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A Letter to FDX ALPA Officers


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A Letter to FDX ALPA Officers

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Old 03-13-2009, 06:52 PM
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Moneyman, Your long diatribe can be boiled down to a few short statements

1. I am a widebody captain at FEDEX and deserve the toys and rewards afforded said position regardless of current economic realities.

2. There are pilots here making more than me and I want to be able to get my share but as of now am unable due to the socialist "spreading the wealth" of our available flying

3. Taxes are coming, Taxes are coming, I told you all last year he was coming for our money...

4. I have a 225,000 dollar lifestyle and no adequate means of reducing my consumption so my 3 month buffer won't last, I ain't selling my Porsche.

5. All the other guys I talk to are sympathetic to my plight and think like me.

Moneyman why wait to see what happens, take the freedom alotted while it still exists to sell that Capt. house while you still own it and downsize. One big cut is better than say foregoing that vacation or keeping the car a year or two longer, you know all those little razor cuts.

It's somewhat too late now but for future reference I've heard and go by the reserve requirement commensurate with income. 50K- 3 months, 100K-6 months and 200K- 1 year due to the difficulty of returning to said income level.

Last edited by Lucky7; 03-13-2009 at 08:03 PM.
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Old 03-13-2009, 06:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Micro
I won't get into a battle with you on the other points. I'm also glad you finally called one of the reps (why not your own??).

I will tell you you're wrong on your above statement. Your union reps (the LEC's / MEC) are the ones representing you and they are ONLY paid the BLG for their bid line. The reps are line pilots like you.

What you "meant" to say was the MEC Officers are making considerably more than the BLG of any aircraft.
First, I did contact my rep--no reply in over two weeks. I did the same with a couple of the MEC officers.

Second, I said union leaders. I did not say reps. Previous post said MEC Officers. So the point was clear for most readers, although maybe not grammatically correct.

Finally, the point is valid as you said. In spite of the lack of EXACT name reference, the point is still valid.

Last edited by MoneyMan; 03-13-2009 at 08:12 PM.
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Old 03-13-2009, 07:09 PM
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Originally Posted by FXDX
Hey MoneyMan, I'll take my shot.

1. I disagree that the union has not taken a stance on carryover. They tried, but they apparently tied their global solution (at that time) to an early retirement proposal that the company found unpalatable. The entire argument was rejected by the company, what else could the union do? DW has talked a good game about shared sacrifice via a reduction of carryover and a monthly cap. The company controls carryover, and unless they are willing to negotiate something (which it appears they now are) then what is the union to do? Should a global solution (what ever the hey that means) be negotiated and an LOA brought to the table, it sounds like it will include some reduction in carryover and hopefully a cap on monthly BLG, with definite snapbacks to normal ops when MBPG returns to normal contractual levels. You may not like the sound of that, since it would continue the shared sacrifice and reduction in your BLG for an indefinite time, but that seems to be what the majority is in favor of. Time, and a vote (on an LOA) will tell.
Absolutely a great response, and that is what the guy I talked to clarified. The union has taken a response, but has been over-ruled so to speak by the company AND by the membership. The pilots like it and want to keep it. So you are absolutely correct in your points, and it would take a vote to change it, which is unlikely.

As for point 3, I cannot say enough time the conclusion was based upon heresy and not facts. I shouldn't have mentioned it. Everyone talks about furlough, but like I've said repeatedly, no one knows so any discussion about it should probably be avoided. That being said, if the "share the pain" for 2-3 years was such a great philosophy, I wonder why other carriers did not implement it (United, US Air, etc.). Everyone has their own opinion. For me, I would not put my family at risk for someone else. My family comes first before job and anyone else. I will defend them with my last breath.

Point 4 was both a specific issue and generalization of the economy. The point I was making is that I believe we will experience more "pain" in the future as Congress tries to grapple with the situation. Anyone that believes the status quo is the bottom I believe is naive.

Point 5 is correct. My sample size is small. But if just ONE pilot has to declare bankruptcy or lose their home, to me that is one pilot too many IF not all are sharing in the sacrifice. If the problems I mentioned were addressed and everyone was sharing the pain, maybe that pilot would not be in the condition they are in.

Finally, I accept your views and appreciate the manner in which you delivered them. We just have a difference in opinion. At another carrier, having the advance notice allowed many to find other jobs, set up a small business, apply for grants, and many other things. For those that did not get hit with the layoff, it allowed them to plan for where they would be seniority wise (for us, that would be a new aircraft, a different seat, whatever). I personally have no idea how to bid on these open bids because I don't know where it will end. I'd much rather be able to control (somewhat) when I went to training for a new position rather than be shoved into a date arbitrarily selected by the company.

But I accept your view (and others) that they would rather have it work that way than advance notice.

Originally Posted by FXDX
there is more to life than our paychecks, continue to prepare for even worse times ahead, and hope that better times are right around the bend.
That sums it up for me also. My family comes first. There is much more out there than the company. Even if retirement is delayed, I look forward to that day.
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Old 03-13-2009, 07:15 PM
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Originally Posted by 990Convair
FedEx Corporation (FDX) has missed once in the past 3 quarters. Ahead of the company's fiscal third-quarter report, 6 brokerage analysts have cut their profit projections. The negative revisions sent the consensus earnings estimate 3 cents lower to 47 cents per share. The most accurate estimate is more bearish at 44 cents per share. FedEx is scheduled to report on Thursday, Mar 19, before the start of trading.

And this has what to do with the main point of consternation on this thread, which is the threat of a furlough? The fact of the matter is volume is way down, ergo the need for less pilots. Need, or lack of need, for pilots will determine a furlough here, not EPS. 4.A.2.b is keeping people around here, I can't imagine you would argue that point.

If your point is we should be fighting 4.A.2.b tooth and nail because we're still profitable, then you're arguing for a furlough. It's cheaper now for the company to keep 300 bodies on property with the lowered BLGs every month than it would be to put them on the street (see the calculator on the ALPA home page). Contractually, they have the right to furlough. Based on need, they could furlough, even the Union grants this point. The economics involved with having to buy up lines would seem to be the only thing preventing a furlough.

I'm ecstatic the company is still profitable. I'm also glad everyone is still on the property...
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Old 03-13-2009, 07:34 PM
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Originally Posted by MoneyMan
As for point 3, I cannot say enough time the conclusion was based upon heresy and not facts. I shouldn't have mentioned it.
Interesting use of the wrong word, did you really mean to say "hearsay"?:


1. opinion or doctrine at variance with the orthodox or accepted doctrine, esp. of a church or religious system.

2. the maintaining of such an opinion or doctrine.

3. Roman Catholic Church. the willful and persistent rejection of any article of faith by a baptized member of the church.

4. any belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs, customs, etc.
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Old 03-13-2009, 07:50 PM
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Originally Posted by nakazawa
I'm a little confused with the latest NC message. Are we trying to negotiate something with the Company? As far as I can see - there's nothing to negotiate. It's time for a NO - not interested from our NC and MEC. Here's why.

The Company and our NC negotiated an FDA LOA that's NOT working. TOO BAD!!! You get what you negotiate. If the Company can't fill the domicile, maybe their super sharp negotiators should have done a little more homework. There certainly were enough inputs - and to both sides. For our folks on Kirby Pkwy and Hacks Cross to make one trip to Asia - get a total understanding of the magnitude of moving crews to CHINA is total crap. They've taken everything away from US, including the tax exemption, requirements to have the Company accountant to do our taxes, the G/T waivers . . . it's done - we've got an LOA - live with it!

POP pay is out of control. You want crews to stop gaming the system, then FIX IT!!! Bid what you want to fly - fly what you bid. How many times have we heard that? We've got 4,679 crew members - we all have college degrees, most have been flight instructors, managers, standards folks and some are FAA designees. So . . . we have guys getting pay on one jet, flying another, and they can't be replaced? Give me a break!!! If you want to play the system and bid to a place based on pay - expect to be trained and do it!

4.A.2.b. - a sore spot I know, but so is the violation on 5.B.2.a-e. when we sit in the jet for 2.5 hours in NGO, or 3.5 hours in ICN. The Company has built these as 'operational' requirements. BUNK!!! The optimizer has been tweaked so tight that's the only way those segments fit. It's NOT operational, it's administrative, and it's illegal. And, 25.D.2.a-e. There's no allowance for a BLG cap on the VTOs - in fact - the only allowance is for the 13 hour split between low and high lines. The Company has requested an 'average' build amount for years - but CBA compliance is the 13 hour split.

And . . . what about B-777 pay? I say - who cares!!! The bigger deal is going to be the FLAG OPS - trying to work with 32/7 when you've got a crew going up and down the west coast in their MD-11 - and you end up with a 30/7 requirement. Put a domestic leg on the B-777 and you're stuck trying to do the long-haul back and forth to ZGGG in 30 hours. GOOD LUCK.

So . . . I don't want to play ball? Let's hire some Chinese pilots. Let's see you do a back-ground investigation on them. Heck - we couldn't even sort out the Chinese Olympians. And . . a degree from an accredited 4 year university, fluent in English, can get a clearance, an FAA ATP and F/E written, and OBTW, able to carry our charter stuff with the couriers. Yep - it'll all work. Standards - you get to train 'em!

So - put a crew on the street - do the furlough - and 23.A.11 goes into affect. VLT is gone - and I suspect DRF will take a major hit. FDX reliability is significantly affected, and the absolutely - positively becomes a thing of the past. The purple promise is going to be that big ring under PC's eye when FWS cans his a##. And . . . we're going to reduce PAC flying? Any idea how hard it is to get Asia freight slots? You think FDX is going to give them up for non-use? GET A CLUE!!! When we got the 10 NRT slots back from Delta - the Japanese wanted to redistribute the slots to THEIR carriers. FWS and the US Govt protected us. Yeh - we might not be carrying as much freight right now, but I'll be damned if you can convince me we're going to give up slots or flight rights between anyplace in Asia.

I apologize for the rant - but I think we've given up enough. It's time THEY played ball with US.
Nice rant. I am with on all points.
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Old 03-13-2009, 08:11 PM
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Originally Posted by MD11Fr8Dog
Interesting use of the wrong word, did you really mean to say "hearsay"?:


1. opinion or doctrine at variance with the orthodox or accepted doctrine, esp. of a church or religious system.

2. the maintaining of such an opinion or doctrine.

3. Roman Catholic Church. the willful and persistent rejection of any article of faith by a baptized member of the church.

4. any belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs, customs, etc.
I love it. You got me. Didn't show up in the spell checker and I didn't think to proof read it.

I actually like definition #1 as it seems that how you view the current situation is driving your own personal opinion or doctrine that may be at variance with other accepted doctrine.

Nice to have a little humor interjected!
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Old 03-13-2009, 08:14 PM
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Originally Posted by UPSAv8tr
Thanks for the reponse. Between all the bickering I didn't think anyone was going to.

I know you guys are negotiating right now, but as it stands, how does it work? Are people working 1/2 the bid period? Are all lines being paid/scheduled at 48 hrs?

No, the lines are being built based on perceived manning per seat. Most are being built to around 60 hours in a 68 hour month. Some are built over 68 hours. Hong Kong bus guys and Mem 757 guys are working 74 hours + in a 68 hour month.

The reserve and training guys are the ones getting hosed. They get paid 96% Blg for the seat but still have to work 15 days a month. So a reserve guy (seat dependent) is getting less than 4 hrs pay per day when the historic average is 4:30.

We still have senior lines that pay 80+ hours in a 68 hour month due to our assanine carry over system. So some guys are feeling no pain yet.
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Old 03-13-2009, 08:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Lucky7
Moneyman why wait to see what happens, take the freedom alotted while it still exists to sell that Capt. house while you still own it and downsize. One big cut is better than say foregoing that vacation or keeping the car a year or two longer, you know all those little razor cuts.

It's somewhat too late now but for future reference I've heard and go by the reserve requirement commensurate with income. 50K- 3 months, 100K-6 months and 200K- 1 year due to the difficulty of returning to said income level.
Hey, didn't you read all the other flames. I've got mine and not in trouble, so I don't need to sell my house. Were you trying to tell Auger In to sell his house because he's in trouble? Heck, while were at it, let's go after retiree payments. They got to reap the benefits of the good years, so lets make them pay for the bad.

Or are you pushing the social agenda that all should suffer? That's the Obama policy and I don't subscribe to it. You can have it, but I am opposed to socialism and income redistribution. I don't agree to using my taxes to bail out someone from a mortgage they shouldn't have taken out in the first place. I don't agree with my taxes going to over 8000 earmarks. So if he's your guy, so be it. But he's not my guy and I don't believe in any of his philosophy's at all (guns, taxes, wealth, income redistribution, or estate taxes to name a few). We'll see in 4 years who was right.
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Old 03-13-2009, 08:40 PM
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Originally Posted by MoneyMan
Hey, didn't you read all the other flames. I've got mine and not in trouble, so I don't need to sell my house. Were you trying to tell Auger In to sell his house because he's in trouble? Heck, while were at it, let's go after retiree payments. They got to reap the benefits of the good years, so lets make them pay for the bad.

Or are you pushing the social agenda that all should suffer? That's the Obama policy and I don't subscribe to it. You can have it, but I am opposed to socialism and income redistribution. I don't agree to using my taxes to bail out someone from a mortgage they shouldn't have taken out in the first place. I don't agree with my taxes going to over 8000 earmarks. So if he's your guy, so be it. But he's not my guy and I don't believe in any of his philosophy's at all (guns, taxes, wealth, income redistribution, or estate taxes to name a few). We'll see in 4 years who was right.

Man I hope that I get furloughed soon so Money Man doesn't have to get a second job at Fox News.
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