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Alaska slowing growth...

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Old 07-04-2018, 11:17 AM
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Originally Posted by fucius
It's not the pay rates, it's the work rules (scheduling, soft pay) that are killing us

Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
I’m aware but according to Slim6890, they are something weighing heavily on his mind and a reason why he’s looking elsewhere. So, as with everything in the contract, I’m telling him that the value placed on us by management can be filed where it belongs. In the trash. We’re gonna get exactly what we demand. If we don’t get what we want, we clearly didn’t want it bad enough....
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Old 07-04-2018, 01:51 PM
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Default I get it...

Originally Posted by KnockKnock
I’m aware but according to Slim6890, they are something weighing heavily on his mind and a reason why he’s looking elsewhere. So, as with everything in the contract, I’m telling him that the value placed on us by management can be filed where it belongs. In the trash. We’re gonna get exactly what we demand. If we don’t get what we want, we clearly didn’t want it bad enough....
Knock knock I get it trust me. I will fight for better compensation but realistically every FO under 4 years should be trying to move on to the majors. This is not my dream job just a stepping stone to check the 121 box.
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Old 07-04-2018, 02:17 PM
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Originally Posted by KnockKnock
This doesn’t mean we won’t fight for pay equal to or better than the going 737/320 rates in 2020. Management will try to lower your expectations as an early negotiating tactic. They will pound it into your head that you are 5th place at best. They will try to shape the new hires into, docile, well behaved pilots. It’s up to us how much we get paid because it’s up to us to DEMAND we get paid the going rate. I say you kindly file managements suggestions about what we deserve into the small plastic file cabinet hanging from the back of the center console.
All I read was pay and payrate going forward. No mention of scope and work rules. Hopefully this mentality can be adjusted for 2020 negotiations.
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Old 07-04-2018, 03:21 PM
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Originally Posted by ShyGuy
All I read was pay and payrate going forward. No mention of scope and work rules. Hopefully this mentality can be adjusted for 2020 negotiations.
I know you’re better than this. I was responding to a guy who said the company told him they would never pay us top rate. If he had said the company told him they would never give us scope, I would have responded in kind. If he had said the company told him they would never improve section 25, I would have responded in kind. He specifically referred to pay and so I specifically responded to pay. Don’t be dense. You need not question my mentality going forward.
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Old 07-05-2018, 07:34 AM
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The root of contention on this forum is based on the false assumption/declaration by some AS pilots that VX pilots as a group were second class pilots, some how beneath them, and unworthy of any of their concerns to be heard, or meaningfully addressed.

However, VX pilots hold no such prejudice against the capability/personality/character of our AS brothers as human beings and their ability to be competent pilots.

What was questioned is the seemingly collective lack of intestinal fortitude of the AS group to recover from the Kasher ruling gut punch.

All the other legacies had their contracts and retirements gutted to various extents arising from September 11, but they've all fought and managed to regain much of what was lost and even improved upon it. So why not our AS brothers?

The theory on here is that because the majority drove to work, many of the quality of life issues were deemed to be less important than hourly rates and that was reflected in subsequent contracts, including the latest.

We have a problem with that mindset if that is in fact the reason.

A very high number of VX pilots are industry veterans from other airlines, so they know what a decent contract looks like and that it isn't all about the hourly rate. It is therefore quite upsetting to see and experience losing under our current contract, decent scheduling and QOL provisions that we had at an airline when we did not have a contract.

Those are valid criticism that are worthy to be made by anyone and I don't think a valuable defense can be to point the finger and say "Well, what about you and your suboptimal compensation at VX?" That is a valid stand alone question to be asked of VX pilots; but not in defense of the AS contract shortcomings.

The VX side has responded to that question many times, but I'll repeat it again in a nutshell:

VX was started and was hiring at a time when airlines were failing and no one was hiring. The majority of pilots who went there, once on board found it to be a decent place to be overall, but work started almost immediately to address the sub-standard pay and other issues. This culminated with ALPA being voted in in 2015, after a failed VALPA effort a few years prior.

So we pushed and we fought, and we fought and we pushed until we were acquired by AS in 2016.

So we now have a combined pilot body whose circumstances and needs are not all the same. Things that were inconsequential to the majority of AS pilots are now detrimental to the VX side if not addressed in a meaningful way.

My hope is that we can look at all our collective concerns, formulate a plan of action as to how to approach the 2020 negotiations and that we stay determined and united until it culminates in a decent overall contract.

Last edited by All Bizniz; 07-05-2018 at 07:45 AM.
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Old 07-05-2018, 09:11 AM
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Originally Posted by All Bizniz
The root of contention on this forum is based on the false assumption/declaration by some AS pilots that VX pilots as a group were second class pilots, some how beneath them, and unworthy of any of their concerns to be heard, or meaningfully addressed.

However, VX pilots hold no such prejudice against the capability/personality/character of our AS brothers as human beings and their ability to be competent pilots.

What was questioned is the seemingly collective lack of intestinal fortitude of the AS group to recover from the Kasher ruling gut punch.

All the other legacies had their contracts and retirements gutted to various extents arising from September 11, but they've all fought and managed to regain much of what was lost and even improved upon it. So why not our AS brothers?

The theory on here is that because the majority drove to work, many of the quality of life issues were deemed to be less important than hourly rates and that was reflected in subsequent contracts, including the latest.

We have a problem with that mindset if that is in fact the reason.

A very high number of VX pilots are industry veterans from other airlines, so they know what a decent contract looks like and that it isn't all about the hourly rate. It is therefore quite upsetting to see and experience losing under our current contract, decent scheduling and QOL provisions that we had at an airline when we did not have a contract.

Those are valid criticism that are worthy to be made by anyone and I don't think a valuable defense can be to point the finger and say "Well, what about you and your suboptimal compensation at VX?" That is a valid stand alone question to be asked of VX pilots; but not in defense of the AS contract shortcomings.

The VX side has responded to that question many times, but I'll repeat it again in a nutshell:

VX was started and was hiring at a time when airlines were failing and no one was hiring. The majority of pilots who went there, once on board found it to be a decent place to be overall, but work started almost immediately to address the sub-standard pay and other issues. This culminated with ALPA being voted in in 2015, after a failed VALPA effort a few years prior.

So we pushed and we fought, and we fought and we pushed until we were acquired by AS in 2016.

So we now have a combined pilot body whose circumstances and needs are not all the same. Things that were inconsequential to the majority of AS pilots are now detrimental to the VX side if not addressed in a meaningful way.

My hope is that we can look at all our collective concerns, formulate a plan of action as to how to approach the 2020 negotiations and that we stay determined and united until it culminates in a decent overall contract.
☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 Well said.
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Old 07-05-2018, 10:27 AM
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Originally Posted by All Bizniz
The root of contention on this forum is based on the false assumption/declaration by some AS pilots that VX pilots as a group were second class pilots, some how beneath them, and unworthy of any of their concerns to be heard, or meaningfully addressed.

However, VX pilots hold no such prejudice against the capability/personality/character of our AS brothers as human beings and their ability to be competent pilots.

What was questioned is the seemingly collective lack of intestinal fortitude of the AS group to recover from the Kasher ruling gut punch.

All the other legacies had their contracts and retirements gutted to various extents arising from September 11, but they've all fought and managed to regain much of what was lost and even improved upon it. So why not our AS brothers?

The theory on here is that because the majority drove to work, many of the quality of life issues were deemed to be less important than hourly rates and that was reflected in subsequent contracts, including the latest.

We have a problem with that mindset if that is in fact the reason.

A very high number of VX pilots are industry veterans from other airlines, so they know what a decent contract looks like and that it isn't all about the hourly rate. It is therefore quite upsetting to see and experience losing under our current contract, decent scheduling and QOL provisions that we had at an airline when we did not have a contract.

Those are valid criticism that are worthy to be made by anyone and I don't think a valuable defense can be to point the finger and say "Well, what about you and your suboptimal compensation at VX?" That is a valid stand alone question to be asked of VX pilots; but not in defense of the AS contract shortcomings.

The VX side has responded to that question many times, but I'll repeat it again in a nutshell:

VX was started and was hiring at a time when airlines were failing and no one was hiring. The majority of pilots who went there, once on board found it to be a decent place to be overall, but work started almost immediately to address the sub-standard pay and other issues. This culminated with ALPA being voted in in 2015, after a failed VALPA effort a few years prior.

So we pushed and we fought, and we fought and we pushed until we were acquired by AS in 2016.

So we now have a combined pilot body whose circumstances and needs are not all the same. Things that were inconsequential to the majority of AS pilots are now detrimental to the VX side if not addressed in a meaningful way.

My hope is that we can look at all our collective concerns, formulate a plan of action as to how to approach the 2020 negotiations and that we stay determined and united until it culminates in a decent overall contract.
Biz, I understand your argument and I agree with you on many things but to say there hasn’t been clear prejudice/accusation/declaration, coming from some of the VX pilots towards the AS pilots is just false. As much mud has been slung from your side of the fence as has from ours. Your guys have lumped every AS pilot into one group of so called “spineless sell outs”, even though 700 pilots of the current 2000 were hired AFTER the last contract was voted in. We have not yet had a chance to make change at this company and before anyone declares that by simply coming here we’ve “sold out”, look no further than your own circumstances and reasons for being at VX. Before you say you voted in ALPA and change was imminent, remember our CBA was amendable this past Spring and many of US thought real, positive, change was imminent. I think if you were to sit down and compare lists with an AS pilot, you’d find that contrary to your pre judged belief that our priorities are different, you’d be shocked at how similar they are. My main argument has been that neither side comes from a position of superiority and therefore the soap box rhetoric is absolutely meaningless. Every argument has it’s counter argument so why not try and move past this nonsense. We may all be very different people in our daily lives but at work, we’re all pilots so let’s agree to get what we deserve as pilots and the only way of doing that is as one group.
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Old 07-05-2018, 10:39 AM
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Hawaiian Airlines' new CEO says he's ready to battle Southwest Airlines whenever the Texas-based budget airline brings its discount airfares.
Peter Ingram, who took the helm at the Hawaiian March 1 after being chief commercial and chief financial officer for 12 years, says the island carrier has already competed effectively for years against three large airlines — Delta, United Airlines and American — on its home turf.
"I'm very confident that we have a cost structure that will allow us to be competitive," Ingram said in an interview in Seattle while he was in town for employee meetings.
Seems like Peter has been spending a lot of time in Seattle. Look for this thing to be announced late September. I think SWA or DAL could try and play spoiler. If not there will be no contract in 2020. Just another two year arbitrated award and another SLI to bicker about.
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Old 07-05-2018, 10:58 AM
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Originally Posted by All Bizniz
The root of contention on this forum is based on the false assumption/declaration by some AS pilots that VX pilots as a group were second class pilots, some how beneath them, and unworthy of any of their concerns to be heard, or meaningfully addressed.

However, VX pilots hold no such prejudice against the capability/personality/character of our AS brothers as human beings and their ability to be competent pilots.

What was questioned is the seemingly collective lack of intestinal fortitude of the AS group to recover from the Kasher ruling gut punch.

All the other legacies had their contracts and retirements gutted to various extents arising from September 11, but they've all fought and managed to regain much of what was lost and even improved upon it. So why not our AS brothers?

The theory on here is that because the majority drove to work, many of the quality of life issues were deemed to be less important than hourly rates and that was reflected in subsequent contracts, including the latest.

We have a problem with that mindset if that is in fact the reason.

A very high number of VX pilots are industry veterans from other airlines, so they know what a decent contract looks like and that it isn't all about the hourly rate. It is therefore quite upsetting to see and experience losing under our current contract, decent scheduling and QOL provisions that we had at an airline when we did not have a contract.

Those are valid criticism that are worthy to be made by anyone and I don't think a valuable defense can be to point the finger and say "Well, what about you and your suboptimal compensation at VX?" That is a valid stand alone question to be asked of VX pilots; but not in defense of the AS contract shortcomings.

The VX side has responded to that question many times, but I'll repeat it again in a nutshell:

VX was started and was hiring at a time when airlines were failing and no one was hiring. The majority of pilots who went there, once on board found it to be a decent place to be overall, but work started almost immediately to address the sub-standard pay and other issues. This culminated with ALPA being voted in in 2015, after a failed VALPA effort a few years prior.

So we pushed and we fought, and we fought and we pushed until we were acquired by AS in 2016.

So we now have a combined pilot body whose circumstances and needs are not all the same. Things that were inconsequential to the majority of AS pilots are now detrimental to the VX side if not addressed in a meaningful way.

My hope is that we can look at all our collective concerns, formulate a plan of action as to how to approach the 2020 negotiations and that we stay determined and united until it culminates in a decent overall contract.
The only thing I would add is that VALPA drive only failed on a technicality. More than enough cards returned but they did not have a date on them so they were invalidated.
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Old 07-05-2018, 11:18 AM
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Seeing the way Angle Lake negotiates 2020 is gonna be more like 2028. But that’s ok. We all can wait around for it. “Superior” 😏
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