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Old 03-16-2023, 02:07 AM
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$33,368 of our dues spent on AR’s video studio!!! This is an outrageously irresponsible way to make good use of our money. If they’re so flippant with our dues then I think we need an audit and clear explanation of each expenditure. Additionally, it’s what we don’t see that’s also concerning. They spent $0 on lobbyists, consultants, or training for the negotiating committee, EXCO, or any other steward/committee member. You want to know why we keep losing arbitrations, getting nowhere in negotiations, and falling for company traps??? They don’t have a clue what they’re doing and they haven’t spent a dime to improve their position strategically.
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Old 03-16-2023, 03:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Greyhound89
Reason with me here for a second. Why do we need the same contract as Delta? I truly do not understand this argument, especially in this hiring environment. We fly the same Airbus and soon to be 737's as Delta and that is where the similarities stop. When you were hired by Allegiant, did you happen to hit your head when they told you we're a ULCC? Delta is a premium global airline, we are a small, possibly one day a medium sized North American airline. Don't give me the BS about how I think I'm worth less than somebody at delta, that argument is meant to be had between 20 somethings. We have an entirely different model than them, one that does not necessitate half of their work rules. Our model has value to it and truly will succeed long term, that has been proven time and time again. If you truly want Delta pay, why don't you hurry up and leave while you can? I'm not sure if you fly the line or what, but the general consensus of guys and gals I talk to agree that Delta + anything is lunacy. If dollars are the most valuable thing to you, do the rest of us a favor and jump onto the bottom of the Delta seniority list.
You sir… should go work somewhere else bc we don’t need ppl who share your view working here.. you said we fly the same equipment.. we should be compensated the same… that’s where the conversation stops.
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Old 03-16-2023, 05:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Flightaware
$33,368 of our dues spent on AR’s video studio!!! This is an outrageously irresponsible way to make good use of our money. If they’re so flippant with our dues then I think we need an audit and clear explanation of each expenditure. Additionally, it’s what we don’t see that’s also concerning. They spent $0 on lobbyists, consultants, or training for the negotiating committee, EXCO, or any other steward/committee member. You want to know why we keep losing arbitrations, getting nowhere in negotiations, and falling for company traps??? They don’t have a clue what they’re doing and they haven’t spent a dime to improve their position strategically.
You need to prove your paragraph.
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Old 03-16-2023, 05:24 AM
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Originally Posted by CaptOblivious

this seems like proof
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Old 03-16-2023, 05:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Flightaware
this seems like proof
this filing is for 2021…. It’s 2023 now. All of the numbers in this have been throughly gone over by Erick in every union quarterly meeting. 33k for a good camera, lens, light, and computer capable of video editing isn’t unreasonable especially if you are looking for quick turn around and upload (also depreciation schedules are a thing, think like an MBA) and Erick shared this cost a year ago on the quarterly meeting. Also over 1million spent on representing us isn’t spending nothing…. Maybe you need to look closer at the filing
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Old 03-16-2023, 06:41 AM
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Originally Posted by 310skying
this filing is for 2021…. It’s 2023 now. All of the numbers in this have been throughly gone over by Erick in every union quarterly meeting. 33k for a good camera, lens, light, and computer capable of video editing isn’t unreasonable especially if you are looking for quick turn around and upload (also depreciation schedules are a thing, think like an MBA) and Erick shared this cost a year ago on the quarterly meeting. Also over 1million spent on representing us isn’t spending nothing…. Maybe you need to look closer at the filing
Not so fast. While I agree with the need for capital expenditures to fund any new business, maybe the video camera expense needs explained to the pilot group. I don't know anything about video cameras but I do know a GoPro is less then a $1000. Maybe there is a perfectly good reason but maybe we should hear about it from the source.
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Old 03-16-2023, 06:49 AM
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Stockholm syndrome appears to have hit a few G4 pilots. Just because Allegiant is ULCC doesn’t mean pay and qol should be below industry standard. Shocked to see pilots saying G4 drivers should accept less pay
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Old 03-16-2023, 06:58 AM
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So it’s a safe bet there are no raises planned in the short or near term to bring that year 1 pay up?
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Old 03-16-2023, 07:02 AM
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Originally Posted by tom11011
Not so fast. While I agree with the need for capital expenditures to fund any new business, maybe the video camera expense needs explained to the pilot group. I don't know anything about video cameras but I do know a GoPro is less then a $1000. Maybe there is a perfectly good reason but maybe we should hear about it from the source.
I’m sure it’s a total of all the equipment in his office plus a portion of the cost of improvements made to the home office space that was renovated (same thing you would do if you used a portion of your home for a home business) this number probably reflects the tax deduction number AR filed on his personal taxes for 2021, it’s a combination of real expenses along with a percentage portion of his whole home
remodel that is a tributes to his office space that is used for 2118 business. I bet the camera and computer probably total 5-7k of total expense and the rest is an estimate of improvements made. Sony a7 and a computer with a higher end graphics card will easily get you there
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Old 03-16-2023, 07:28 AM
It's 5 o'clock somewhere
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Originally Posted by Greyhound89
Right? I truly do not get the idea of us getting delta + anything. We aren't delta, this is a known fact when you submit the application. Do we deserve competitive rates for our segment? Absolutely.
Originally Posted by Greyhound89
Reason with me here for a second. Why do we need the same contract as Delta? I truly do not understand this argument, especially in this hiring environment. We fly the same Airbus and soon to be 737's as Delta and that is where the similarities stop. When you were hired by Allegiant, did you happen to hit your head when they told you we're a ULCC? Delta is a premium global airline, we are a small, possibly one day a medium sized North American airline. Don't give me the BS about how I think I'm worth less than somebody at delta, that argument is meant to be had between 20 somethings. We have an entirely different model than them, one that does not necessitate half of their work rules. Our model has value to it and truly will succeed long term, that has been proven time and time again. If you truly want Delta pay, why don't you hurry up and leave while you can? I'm not sure if you fly the line or what, but the general consensus of guys and gals I talk to agree that Delta + anything is lunacy. If dollars are the most valuable thing to you, do the rest of us a favor and jump onto the bottom of the Delta seniority list.
Originally Posted by Greyhound89
Well you just made it extremely evident that your business and economic knowledge is bottom shelf, but that's fine! Allegiant is an extremely profitable airline by profit margin. Do you know what happens to that profit margin when you give us a contract like Delta's? It erodes into an unsustainable business model. I would LOVE to have the paycheck that Delta drivers have, but my expectations are realistic and long term. So if I wanted their pay, I wouldn't have turned in my double breasted jacket.
This person is obviously an upper management troll, a HarrisonFord troll, or a insider management pilot who has been sent here to lower expectations. In all my years of line flying, I've never seen such a lame and obvious attempt to undermine a union negotiating position. You all would be well advised to ignore this person and demand your union negotiate for Delta+1%. Because just like in 2016, you'll quickly be leapfrogged by everyone again then spend another 5-10 years as the lowest paid airline pilots in the USA.

Asking for industry + 1% has been "pattern bargaining" since the beginning of airline unions. For Allegiant Management to come out and try to sell this dog crap that Allegiant is just a little 'ol ULCC and doesn't deserve/can't afford to pay industry standard rates is ridiculous. Just a couple of years ago, before the current crop of management buffoons (Hi Tracy) began running this place into the ground, they were the most profitable airline in the USA, per capita. More profitable than even mighty Delta (per capita). Now lately, they have bought back stock to triage the plummeting stock price, and keep your billionaire majority owner and chairman of the board's nest egg intact (Hi Maury), after the last 3 years of mismanagement.

No, this sad but funny display here by the management trolls only shows how scared they are. They just saw what the Delta pilots got and are crapping themselves that they might have to pay up. Well guess what, that's the going rate now. Either you pay it or you don't have an airline. Pilot labor has never been more than 30% of total expenditures at any airline. You just raise ticket prices to recoup or you cut somewhere else (Executive Compensation). That's the price of doing business. If management continues down this path of trolling and slapping the pilot group in the face, their terrible reputation in the industry will be further damaged, and recruitment will continue to get worse. It's already to the point that the only people who will drop an app here are those who couldn't get hired anywhere else, have little experience, are foreign, of who have so little ambition that they won't leave their small midwest town. That's a hell of a small recruiting pool. Good luck. No airline has EVER successfully shrunk to profitability, btw.

No, Tracy and co, either you pay up or you shut up. You're at a critical juncture here. Either you find a way to pay market labor rates or you shut the place down. It's that simple. I know you think you're going to run out the clock, hoping for the next economic crash that always seems 6 months away, but even that isn't going to help you this time. The big 3 aren't going bankrupt and there won't be 50% pay cuts. That's what it would take for them to fall down to current allegiant compensation packages. They are all "too big to fail" now and the bk laws have been revised. You won't last that long anyhow the way you're hemorrhaging junior pilots. Even senior guys like me and MS are bailing out now. You don't have time. The only thing that will fix this is getting an industry standard contract.

Make good choices. Both management and the pilots both employed at allegiant or considering it. "When someone shows who who they truly are, believe them". Allegiant management has shown their true colors repeatedly, but like an abused spouse many of you keep going back for another beating. Because they love you... they didn't really mean it. Yeah.

Wake up.
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