negotiate our contracts as we see fit. Maybe other groups will see the wisdom. FedEx might actually take us seriously. Right now it's similar to the shotgun and fish in the barrel approach.

I don't think I'm in the minority here carrying the concerns and frustrations.
I want a UNION that has some freakin' BACKBONE.
Guys that do what's best for the pilots -- ALL THE TIME.
Do you know why?
FedEx does what's best for FedEx -- ALL THE TIME.

I want to see a UNION with some teeth -- gnashing, blood dripping teeth if necessary!
Call it OLD SCHOOL if you like.
FedEx will NEVER take our NC seriously without a swift punch in the teeth.
Our collective contributions to the success of this company need to be properly recognized. They are acutely aware of the impact a hypothetical service interruption would create across the spectrum of operations. Anyone who's been to the Captain's courses in the past sees the message. Let's all get along. Let's not repeat UPS customer losses from the '97 strike. Blah, blah, blah.

They know the impact it would make.
The question is do WE know the strength we actually possess?
No one wants to go to that level but you need to be ready if it comes to that.
I'll bet BM never imagined a resignation happening ... but he was prepared to do it. He chose to do the right thing rather than go down with the Titanic.

4A2B should have been a huge eye-opener to how the cat plays with the mouse at FedEx.. We got OWNED on that one folks.
Wake up people.

I'm frustrated with the MEC and the reps. I salute the efforts and hours spent on our behalf when the push for improvements and support is actually in the right place. There are many who do, but the ones who don't taint the sauce.
I think this is why BM, TH, and CB spoke as they did. Anyone see the trend?

I have zero confidence that the individuals in place on the MEC truly represent me and my fellow pilots with a passion for ALWAYS doing the right thing for the pilots. I am neutral on the current NC -- the only thing I've seen done is a rubber stamp of the 3% bump. Other than that, I have no idea what's happening behind the scenes. I much preferred updates from Gustafson to be honest.

Albie is a popular guy here and for good reason. He appears to be a standup guy and is often open to explaining his perspective. I agree more than I disagree with him on most issues. That's not an full endorsement, just an acknowledgement of past contributions and appreciation. If he wants to take the lead then we need to hear more. An inherent distrust of elected officials is much better than blind faith in them IMO.

The current process of MEC officer elections stifles new blood for sure.
Many of you may wonder if I'm just ranting or willing to step up.
To the MEC -- no.
As a rep or committee member - yes. It wouldn't be the first time either.
I assure you I'm ready to step up and throw a voice of reason into the mix.
I'll be contacting Albie personally for a discussion on these matters.
Good rant. Just one thing, though... The Block Reps ARE the MEC!
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Old 02-29-2012, 04:42 PM
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Originally Posted by NoKoolAid

Regarding BM.
Brad is a freakin' stand-up guy who has gone waayyy beyond anyone on this forum in union service and sacrifice. Isn't it ironic he chooses to step down with essentially the same message as others in dissent? The MEC is not serving the pilots and he is unable to support the officers. We should all reflect on how difficult a decision he faced -- put yourself in his shoes when you read the resignation letter.
I'll bet BM never imagined a resignation happening ... but he was prepared to do it. He chose to do the right thing rather than go down with the Titanic.
BM resigned because he was confronted with direct evidence that he lied and mislead regarding his "being briefed on the 4a2b proposal". During that confrontation he was told that either he brief the MEC on the situation or it would be revealed for him. Rather than face up he resigned. Period. Anything else is just falshood and distraction to the facts and diversion to the revealing of the agenda being pursued against our negotiating process and the Administration which supports it.
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Old 02-29-2012, 04:58 PM
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Originally Posted by MEMFO4Ever
Nice attempt to calm the storm, but it has been brewing steadily. Section 29 is an item of severe contention for a lot of people, especially in light of the current infighting. I have consistently placed the elimination of this clause as the number one priority of the negotiating committee and I know that I am not the only one.

No one is suggesting a mass exodus from ALPA, but without leverage the union leadership (local and national) can and does ignore the wishes of the membership to suit their needs. There is no incentive for them to respond since the worst that can happen is recall and a return to the line. Instead they hold the very existence of someone's livelyhood over their head, expect them to participate fully, and are surprised when they do not. Holding the pursestrings puts the leadership on notice that if people don't like what is happening they can 'vote with their feet' and take their money with them. It is the American way, works for business, and should be well within our rights. Bottom line, we were sold a bill of goods.

Granted, the possibility of national endorsing a membership-approved TA removing agency shop is slim, but if it comes to that it might be time for torches and pitchforks. In this game the only thing that talks is money and since our 'voice' is a virtual certainty, loyalty to the customer (us) is easily manipulated to fulfill personal and institutional agendas contrary to the membership's benefit.

Thanks for the back up...
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Old 02-29-2012, 05:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Gooch121
Lets see….

In the last couple of weeks, we’ve had a very public running gun battle between several of our Block reps and our MEC Officers, then our MEC Vice Chair resigns and on the same day 3 of our 13 MEC block reps are sent to a recall election. Couple of days later, the now ex-MEC Vice throws a stink bomb into the room causing our Negotiating committee Chair and his Vice to resign. All this happening while we are in talks with the Company about pending Section 6 openers. Talk about drama!

And with all this going on, you want what’s left of our supported-MEC to start a fight with ALPA National over Section 29, which has never been an item of contention since (in your words) its inception 2006.

Dude, calm down…protect Essential……wind the clock!

From my view our plate is full and we don’t need to pick a fight with anybody else.

End of procedure.
When would you have me get excited about it? After the next contract is signed and nothing has changed? I'd say that with pending Section 6 openers, this is EXACTLY when we need to be talking about the things that need fixing in our contract. The last thing I really want to do is sit through another contract signing and then afterwards listen to everybody complain about how ALPA does whatever it wants to do, regardless of what we want as a crewforce.

Maybe I just don't know what I'm talking about, but I don't see this as picking a fight with ALPA National. This is just our crewmembers deciding to remove something from our existing contract...plain and simple. We're hoping to do the same with parts of 4a2b aren't we? We don't like it and think it needs to be changed. I realize the National has to sign off on our contract, but if they are providing the level of commitment and service that is expected of them, there shouldn't be any concerns about the money. Guys will stay in and pay their fair share because they WANT to, not because they have no other choice.
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Old 02-29-2012, 05:27 PM
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Originally Posted by NoKoolAid
In case it is not wildly apparent to the casual observer, the APLA constitution and by-laws AUTHORIZE the elected reps to choose the 3 MEC reps. Brilliant!
The block reps AND the MEC should be elected by the pilots. I suggest an immediate amendment to the ALPA C&BL to correct this egregious provision. Hell, we can just make it FedEx ALPA specific if possible -- let the other groups decide. I don't want to hear -- if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

The current election process would be similar to all the congressional reps and senators deciding on the next President -- WITHOUT the voice of the people! Same thing here ... it's a perfect example of cronyism gone wild.

We need a vote of no confidence and the entire lot should be booted.

Regarding BM.
Brad is a freakin' stand-up guy who has gone waayyy beyond anyone on this forum in union service and sacrifice. Isn't it ironic he chooses to step down with essentially the same message as others in dissent? The MEC is not serving the pilots and he is unable to support the officers. We should all reflect on how difficult a decision he faced -- put yourself in his shoes when you read the resignation letter.

As a dues paying member at FedEx for 13 years, I feel I have a right to throw some spears at the process! Essentially, I feel like enough is enough. Enough politicians, enough games, enough passivity...

I'm tired of the "business approach" of dealing with management on contractual issues. We've been outmanned, outgunned, and outsmarted at every turn over the past 2 contracts. We could talk for hours on this topic -- 4A2B, FDA LOA, Age 60, bid disasters, 777 pay, etc. These are essentially total strikeouts by our UNION from top to bottom.

I want a team of professional negotiators. Hired guns with clear cut objectives.
We oversee the process. To think that our own pilots can take a NC orientation course and stand up to a full staff of FedEx attorneys is freakin' laughable and unbelievable arrogant. I'm a pilot, I can do this. So far, I don't see it guys. This is our union and we can negotiate our contracts as we see fit. Maybe other groups will see the wisdom. FedEx might actually take us seriously. Right now it's similar to the shotgun and fish in the barrel approach.

I don't think I'm in the minority here carrying the concerns and frustrations.
I want a UNION that has some freakin' BACKBONE.
Guys that do what's best for the pilots -- ALL THE TIME.
Do you know why?
FedEx does what's best for FedEx -- ALL THE TIME.

I want to see a UNION with some teeth -- gnashing, blood dripping teeth if necessary!
Call it OLD SCHOOL if you like.
FedEx will NEVER take our NC seriously without a swift punch in the teeth.
Our collective contributions to the success of this company need to be properly recognized. They are acutely aware of the impact a hypothetical service interruption would create across the spectrum of operations. Anyone who's been to the Captain's courses in the past sees the message. Let's all get along. Let's not repeat UPS customer losses from the '97 strike. Blah, blah, blah.

They know the impact it would make.
The question is do WE know the strength we actually possess?
No one wants to go to that level but you need to be ready if it comes to that.
I'll bet BM never imagined a resignation happening ... but he was prepared to do it. He chose to do the right thing rather than go down with the Titanic.

4A2B should have been a huge eye-opener to how the cat plays with the mouse at FedEx.. We got OWNED on that one folks.
Wake up people.

I'm frustrated with the MEC and the reps. I salute the efforts and hours spent on our behalf when the push for improvements and support is actually in the right place. There are many who do, but the ones who don't taint the sauce.
I think this is why BM, TH, and CB spoke as they did. Anyone see the trend?

I have zero confidence that the individuals in place on the MEC truly represent me and my fellow pilots with a passion for ALWAYS doing the right thing for the pilots. I am neutral on the current NC -- the only thing I've seen done is a rubber stamp of the 3% bump. Other than that, I have no idea what's happening behind the scenes. I much preferred updates from Gustafson to be honest.

Albie is a popular guy here and for good reason. He appears to be a standup guy and is often open to explaining his perspective. I agree more than I disagree with him on most issues. That's not an full endorsement, just an acknowledgement of past contributions and appreciation. If he wants to take the lead then we need to hear more. An inherent distrust of elected officials is much better than blind faith in them IMO.

The current process of MEC officer elections stifles new blood for sure.
Many of you may wonder if I'm just ranting or willing to step up.
To the MEC -- no.
As a rep or committee member - yes. It wouldn't be the first time either.
I assure you I'm ready to step up and throw a voice of reason into the mix.
I'll be contacting Albie personally for a discussion on these matters.

Clarity -- ALPA is our best option for overall representation.
Kind of like you gotta dance with the girl you brought to the prom.
The difference is we should decide if she's hot or not.
I was talking to BM about taking out all the conditional language during the last contract negotiations. Also, I talked to him about my dissatisfaction with the initial HKG LOA before the vote. Specifically the limited info on ground transportation provided by FedEx. He told me we need to have faith the company will do right by the guys who bid HKG. He also said about the same thing about removing the conditional contract language. Most of the stuff in your post was brought to you by the very guys you say have the right ideas BM, CB & TH. We FedEx ALPA have always been to shy about grieving stuff with the company.

I agree with you about our need for professional negotiators.
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Old 02-29-2012, 05:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Gunter

One thing I'm not is in la la land thinking threats by individuals to stop paying dues will have an appreciable effect on the direction or responsiveness of ALPA National. That's a big boat. Inputs can be made but most changes take a coordinated and persistent effort.
Anyone can stop paying dues. After the process is complete the individual will just be terminated. You guys all knew that when you voted for Agency Shop?
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Old 02-29-2012, 05:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Busboy
What??? You expected "everybody has to pay dues". Nothing else? Brilliant!!

You've exaggerated the number of grandfathered parasitic freeloaders by about 100%
Yes, I actually didn't think that we'd allow firing criteria to be placed in our contract over something as trivial as paying dues. The company could probably care less is we have agency shop or not, so somebody had to insert this BS into our contract language. Suspend somebody's membership benefits & representation. Definitely. Add a penalty fee for not paying on time. Certainly! But FIRE SOMEBODY over dues....if you actually buy into that concept, you might actually be the real moron here.

Yes, I also didn't expect the all of the D-bag non-members would get such a free pass on their dues. I thought that the phrase "everybody pays" meant that "everybody would pay"! FYI - We didn't let just 30 guys slide through in 2006 - I stared at the list enought times in disgust to know that much!

Lastly, I never said to make it the number one priority for the negotiating committee to get rid of Section 29. It just needs to be fixed; that's my opinion.
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Old 02-29-2012, 05:44 PM
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Originally Posted by FoxHunter
Anyone can stop paying dues. After the process is complete the individual will just be terminated. You guys all knew that when you voted for Agency Shop?
Lose your job over dues...and this makes sense to you???
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Old 02-29-2012, 05:56 PM
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Originally Posted by HerkDriver
Lose your job over dues...and this makes sense to you???
Yes, that is the way Agency Shop has always worked. You are either a member and pay dues, or a non-member and pay a fee. If you refuse to pay you are terminated. Your contract calls for it. You have to pay your fair share to be part of the ALPA power house.
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Old 02-29-2012, 05:57 PM
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Terminated ? So the list that I recieved from the Union for years containing all Non Paying members...they were all fired ? I still see some of those guys walking around. You don't have to pay dues...and you still have representation if the case requires it....not that I'm promoting it...
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