

AAL submits proposal

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Old 11-14-2014, 03:53 PM
Joined APC: Jun 2008
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Originally Posted by Route66
Kind of like calling for illegal job actions and saying your not!
I certainly hope you're not referring to me. But then again, it wouldn't surprise me. Nothing you say here surprises me.
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Old 11-14-2014, 04:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Route66
Not my reps. You can keep that APA kryap all to yourself. Besides, APA are the ones who claim they know better than the USAPA pilots what they're up against. Let them show us ALL how it's done!! The American professionals like you....aka the Hitler Youth.
Well, back to the raving lunatic.
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Old 11-14-2014, 04:06 PM
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Who's your DADDY now, "APA PILOTS"???

JCBA Update: Negotiations Continuing

As reported earlier in a hotline message, the APA Negotiating Committee presented management with a comprehensive counter-proposal today designed to address the deficiencies in management's initial JCBA proposals.

Management's negotiators responded by indicating they would like to review our proposal during the next couple of days and prepare a response. Accordingly, our negotiating teams will meet again early next week. The APA board of directors recessed its meeting mid-afternoon and will reconvene Tuesday afternoon.

Key elements of our comprehensive counter-proposal include the following:

Scope modifications (review details here with proposed changes shown in "track changes" form)
In lieu of profit-sharing, a pay component of 10 percent above the following pay rates:
Group I A 16.29 percent increase over the Jan. 1, 2015, MTA rate, but not less than the applicable first-year pay rate
Group II An increase to match DL 737-800 2015 pay rate
Group III An increase to match DL 767-300 2015 pay rate
Group IV An increase to match DL 777 2015 pay rate
Group V A 16.29 percent increase over the Jan. 1, 2015, MTA rate

3.5 percent increase on Jan. 1, 2016
3.5 percent increase on Jan. 1, 2017
3.5 percent increase on Jan. 1, 2018
3.5 percent increase on Jan. 1, 2019

Mid-contract compensation adjustment: On the earlier of:
The effective date of a new Delta Air Lines Pilot Agreement, or
The effective date of a new United Airlines Pilot Agreement
But not earlier than Jan. 1, 2017, pay rates in Section 3 will be adjusted to the higher of the rates in the AA JCBA, the DL CBA or the UA CBA
Make A321 pay equivalent to Group III pay
Average day value of 5:20 applied to "calendar day"
Length-of-service credit for pilots with furlough time
Improvements to Long Term Disability (LTD) benefit to include increase to monthly cap and duration
Fellow pilots, we are committed to securing a negotiated agreement commensurate with your sacrifices, your role in bringing the merger to fruition and your critical role in our revitalized airline's day-to-day success. As the pilots who fly for the world's largest airline a company producing the highest profits in its entire history nothing less will do.
Sorry to be the bearer of BAD TIDINGS!!!
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Old 11-14-2014, 04:06 PM
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Apa scope proposal is priceless. I'm glad they will hold the line. Also, delta + 10% is nice with 3.5% per year plus a mid contract review of united and delta.
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Old 11-14-2014, 04:07 PM
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Originally Posted by eaglefly
Well, back to the raving lunatic.
So how do you feel about your brethren cave in to Jerry NOW?
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Old 11-14-2014, 04:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Gallifrey
Apa scope proposal is priceless. I'm glad they will hold the line. Also, delta + 10% is nice with 3.5% per year plus a mid contract review of united and delta.
OK....what IS the scope proposal, then? I wouldn't be going to the bank just yet.
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Old 11-14-2014, 04:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Route66
So I'm one of Jerry's kids, huh. Why don't you go tell THAT to all the pilots who attend the Scott and Doug road shows???

OK. Go for it. You're right, I don't care about scope anymore because most of it has already been given away as it is from PRIOR contracts INCLUDING the MOU!!! READ IT before you criticize me.

I'm not all over the place. Raving lunatic, huh. You're the poster child for rational thought....NOT. Typical new hire commuter pilot. Welcome to the big leagues.

BTW, I'm certainly NOT sympathetic to those who LOVE to emasculate (or neuter) themselves on their contract understanding...or should I say LACK THEREOF!

See you out on the picket line emasculating yourself, bub....I'll be on the flightline doing what the MOU and eventually the CBA will have us do.
Yes, if it ever came to that, I have no doubt you'd happily cross any picket line. It seems you're beginning to come quite unglued. Perhaps it's time to pour that 12th scotch and call it a night here ?
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Old 11-14-2014, 04:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Route66
So how do you feel about your brethren cave in to Jerry NOW?
They totally caved..........Really ?

LOL !!!

12% of mainline is 50-70 seats and 26% is 76-seats. Since those are the two primary future aircraft threats, I'd hardly call that a cave. It's actually competitive. Look what's requested to allow that regarding pay and other alterations.

Have you considered EAP ?

It really could save your life.
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Old 11-14-2014, 04:56 PM
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Originally Posted by eaglefly
Yes, if it ever came to that, I have no doubt you'd happily cross any picket line. It seems you're beginning to come quite unglued. Perhaps it's time to pour that 12th scotch and call it a night here ?
There it is! Typical new hire using that reason and logic again. Always comes down to personal quips with you union lackeys over reason and logic.

Here let me equate, then. Go get yourself a fifth of rye at Wally world and continue to drown in your squalor.

BTW, at least I could afford scotch if I wanted it.

Here is the typical answer from the pilot survey over at the APA web boards. I count 90 pilots in the "sampling". Small amount for sure, but it seems the pilots will do what they always do....looks like the current book rates for 4 more years plus the increments. Enjoy!

Below is a sampling of the response from line pilots to the company's offer from Sound-Off;

want to go to Arbitration
Insulting. Move scope from one area to another and tell us they pulled scope off the table. Insulting. Pay proposal that doesn't include profit sharing. Insulting. qol issues go unresolved.
This is an insult from the company. Along with the pay there has to be quality of life improvements.
Send this back to them and tell them to come up with a real proposal.
Please reject this proposal and accept no concessions on SCOPE.
Unless there is something behind the curtain to all of this in our "quality of life" then I support this being rejected at the board level.
I hope that you are as insulted as I am. I am ready for arbitration
Clearly, IMO, the BOD will need to flatly reject and counter this slap in the face. No need to involve the membership
Please, no more extensions, no more delays. Proceed with the agreed to cost-neutral Arbitration.
Just say no! Hand them back their sheet of paper and tell them to try again when they truly value our service. The raise is 16 months away and that is fine.
No QOL Improvements = No Vote
Delta Book rates plus 3 compounded...
NO QUID (they already have that... THE AIRLINE)
NO contract DURATION extension
No Extension!
No Give on SCOPE!
No concessions! We already gave - TWICE
NO Middle of the night landings! That is just another Quality of Life give away.
Please do NOT send this piece of garbage proposal to a vote
I will vote no on anything that even resembles this POS.
the company offer is not adequate to even consider for a five year contract. Return that piece of paper to the sender.
Please do not negotiate from this insult.
Industry Leading Contract NOW!!
Absolutely not. Go to arbitration
The company's proposal is not only NOT comprehensive, it is NOT "industry leading."
No to Parker.
The "comprehensive non-proposal" from Kirby/Parker is DOA.
What Kirby put on the table is a joke
Not only was the "offer" insulting; the manner in which it was delivered (talking points with little specifics) was disgusting.
We pilots do an A+ job for a company that makes A+ profits. This "proposal" is a D-
A total slap in the face! Pay rates would have to go up another 15% if they refuse profit sharing.
They blew it. Only going to do my job & no one else's. So much for a new day.
Industry lagging W2 with industry lagging work rules and neglected QOL issues is an insult to every pilot here
Please vote no on the company proposal. It's an insult and I for one would rather wait another year to attain already agreed upon pay rates without all of the give backs
Disgusted. Disrespectful. A class of 5th graders could have came up with a more "comprehensive" proposal!
To be clear - AAs offer is wholly unacceptable.
does not take into account what Delta is really making or going to make with profit sharing
Make an Industry leading counter and put the ball back in their court.
This is at least 20-25% behind Delta. Our best leverage is to terminate all cooperation if we do not receive a Delta contract
Tell them to go to hell, never expect anybody to do more than their job, and we will see you in arbitration.
Hope they like a United/Continental outcome versus a Delta/Northwest!
The membership pilots just got a swift kick in the nuts. I think we are all on the same page going forward that this "offer" is DOA.
Please vote NO and AAG management will have to live with the consequences!
Doug Parker was quoted as saying that we'll get a Delta contract when we make Delta profits. Well, we've exceeded Delta's profits, and virtually all analysts agree that AA will continue to make profits of at least $4 billion per year into the foreseeable future.
"DAL + 3%" is industry lagging even without considering profit sharing. We need to get DAL's "new 2015" pay rates plus profit sharing.
You granted an extension for this proposal! Pathetic! Time to act like a union! Nothing has changed
Ask them if they want a DAL merger or a United operation.
After seeing the pathetic offer by management, I realized this management team is only different in name
You have got to be kidding me?!!!
In light of the totally unacceptable proposal from management, and in light of the staggering profits currently being made by this company, it is clear that the tactics of APA have to change.
No Way!
2015 pay rates below 2001 rates!
No profit sharing!
Please send the management "comprehensive" proposal back to them with a big red NO scribbled on it.
If you chose to negotiate with them again please let them know that the honeymoon is definitely over with the pilots of APA and that they have wasted a golden opportunity to get cooperation and more productivity from the pilots.
falls way short of delta... No thx
The proposal is unacceptable. Please do not send this POS to the membership. The new management is the same as the old. It's obvious they do not require our goodwill, just send it to arbitration and be done with it. Maybe Delta will get a raise? We might be better off....
The company offer is solely inadequate. I am prepared to wait till 2016 for my raise as contractually agreed upon To sum up……F&%# THEM!!!
The company trumpeted their carefully worded "industry leading pay" (not contract) DAL+3% to make us look like the bad guys when we turn it down.
In light of the Comprehensive Proposal grab, I am asking the BoDs to NOT vote on the proposal. Just send it back
APA needs to officially make LOS a prerequisite to negotiations.
No Extension and Industry leading Contract. I vote to go to arbitration/cost neutral contract if need be instead of accepting this company proposal
Not even anywhere close to actual "Delta +3%". Send it back. I'll take arbitration.
The Proposal is DOA.
No Arbitration
a LIMITED EXTENSION only IF there is basis for Negotiation
This is a complete NON STARTER!!!!! No mention or movement on any of the critical issue the pilots absolutely REQUIRE!!
Please send this junk back to Parker, don't vote on it and certainly please do not send to us.
Please strongly consider this deal and send it to the members.
We have been played...... You are forgiven.....Now let's get REAL with the Membership about HERE AND NOW!
Spin it any way you want, I have a right to vote. Send it to the membership.
I would rather make less money than give up scope or work rules!
Send the proposal to the membership for a vote.
Not one seat. No amount of $ justifies an increase in scope
Enough is enough! No more extensions. The company has had plenty of time to do the right thing. If we do not have an honest proposal by the deadline, I'm okay with arbitration.
I simply want to add my name to the long list of pilots that ask you to stand firm and insist on an ILC
We need an Industry Leading Contract NOW!
Refuse to counter nor meet with management. (especially this "son of Brundreg" dude). A three word response sends a huge message to all parties: "not good enough".
The 3% a year is not even joke level. We need ISC!!
please turn down this proposal, it is insulting to our profession.
You will need to get much higher pay rates without profit sharing as part of the deal. Otherwise I see no reason to vote for the "Economic Package"
Please don't even bother voting on the company proposal. Just send it back. It only showed that the company has no respect for us. This proposal looks as if it was thrown together in a meeting that couldn't have taken more than 2 hours. It's a joke.
Put it a paper bag, poop on it, light it on fire and leave on the CP doorstep
Totally lacking any meaningful contract advancements, it was far short of adequately addressing our concerns.
All 8 are not even a consideration for me to compromise. We are the most profitable airline. Please act accordingly
To quote The Who… Meet the new boss, same as the old boss
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Old 11-14-2014, 05:02 PM
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Originally Posted by eaglefly
They totally caved..........Really ?

LOL !!!

12% of mainline is 50-70 seats and 26% is 76-seats. Since those are the two primary future aircraft threats, I'd hardly call that a cave. It's actually competitive. Look what's requested to allow that regarding pay and other alterations.

Have you considered EAP ?

It really could save your life.
The APA RJ counter was a huge reduction to the company offer. The Jerry's Kids poster is in full apoplectic mode.

The company proposal was RJ numbers well over 100% of narrow body. The APA counter and the company are very far apart, nothing will be decided anytime soon.

The holidays will be good for all of us to just enjoy some time away.
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