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Old 08-16-2024, 02:09 PM
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Another horsesh*t update from our almighty negotiators today. "We thought we could be close to a TA so don't worry, we skipped the bar and did our jobs until 22:00 and 22:30 two nights of the week! Trust us, we mean business."

Give me a f*cking break. This update comes from the same idiot who literally campaigned on Time Value Money, cudos to you JR, you'll make a fantastic politician one day. You sure can flipflop with the best of them. Do some of you guys still fail to recogonize how much money you are losing every single time you shut the MCD? This little retention bonus pales at how much money you are losing for you and your families each day. The funniest thing about this place is in the 80 days, you used to have to justify flying for a clownshow of an airline. Well Allegiant has grown up and now you have to justify why you fly with such a self destructive clownshow of a pilot group. We are better than this guys and gals, this IBT playbook works for forklift drivers and halfwit truckers but it does not and will not work for us. Time for us to rid our group of their ineptness once and for all.

For f*cksake, I have 10 years left and I don't know if IBT will be able to pull it off before I retire.
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Old 08-16-2024, 02:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Captainbfv
Correct. I personally know the negotiators, and they are NOT seeking Delta with day trips. That statement from anyone is unequivocally false. The company NEEDS to move towards the middle and we will see progress and a possible AIP. The excuse of the "business model" frankly is to operate this airline like a GLORIFIED 135 operation. They want the flexibility to reasign, shift days, ignore seniority based on their last minute needs with no repercussions or financial penalties such as PAYING for a last minute change. Anyone that flew 135 in the last 20 years like I did know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. They could throw $450/hr and get their way, but they keep trying to get away with being cheap. They ****ed up on business venture decisions and now want the pilots to pay for it. I don't think so buster.
Chapi, personally knowing the negotiators and actually knowing what goes on within the room are two wildly different things. I have my doubts that they're willing to violate their NDA's and Federal Mediation Law to keep you in the loop. You claim to have this wealth of 135 knowledge, yet you claim G4 wants to run like a 135? Come on man, you're smarter than that. As of right now, sure the company has passed sh*t to our group publically, but so far the union has passed nothing to the company for us to see they're actually working. For g*d sakes, if the company passes a comprehensive proposal, there is absoluetly no reason we can't be prepared with a comprehensive proposal of our own to send right back at them. H*ll, throw them a comprehensive with language for our lunar base opening in 2050 in there. There is abslutely zero reason after how many (3) g*dforsaken CBA Surveys these guys can't put out a wishlist when the company pulls sh*t like this.
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Old 08-16-2024, 02:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Margaritaville
Typical vapid and flippant response from you. I don't work there anymore so I don't know anything lol. No refutations whatsoever.

Thanks for playing. The pilots will decide who to believe but my feeling is it ain't you.

I do not want to see you fail. Quite the opposite. I still have a lot of friends and a lot of nostalgia for allegiant. I want to see everyone succeed. Poor leadership is killing it though. Especially self appointed "leaders" like you who grab the ear of reps and tell them to hold out for the Delta contract. Those reps are glad to drag it out because the longer it drags out the more they get paid. And I'm hearing that GU and CG are f-ing it up royally. The problem is IBT. Full stop. They're a truckers union that likes pilot money to support the other side of the house.
I tell you what Marg, good on you for leaving this sh*thole behind for greener pastures. The biggest regret I have is ever voting for this IBT circus in the first place. Second biggest regret? Not licking my wounds and leaving this place in the rearview while the getting was good. It truly used to be the company that was holding us back with sh*t like VF and TT. Now (and I'm really going to have to go make sure I'm still breathing after I say this) we're being held back by inept union leadership. GU does not give a f*ck about a single pilot here. He never has and he never will. He doesn't care if this takes 20 years and bankrupts G4, he'll still be collecting his paycheck from IBT and laughing at our blind following/worshipping of him. First few days of Trusteeship 2.0 (this iteration) Sean O'Brien promised us the world, in the months since, we've regressed years. It won't be long before the move back to 1224 is official. We have one chance to get this right, ALPA, the f*cking union who is actually run by airline pilots.
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Old 08-16-2024, 03:53 PM
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Originally Posted by skyvanman
This update comes from the same idiot who literally campaigned on Time Value Money, cudos to you JR, you'll make a fantastic politician one day. You sure can flipflop with the best of them. Do some of you guys still fail to recogonize how much money you are losing every single time you shut the MCD?

For f*cksake, I have 10 years left and I don't know if IBT will be able to pull it off before I retire.
I wholeheartedly agree: JR had been the biggest disappointment yet for this pilot group. He had a chance to truly be an integrity candidate but he’s no different than every other politician. He and Greg U can fight over who’s got the biggest ego and who’s the most desperate to retire without ever flying an airplane again.

Such a bummer, JR you had a chance to really unify this pilot group once and for all and p*ssed it away. Completely travesty. He’s AR 2.0. All talk and political soundbites but his actions never match his words. Just saying what he needs to hold onto power.
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Old 08-16-2024, 04:25 PM
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Originally Posted by skyvanman
Let me get this right, you think GU is any better than AR? You're kidding me right? GU blasted AR in his trusteeship hearing for not being current in the class or craft which he represented... remind me again what GU's seniority number is here at Allegiant? Oh that's right, he's never once lived life as a pilot here, yet we now are told he will make sure he best represents our interests? Don't get me wrong, what happened with AR was a disgrace, but IBT shares as much responsibility for even allowing it to happen in the first place. We've now removed one inept leadership group and replaced it with one singular inept individual who represents f*cking regional airlines and a couple cargo outfits. GU is so inammered with himself that he refuses to ever allow anyone the agency to speak to what's best for Allegiant pilots. GU doesn't care about getting us a contract, his only concern is ensuring the hive keeps buzzing so we don't notice him draining our dues money into he and his buddies bank accounts. It's the very reason we all voted to leave 1224 in the first place. We're all worried about what happens to the $8+ million in 2118's bank account, well guess what, EG and GU will make sure it's gone quicker than you can fathom.

These are the questions we need to immediately be asking of GU:

1. Did GU ever apply for a Chief Pilot position at Allegiant. (Spoiler, the answer is yes and this should immediately DQ this guy from representing us.)

2. Your so called "experts" at the negotiating table have little experience negotiating airline pilot contracts. Care to shed some light on which pilot CBA's they achieved? (your email to pilots used their experience as negotiators for MX, DX, and Ramp is BS)

3. How is CBA 2.0 going to be any different than the sh*t you negotiated within CBA 1.0? GU is responsible for our current POS contract, are we seriously stupid enough to let him come in and f*ck this one up too?

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Old 08-16-2024, 05:07 PM
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Originally Posted by skyvanman

These are the questions we need to immediately be asking of GU:

1. Did GU ever apply for a Chief Pilot position at Allegiant. (Spoiler, the answer is yes and this should immediately DQ this guy from representing us.)

2. Your so called "experts" at the negotiating table have little experience negotiating airline pilot contracts. Care to shed some light on which pilot CBA's they achieved? (your email to pilots used their experience as negotiators for MX, DX, and Ramp is BS)

3. How is CBA 2.0 going to be any different than the sh*t you negotiated within CBA 1.0? GU is responsible for our current POS contract, are we seriously stupid enough to let him come in and f*ck this one up too?
Well, sounds like you have some homework to do brother. Get after it, and let us know what he says about your questions.I look forward to the update.
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Old 08-16-2024, 05:07 PM
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Careful're gonna give APC a bad name....
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Old 08-16-2024, 07:53 PM
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Originally Posted by captnate702
I wholeheartedly agree: JR had been the biggest disappointment yet for this pilot group. He had a chance to truly be an integrity candidate but he’s no different than every other politician. He and Greg U can fight over who’s got the biggest ego and who’s the most desperate to retire without ever flying an airplane again.

Such a bummer, JR you had a chance to really unify this pilot group once and for all and p*ssed it away. Completely travesty. He’s AR 2.0. All talk and political soundbites but his actions never match his words. Just saying what he needs to hold onto power.
OOOOOOOOOK, I gotta ask much projecting is going on here? You guys are calling out the prior candidate by name and trashing him like he's the union president or lead negotiator? So what am I missing here? Typical arms chair length and key board warrior behavior from many of you. Skyvan? buddy.... 10 posts? Where the ************K have you been for the past 2 years? Yes AR is worse than Greg, for starters we actually have a union being built from the ground up now, have official chairmen of different committees and they're getting trainedproperly.

Secondly, until you can prove that GU is failing this union with current practices AT THIS POINT IN TIME. You accussations are baseless. Now, IF you have something solid, but it out or go down the rabbitt hole appropriately. I'm not defending GU blindly, I'm just saying that as a trustee he has A LOT to live up to and build from NOTHING. BC that's what AR left; NOTHING.

Trusteeship is temporary and we can only hope (at this point in time) that we have elections soon, and people running are worthy of representing us. Trusteeship can last 6 to 18 months; it's been 4 months. So why are some of you acting like Greg has been here for 3 years? Now I know what you'll say, he was part of 1224 that gave us the current **** contract. I won't contradict that, and I don't think anyone will. All I'm saying is, holster your guns for now and just wait a little longer. How much longer? It's up to the individual. Many variable and unprecedented things have come up. But I think if you are going to SH***** on JR like hes running the show, or he has let you down, then MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, stop being a little keyboard warrior b*****tch and call the fu****g guy and "demand answers".

Some of y'all talk like you have a crystal ball, tarot cards or know the future; you don't. IF you're really concerned about something contact the individuals, seek answers, then talk and share. Right now you're like raging apes fighting over a turd you didn't even ********t out.
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Old 08-16-2024, 08:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Captainbfv
OOOOOOOOOK, I gotta ask much projecting is going on here? You guys are calling out the prior candidate by name and trashing him like he's the union president or lead negotiator? So what am I missing here? Typical arms chair length and key board warrior behavior from many of you. Skyvan? buddy.... 10 posts? Where the ************K have you been for the past 2 years? Yes AR is worse than Greg, for starters we actually have a union being built from the ground up now, have official chairmen of different committees and they're getting trainedproperly.

Calling out the prior candidate who lost an election, appealed the loss, and lost the appeal? Who now magically has been appointed by supreme leader erm, Temporary Trustee GU? You know, it's a revolutionary concecpt, but we should be VOTING on who best represents us. Yes Chapi, 10 posts, some of us don't have an unhealthy obsession with talking in an echochamber. Armchair length keyboard warrior? Pot meet kettle...

Secondly, until you can prove that GU is failing this union with current practices AT THIS POINT IN TIME. You accussations are baseless. Now, IF you have something solid, but it out or go down the rabbitt hole appropriately. I'm not defending GU blindly, I'm just saying that as a trustee he has A LOT to live up to and build from NOTHING. BC that's what AR left; NOTHING.

Please, I'll give you a week to come up with a list of what GU has done to improve this union. Baseless accusations? We'll see about that. There are appropriate channels to handle such a lack of adequate representation, gossiping here and on your group chats isn't one of them. GU has done absolutely nothing, he is a politician who is scared sh*tless that ALPA is going to come in here and steal his golden goose. AR started with what IBT handed him, NOTHING. AR built it into NOTHING. GU is here to mold us right back into 1224.

Trusteeship is temporary and we can only hope (at this point in time) that we have elections soon, and people running are worthy of representing us. Trusteeship can last 6 to 18 months; it's been 4 months. So why are some of you acting like Greg has been here for 3 years? Now I know what you'll say, he was part of 1224 that gave us the current **** contract. I won't contradict that, and I don't think anyone will. All I'm saying is, holster your guns for now and just wait a little longer. How much longer? It's up to the individual. Many variable and unprecedented things have come up. But I think if you are going to SH***** on JR like hes running the show, or he has let you down, then MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, stop being a little keyboard warrior b*****tch and call the fu****g guy and "demand answers".

Have elections soon? Chapi, you do recogonize that the man in charge of the entire future of our pilot group, one who isn't even a f*cking pilot anymore, is the man who decides when we leave trusteeship right? GU determines when we get out, not you, not I, nobody but GU. Instead of us all turning on each other we could be uniting behind getting rid of the biggest sh*t stain on the industry, IBT. Remember when JR lost (who I proudly voted for by the way) and we all, including yourself, explored ways to get away from AR and IBT? GU has scared you sh*tless that IBT will run off with our dues money and we lose our CBA etc. Come on now, let's not pretend like they aren't funneling that money into EG pockets just like during our 1224 days. I sat back and opptimistically hoped that trusteeship would be a good thing for us. That we'd get this contract wrapped up and I'd enjoy my last 10 years as a happy guy. I can honestly say that the time has come to start speaking up against the sh*t GU pulls. You don't think I've called and had LENGTHY conversations with JR and others? I have, MANY times. The answers have only gotten more and more political.

Some of y'all talk like you have a crystal ball, tarot cards or know the future; you don't. IF you're really concerned about something contact the individuals, seek answers, then talk and share. Right now you're like raging apes fighting over a turd you didn't even ********t out.
Some of us talk like we have half a f*cking brain and are capable of reading through the b*llsh*t GU is peddling.
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Old 08-17-2024, 04:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Captainbfv
OOOOOOOOOK, I gotta ask much projecting is going on here? You guys are calling out the prior candidate by name and trashing him like he's the union president or lead negotiator? So what am I missing here? Typical arms chair length and key board warrior behavior from many of you. Skyvan? buddy.... 10 posts? Where the ************K have you been for the past 2 years? Yes AR is worse than Greg, for starters we actually have a union being built from the ground up now, have official chairmen of different committees and they're getting trainedproperly.

Secondly, until you can prove that GU is failing this union with current practices AT THIS POINT IN TIME. You accussations are baseless. Now, IF you have something solid, but it out or go down the rabbitt hole appropriately. I'm not defending GU blindly, I'm just saying that as a trustee he has A LOT to live up to and build from NOTHING. BC that's what AR left; NOTHING.

Trusteeship is temporary and we can only hope (at this point in time) that we have elections soon, and people running are worthy of representing us. Trusteeship can last 6 to 18 months; it's been 4 months. So why are some of you acting like Greg has been here for 3 years? Now I know what you'll say, he was part of 1224 that gave us the current **** contract. I won't contradict that, and I don't think anyone will. All I'm saying is, holster your guns for now and just wait a little longer. How much longer? It's up to the individual. Many variable and unprecedented things have come up. But I think if you are going to SH***** on JR like hes running the show, or he has let you down, then MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, stop being a little keyboard warrior b*****tch and call the fu****g guy and "demand answers".

Some of y'all talk like you have a crystal ball, tarot cards or know the future; you don't. IF you're really concerned about something contact the individuals, seek answers, then talk and share. Right now you're like raging apes fighting over a turd you didn't even ********t out.

Hey capt bro, I do have a crystal ball. Look at all my posts about AR. I am a f*cking prophet.

Trust me, JR is looking more like a let down politician. JA is NC Chair in name only, JR is calling the shots. Have you met JA? I have. Super nice guy. Great guy. But JR is the Alpha and calling the shots for the Allegiant pilots. So far I’m hearing and seeing more politician playing games and becoming the new C graff. Just my two cents.

And check my receipts my two cents is always right.
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