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flyinawa 04-09-2015 12:57 PM

Originally Posted by Al Czervik (Post 1858457)
Hatred says a lot about a person. It's the equivalent of taking a poison pill and hoping your enemy dies.

Agreed. Sometimes difficult to grapple with, but very true.

Originally Posted by 80ktsClamp (Post 1858494)

It's WAY more than regular "pale". :)

DCA A321 FO 04-09-2015 01:07 PM

Originally Posted by 80ktsClamp (Post 1858494)

No degree required at AWA.

PurpleTurtle 04-09-2015 01:48 PM

Originally Posted by Wiskey Driver (Post 1858614)
Ahh so says the person that thinks we dont need a union but sucked the balls off usuapa:rolleyes:

Talk to the republic that are left and see if they feel the way you do! I can guarantee they do NOT. Neither republic nor NWA was bankrupt Usair WAS. Neither Republic nor NWA had nearly 40% of their pilots furloughed Usair DID!

Don't use the word equal. Nothing at all about the east has been equal. You have lied, cheated and stolen and gotten away with it from help from that drunken pig Ed Bular. Now because a REAL union is back you are crying foul wanting to pack up your marbles and not play anymore. Well I am all for that in your case and support you 100% in fact I think you should not pay a penny in dues to APA. STOP PAYING TODAY! Call them and tell them how you feel and that you should be allowed to continue to screw over and entire airlines pilots, the very ones that SAVED you from certain furlough! No matter how you slice it you are employed today for no other reason than AMERICA WEST AIRLINES. Now you think about that for a while, NO OTHER REASON.


American was bankrupt during their merger and USAirways was bankruptcy during their merger. Seems to me AWA is the only one that was not bankrupt during their merger.

West pilots should be above all the bankrupt pilots... right?

Thedude 04-09-2015 02:07 PM

Originally Posted by inline five (Post 1858716)
America West didn't bail anyone out. Hell, my commuter owned more of US Airways than America West did. Creditors bailed out US Airways & America West. Together. Both were *******'ed.

Don't confuse them with facts.
They love the hatin'

Route66 04-09-2015 02:10 PM

Originally Posted by Wiskey Driver (Post 1858614)
Ahh so says the person that thinks we dont need a union but sucked the balls off usuapa:rolleyes:

Talk to the republic that are left and see if they feel the way you do! I can guarantee they do NOT. Neither republic nor NWA was bankrupt Usair WAS. Neither Republic nor NWA had nearly 40% of their pilots furloughed Usair DID!

Don't use the word equal. Nothing at all about the east has been equal. You have lied, cheated and stolen and gotten away with it from help from that drunken pig Ed Bular. Now because a REAL union is back you are crying foul wanting to pack up your marbles and not play anymore. Well I am all for that in your case and support you 100% in fact I think you should not pay a penny in dues to APA. STOP PAYING TODAY! Call them and tell them how you feel and that you should be allowed to continue to screw over and entire airlines pilots, the very ones that SAVED you from certain furlough! No matter how you slice it you are employed today for no other reason than AMERICA WEST AIRLINES. Now you think about that for a while, NO OTHER REASON.


You must be MV!

flyinawa 04-09-2015 02:11 PM

Originally Posted by PurpleTurtle (Post 1858891)
American was bankrupt during their merger and USAirways was bankruptcy during their merger. Seems to me AWA is the only one that was not bankrupt during their merger.

West pilots should be above all the bankrupt pilots... right?

Are you seriously suggesting AA's bankruptcy was even remotely like US's bankruptcy? Seriously?

Route66 04-09-2015 02:14 PM

Originally Posted by flyinawa (Post 1858908)
Are you seriously suggesting AA's bankruptcy was even remotely like US's bankruptcy? Seriously?

Parker already said that if NOT for the US Airways/AWA merger AWA had a HIGH probability of BK. I have the transcript.

Not that it matters....what the OTHER pilot unions and the new hires need to know is that from THIS POINT FORWARD YOU BELONG TO MANAGEMENT.

Better enjoy the ride....until 2020 when these numbness try to WRECK YOUR CAREER!

flyinawa 04-09-2015 02:32 PM

Originally Posted by Route66 (Post 1858910)
Parker already said that if NOT for the US Airways/AWA merger AWA had a HIGH probability of BK. I have the transcript.

What ever you have to tell yourself to be able to sleep at night.:rolleyes:

Originally Posted by Route66 (Post 1858910)
Not that it matters....what the OTHER pilot unions and the new hires need to know is that from THIS POINT FORWARD YOU BELONG TO MANAGEMENT.

Better enjoy the ride....until 2020 when these numbness try to WRECK YOUR CAREER!

You think we'd be better off without a union? You're a management team's dream employee. How about you stop crying into your Cheerios, put on your big boy pants, and get involved in the process of improving the union instead of standing outside the process throwing rocks and name calling?

DCA A321 FO 04-09-2015 02:51 PM

Originally Posted by PurpleTurtle (Post 1858891)
American was bankrupt during their merger and USAirways was bankruptcy during their merger. Seems to me AWA is the only one that was not bankrupt during their merger.

West pilots should be above all the bankrupt pilots... right?

Originally Posted by flyinawa (Post 1858908)
Are you seriously suggesting AA's bankruptcy was even remotely like US's bankruptcy? Seriously?

Guess you missed that sarcastic second line, that was the point.

flyinawa 04-09-2015 03:08 PM

Originally Posted by DCA A321 FO (Post 1858930)
Guess you missed that sarcastic second line, that was the point.

Nope. I just love seeing East pilots trying to get LAA pilots to embrace their hated of AWA using a weak straw man argument.

DCA A321 FO 04-09-2015 03:42 PM

Originally Posted by flyinawa (Post 1858936)
Nope. I just love seeing East pilots trying to get LAA pilots to embrace their hated of AWA using a weak straw man argument.

He was making fun of AWA pilots, which with your single digit IQs is quite easy, not trying to get LAA to sing Kumbaya.

Jesus boy, the East doesn't hate the west, well most of us anyway.

Route66 04-09-2015 04:24 PM

Originally Posted by DCA A321 FO (Post 1858951)
He was making fun of AWA pilots, which with your single digit IQs is quite easy, not trying to get LAA to sing Kumbaya.

Jesus boy, the East doesn't hate the west, well most of us anyway.

I don't "hate" them. But they just want everyone ELSE to feel their misery.

DCA A321 FO 04-09-2015 04:30 PM

Originally Posted by Route66 (Post 1858987)
I don't "hate" them. But they just want everyone ELSE to feel their misery.

I don't hate them either but I find it ironic how they brag how great their contract was (industry leading) but then the Eastholes have ruined their lives over the past years.

flyinawa 04-09-2015 04:38 PM

What ever you to fellas have to tell each other to get through to night...

DCA A321 FO 04-09-2015 04:41 PM

Originally Posted by flyinawa (Post 1859003)
What ever you to fellas have to tell each other to get through to night...

Dude, it's whatever and have a nice evening.

flyinawa 04-09-2015 05:09 PM

What ever..."dude".

And you have a nice evening as well.

PurpleTurtle 04-09-2015 06:57 PM

and "too"...

Is it really that complicted?

flyinawa 04-09-2015 07:19 PM

Originally Posted by PurpleTurtle (Post 1859094)
and "too"...

Is it really that complicted?

They're, their, there...

Wiskey Driver 04-09-2015 08:59 PM

Originally Posted by Cameltoad (Post 1858822)
I love the irony that you're attacking our favorite drunken pig Ed Bular on this post because it's Ed that switch the call sign from USAir to cactus after hearing a PHX female 75 f/o's cry and whine about how they lost all their identity even their call sign, I know I was there.
BTY it's "pale" not "pail" a "pail" is something you carry all your tears in. now go dump it out, replace it with money and move the hell on.

No young man it was Douglas that gave the word on that after usapa's ill advised full page ad in usatoday about fuel.

Know your facts before you post.


Wiskey Driver 04-09-2015 09:08 PM

Originally Posted by DCA A321 FO (Post 1858863)
No degree required at AWA.

I dont really know for sure what is or was required I do have a my BA however and you?? Not that I really give a dam either way but it should make for some rather interesting reading. Oh BTW since your are on educational insults you may want to venture on over to the AA board and post that, I dont think AA required a degree either so you should have no problem making friends there;)

WD at AW

Wiskey Driver 04-09-2015 09:14 PM

Originally Posted by flyinawa (Post 1858908)
Are you seriously suggesting AA's bankruptcy was even remotely like US's bankruptcy? Seriously?

Of course he isn't because everyone knows the useast is leaps and bounds above everyone else in the industry. They are without a doubt the end all be all in aviation and no one comes close to their divine greatness:rolleyes:


Cameltoad 04-10-2015 06:23 AM

Originally Posted by Wiskey Driver (Post 1859149)
No young man it was Douglas that gave the word on that after usapa's ill advised full page ad in usatoday about fuel.

Know your facts before you post.


No, young man, that may have been a compelling reason, but I don't think Ed would have stood in a room full of check airman, management, etc. on the day they announced the merger and what specifics they could share, things like callsign, where headquarters will be, etc. This lead to him telling us the story of how Doug asked him was it possible to use the "Cat****" callsign and from his airforce background where they use different call signs all the time he didn't see the problem with that. Looking back from the backlash that he got from the pilots and the FAA he would've advised against it. And went on to say that since we will be using the American call sign he could now I'll put the whole thing behind him.

Wiskey Driver 04-10-2015 06:50 AM

Originally Posted by Cameltoad (Post 1859273)
No, young man, that may have been a compelling reason, but I don't think Ed would have stood in a room full of check airman, management, etc. on the day they announced the merger and what specifics they could share, things like callsign, where headquarters will be, etc. This lead to him telling us the story of how Doug asked him was it possible to use the "Cat****" callsign and from his airforce background where they use different call signs all the time he didn't see the problem with that. Looking back from the backlash that he got from the pilots and the FAA he would've advised against it. And went on to say that since we will be using the American call sign he could now I'll put the whole thing behind him.

Well its more than clear that we have two very different views of what took place. See I was in the room when the the PHL LEC chair declared that the east pilots would never ever use the call sign Cactus. The decision was being made to make it usair and yes west pilots had an issue with it. Just like our non rev policy of first come first serve was was met with staunch opposition from you so was the call sign. It was all but done and we were told that it would be usair after the single carrier status. Usapa then made that bone headed move of the full page ad in the usatoday. A west pilot reached out to Doug outlining just how unreasonable the east was and that this was just the beginning. We should keep the call sign Cactus and Ed was given his marching orders. What he said in the Ckairmen meeting was nothing more than he been told to do.


Unimpressed 04-10-2015 07:20 AM

New guy here. April 21 class date. Going to the "USAir" side of the new combined company. Spent many years at a "regional" carrier before being blessed enough to be chosen to make the jump to the "mainline" side where I was hoping to leave the immaturity. The bantering between the two sides is something I would expect from the regional side of the business but not from this side. Honestly both representatives from the east and the west sound like children. Regardless of what happened years ago or who brought what to the table the merger is complete. Gel together and move on. BK or no BK not one single pilot was invited to the board meeting to discuss the details. You all were given whatever management decided. I've never understood infighting amongst pilots. We are all doing the same job. It appears from my outside perspective that both sides benefitted. Unimpressed with the maturity level thus far.

Packrat 04-10-2015 07:23 AM

Originally Posted by Unimpressed (Post 1859324)
New guy here. April 21 class date. Going to the "USAir" side of the new combined company. Spent many years at a "regional" carrier before being blessed enough to be chosen to make the jump to the "mainline" side where I was hoping to leave the immaturity. The bantering between the two sides is something I would expect from the regional side of the business but not from this side. Honestly both representatives from the east and the west sound like children. Regardless of what happened years ago or who brought what to the table the merger is complete. Gel together and move on. BK or no BK not one single pilot was invited to the board meeting to discuss the details. You all were given whatever management decided. I've never understood infighting amongst pilots. We are all doing the same job. It appears from my outside perspective that both sides benefitted. Unimpressed with the maturity level thus far.

Better get used to it. I hired on at my place 3 years after an unpopular SLI/merger. There were still hard feelings DECADES later. USAir/AWA was so ugly the hurt will linger until long after the last merger pilot retires.

DCA A321 FO 04-10-2015 07:47 AM

Originally Posted by Wiskey Driver (Post 1859154)
I dont really know for sure what is or was required I do have a my BA however and you?? Not that I really give a dam either way but it should make for some rather interesting reading. Oh BTW since your are on educational insults you may want to venture on over to the AA board and post that, I dont think AA required a degree either so you should have no problem making friends there;)

WD at AW

You previously stated you had an engineering degree which I questioned. That would be a BS. Now you are saying you have a BA, which I could actually believe. Which is it?

When you fabricate crap bro, you gotta remember that fabrication.

I have a degree in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering just to answer your question.

PSUPilot 04-10-2015 07:48 AM

Originally Posted by Unimpressed (Post 1859324)
New guy here. April 21 class date. Going to the "USAir" side of the new combined company. Spent many years at a "regional" carrier before being blessed enough to be chosen to make the jump to the "mainline" side where I was hoping to leave the immaturity. The bantering between the two sides is something I would expect from the regional side of the business but not from this side. Honestly both representatives from the east and the west sound like children. Regardless of what happened years ago or who brought what to the table the merger is complete. Gel together and move on. BK or no BK not one single pilot was invited to the board meeting to discuss the details. You all were given whatever management decided. I've never understood infighting amongst pilots. We are all doing the same job. It appears from my outside perspective that both sides benefitted. Unimpressed with the maturity level thus far.

You're getting the opportunity to come to the largest airline in the world...and the chance to get out of regional hell. In a year and a half, I've had nothing but good experiences...there's animosity, but it's a lot worse on the outside looking in, than on this side looking out. I find that most people at this company are friendly towards one another, and eager about our future.

inline five 04-10-2015 08:03 AM

Originally Posted by Unimpressed (Post 1859324)
New guy here. April 21 class date. Going to the "USAir" side of the new combined company. Spent many years at a "regional" carrier before being blessed enough to be chosen to make the jump to the "mainline" side where I was hoping to leave the immaturity. The bantering between the two sides is something I would expect from the regional side of the business but not from this side. Honestly both representatives from the east and the west sound like children. Regardless of what happened years ago or who brought what to the table the merger is complete. Gel together and move on. BK or no BK not one single pilot was invited to the board meeting to discuss the details. You all were given whatever management decided. I've never understood infighting amongst pilots. We are all doing the same job. It appears from my outside perspective that both sides benefitted. Unimpressed with the maturity level thus far.

I was worried about that too as I sat in indoc and was reading this board.

The reality is the line is nothing like this board. Nothing. The East guys are some of the nicest guys you'll ever have the pleasure of working with. The West guys are just like them believe it or not (I recently worked with an East CA who had a son on the West side).

The East is getting what they wanted - simply capturing the attrition they've been waiting on all this time for. I've recently worked with guys who were stapled below the last AWA guy on the Nic award - they've upgraded to CA - and another two years will capture even more of those guys. The infighting is a select group of idiots on both sides. Don't let it sway your opinion of the pilot group as a whole, which IMO is a damn good one, definitely happy I get to fly with these guys while they're still around.

PurpleTurtle 04-10-2015 08:13 AM

Originally Posted by Unimpressed (Post 1859324)
New guy here. April 21 class date. Going to the "USAir" side of the new combined company. Spent many years at a "regional" carrier before being blessed enough to be chosen to make the jump to the "mainline" side where I was hoping to leave the immaturity. The bantering between the two sides is something I would expect from the regional side of the business but not from this side. Honestly both representatives from the east and the west sound like children. Regardless of what happened years ago or who brought what to the table the merger is complete. Gel together and move on. BK or no BK not one single pilot was invited to the board meeting to discuss the details. You all were given whatever management decided. I've never understood infighting amongst pilots. We are all doing the same job. It appears from my outside perspective that both sides benefitted. Unimpressed with the maturity level thus far.

You were on the "outside" until you opened your mouth. :D. The less you care about it the less you care about it. :)

The web boards are just a place for people to throw off steam. Most everyone just figures out how to show at work on time, pass check rides, and fly safe. Caring about anything more at work (or the useless Union) is a waste of time.

flyinawa 04-10-2015 08:14 AM

Originally Posted by Unimpressed (Post 1859324)
New guy here. April 21 class date. Going to the "USAir" side of the new combined company.

.......Removed for brivity........

It appears from my outside perspective that both sides benefitted. Unimpressed with the maturity level thus far.

Originally Posted by PSUPilot (Post 1859349)
You're getting the opportunity to come to the largest airline in the world...and the chance to get out of regional hell. In a year and a half, I've had nothing but good experiences...there's animosity, but it's a lot worse on the outside looking in, than on this side looking out. I find that most people at this company are friendly towards one another, and eager about our future.

PSU has it right. What you read here is the worst of what you will see. Since we merged with the East, I've only had two FOs try to instigate arguments with me and I laughed in their faces. Most East pilots I see in the terminal won't even make eye contact with me but I think they probably don't make eye contact with each other either so hey...whatever (*Thanks DCA for correcting my use of this). The vast majority of those that I do have direct interactions with (hotel van, checking in while Jumpseating or dead heading, or otherwise) act in a professional manner and any fellow West pilot who doesn't extend them the same courtesy needs to put on their big boy pants and act like an adult. Discussing the "right thing" with integration is equivalent to talking about religion or politics. Everybody has a strong opinion about it so just keep it to yourself, act like a professional, do your job, and go home at the end of the trip.

A)Treating others with disrespect only makes you look like a moron.
B)This is the best job in the world.

Welcome to the New American Airlines. Regardless of which of the companies you're placed with in the short term, your long term career should be outstanding.

SilverandSore 04-10-2015 08:15 AM

Originally Posted by inline five (Post 1859360)
I recently worked with an East CA who had a son on the West side

Ask Bob was his seat position tells you about his personality!? That guy is a riot.

Al Czervik 04-10-2015 09:02 AM

I'll echo what the other guys have said. You'll really like it here. Very little BS on a day to day basis. Honestly if you avoid the forums you'll be happy. The only problem is that the forums are like crack.

EMBFlyer 04-10-2015 09:18 AM

Originally Posted by Unimpressed (Post 1859324)
New guy here. April 21 class date. Going to the "USAir" side of the new combined company. Spent many years at a "regional" carrier before being blessed enough to be chosen to make the jump to the "mainline" side where I was hoping to leave the immaturity. The bantering between the two sides is something I would expect from the regional side of the business but not from this side. Honestly both representatives from the east and the west sound like children. Regardless of what happened years ago or who brought what to the table the merger is complete. Gel together and move on. BK or no BK not one single pilot was invited to the board meeting to discuss the details. You all were given whatever management decided. I've never understood infighting amongst pilots. We are all doing the same job. It appears from my outside perspective that both sides benefitted. Unimpressed with the maturity level thus far.

I've been here for just over 2 years. I'm on the East side. I can tell you unequivocally that the East/West banter just flat out doesn't happen in East cockpits. It never comes up. What you will find are professional, friendly, helpful coworkers to share a cockpit with. Everyone is happy to see new hires coming in. The cockpit culture I've experienced at USAir is like none other I've seen anywhere. The training is great, too! Welcome and enjoy!

full of luv 04-10-2015 09:49 AM

Originally Posted by EMBFlyer (Post 1859412)
The training is great, too! Welcome and enjoy!

Well enjoy your great training, if American ever figures out how to get AQP training into your program, you'll soon experience the "savings" that are achievable in airline cockpit training.:eek:

EMBFlyer 04-10-2015 10:24 AM

Originally Posted by full of luv (Post 1859446)
Well enjoy your great training, if American ever figures out how to get AQP training into your program, you'll soon experience the "savings" that are achievable in airline cockpit training.:eek:

I'm hoping someone at least consults the US Training Department, as we pretty much wrote the book on AQP and many other carriers modeled their's after ours. However, I fear AArrogance and TrAAdition will win out.

DCA A321 FO 04-10-2015 10:29 AM

Originally Posted by EMBFlyer (Post 1859469)
I'm hoping someone at least consults the US Training Department, as we pretty much wrote the book on AQP and many other carriers modeled their's after ours. However, I fear AArrogance and TrAAdition will win out.

Unfortunately your fears will be right. Since you are on the 757 you know how many antiquated procedures LUS adopted from LAA.

RHolder1975 04-10-2015 10:36 AM

Cactus's last stand
So glad I never had to say "USAIR".


Sliceback 04-10-2015 10:41 AM

"I fear AArrogance and TrAAdition will win out."

I liked the post that said to ignore the online B.S....

DCA A321 FO 04-10-2015 11:01 AM

Originally Posted by RHolder1975 (Post 1859478)
So glad I never had to say "USAIR".



EMBFlyer 04-10-2015 11:57 AM

Originally Posted by DCA A321 FO (Post 1859472)
Unfortunately your fears will be right. Since you are on the 757 you know how many antiquated procedures LUS adopted from LAA.

To AA's credit though, they have greatly simplified the International Procedures. I really like their way of doing a crossing.

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