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Old 08-23-2018, 04:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Flytolive
Not at all. To say you are confused would be an understatement.
Says the guy who likes to confuse capacity with actual production and outlays by country with per capita.
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Old 08-23-2018, 12:34 PM
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CO2 based greenhouse warming is real. It does add a “bit” to temps. Naturally though CO2 lags temp increases. We are in an interglacial period where it’s expected to be warming. We currently are much colder and at lower levels of CO2 than Earth has seen for a very long time. Without man’s contributions to atmospheric levels of CO2 (.04% of total atmos. concentration) we’d be tenuously close to the threshold of starving our plants at around 150-180 ppm and be in the real ****.

More CO2 is a natural fertilizer and is positively greening Mother Earth in a time of massive population constraints. More CO2 also gives our plants better drought resistance as well.

The greenhadi’s will ignore science and make up their own. We currently are in a big pause in warming, maybe even on the threshold of a grand solar minimum like the Dalton or Maunder Minimums otherwise remembered as the Little Ice Age where Dickens wrote about the Thames freezing and wintertime skating in London. Or in 1776 when cannon were rolled across the frozen Boston Harbor for the first battles of our Revolutionary War.

Greenhadi groupthink is dangerous. The whole goal of greenhadi logic is massive socialist control of everything. If there’s a crisis then people will be more willing to let the government take control of our liberties for the “cause”. Remember post 9/11? We gave up a lot of our civil liberties and have yet to get them back... all for the cause.

Greenhadi thought is a jihad against those liberties all for a “cause” that’s been engineered for a minor feedback known as greenhouse warming. A small part of any warming has been caused by CO2 yet it’s blamed for it all on false science. NASA/GISS has even been caught red handed in cooling the past to make for false warming today.

I could and will go on. But this is a good start.

Greenhadi’s are no different than Islamic jihadis. They want to take our way of life hostage for a f’d up belief based in fantasy....

If a greenhadi sacrifices their life for the cause do they get 70 fat virgin Al Gores in paradise?
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Old 08-23-2018, 12:42 PM
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By all means you should publish your research and while your at it explain why the coral reefs are dying with so much CO2 fertilizer. Fdxlag2 and you ought to get together and write a book.
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Old 08-24-2018, 08:35 AM
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Flytolive wrote:

By all means you should publish your research and while your at it explain why the coral reefs are dying with so much CO2 fertilizer. Fdxlag2 and you ought to get together and write a book.
Ok dude. You got it. See I can provide the science. Not some washpo article full of bull crap.

Ocean acidification.

Global warming.

There you go. I got a lot more. Don’t send me some retort that quotes Bill Nye please.
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Old 08-24-2018, 08:37 AM
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Here’s Dr Curry’s full report.
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Old 08-24-2018, 08:41 AM
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Proof that NASA/GISS manipulated past temps for the “agenda”...
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Old 08-24-2018, 09:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Tailhookah
Here’s Dr Curry’s full report.
A cursory search into her background, research and and poorly reasoned hypotheses are not compelling in the least and she is in a tiny minority of scientists who share her unsupported conclusions.

Better luck with you next Google search for support and the next exception who proves the rule.
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Old 08-24-2018, 08:23 PM
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Dr Curry’s background...

Curry graduated cum laude from Northern Illinois University in 1974 with a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree in Geography. She earned her Ph.D. degree in Geophysical Sciences from the University of Chicago in 1982.

Here is the wiki link...

Of course you looked it up before your comment I’m sure.

Now olive I am waiting on your negative comments on Dr Patrick Moore who wrote about ocean acidification. You probably know (because you greenhadis know it all) that Dr P Moore is a founding father of green peace. That he broke with that messed up organization years ago and started publishing articles that debunk AGW.... (you do know what AGW stands for right? If you don’t let me know and I’ll spell it out for you) A piece (I’m sure you read it thoroughly) that totally debunks the bull regarding your comment about it. Actually if you like I’ll send you a link to a study where they recently found acidification is bull and coral bleaching, while happening, is a natural process that has been happening for milenia and makes reefs stronger.

But I’m sure your 97%’er group doesn’t want facts. They keep blowing Al Gore’s horn and continue to back every failed model and temp manipulation that show were doomed.

Why don’t you show me some science behind your belief? I can send you stuff that’ll keep you busy through next year. All based on science. Not greenhadi pixie dust.

But really olive oil, send me something that’s credible. I dare you.
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Old 08-25-2018, 05:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Flytolive
Dude, look at the charts. It is working beautifully in Germany.

You erroneously claimed their carbon footprint would soon exceed their 1990 footprint. That is completely wrong. It has actually gone down 37% while power production has almost doubled in just the last fifteen years almost exclusively due to solar and wind.

Sorry, but you couldn't be any more wrong.
No it isn't, I don't think you understand me, I would be an advocate for Solar/Wind, IF it worked. It simply doesn't, and I'm not advocating for oil or coal either. I, along with a lot of other people studied this in college, a lot of the Climate Change debate came out of my University. The only solution is nuclear power, until fusion maybe, but Solar/Wind are complete scams.
Germany simply exported its carbon footprint out of the country. China provides the hard coal, and countries such as the Czech Republic provide the base load. On sunny/windy days the excess power load creates severe market distortions, as conventional power plants can't be throttled back.

Germany does not have the natural resources to actually reduce emissions, they have lignite coal, the rest has to be imported. However, coal is such a loser, that the transporting carbon footprint actually exceeds the CO2 emission savings vs local dirty lignite. China absorbs all of that carbon footprint for Germany, and it's massive. I can't post figures however, because as I've said before in the thread, the left doesn't allow bunker oil emissions in the inventory. A little over a dozen ships burning bunker oil, has the carbon footprint of 800 million cars, it's one of the largest footprints in the world.

So when you say Germany reduced emissions by 37%, what happened is Germany moved all it's polluting industry to China. For example, Greenpeace has been fighting Germany's BASF for years on hard emissions numbers in China, and BASF has told them to pound sand.
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Old 08-25-2018, 12:57 PM
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Not for coal? I don’t see how we plan for n powering the world without burning coal. Tell that to the Chinese. We need it all. Solar? Sure. There’s NO reason why there shouldn’t be solar panels on the roof of every house in parts of America. More nuke’ler as well... but not in my backyard...

Coal is clean. Look at our emissions in this country. Our air is cleaner than ever. Fly into LA lately? You’d never see the ground 30 years ago, the smog was soooo bad.

You greenhadis want to outlaw everything that works and only allow green energy which can’t do it. Germany and Spain have put such a burden on their people by having the highest rates for energy in the world.

I’m not against green energy... only if it works. Carbon taxation is a joke and only will strip away massive gdp from the world.... all for a minuscule amount of temp “savings”.

One of the best things Trump has done is to get us out of the bs Paris Accords where the US basically had to make reparations of 3 billion dollars to the third world... no wonder they were so for it while belching out unregulated dirty coal plants...

Come on olive oil. Waiting for your grand plan with proof of concept.
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