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Old 05-09-2024, 01:08 PM
Disinterested Third Party
Joined APC: Jun 2012
Posts: 6,295

Originally Posted by 121noob
man you are really slow or have some serious reading comprehension problems. Maybe you need some help? This has been explained multiple times to you yet you continue to repeat the same thing over and over again.
And...he quadruples down, (again). Shall we begin (again) then?

Originally Posted by 121noob
First, I don't have an attitude that you seem to be inferring. Second, you can kiss my ass. Third, my assumption is that you're a giant condescending and arrogant prick. :-)
Originally Posted by 121noob
No attitude, I'm actually quite humble. But I also no longer put up with condescending derogatory bull$hit from others. Advice or constructive critism? Sure. Pointers, tips, etc? Yeah. Talking down and inferring an attitude that doesn't exist? No, you can go shove it.
Have you considered a career with the State Dept in International Diplomacy?

Originally Posted by 121noob
If I shave then my current employer will know I am looking for another job. Can I keep my facial hair and simply explain that in the interview and emphasize I am willing to shave on day 1 of the job?
Originally Posted by 121noob
My employer cannot compete financially with the airlines. Once I shave they will know I'm interviewing elsewhere; they aren't stupid.
Originally Posted by 121noob
I didn't want to shave for any interviews or meetings with recruiters because then my current employer would know I'm looking for another job.
Originally Posted by 121noob
Because suddenly shaving off my beard when I've never done so in the past is an indicator that I have a foot out the door.
[Did you shave yet?]
Originally Posted by 121noob
Yes, every time just before I meet a recruiter. So far I've been able to hide it from my current employer. It's a good thing I don't see my bosses very often.
Either you see your employer rarely (the one who isn't stupid, whom you were afraid would figure out your job-hunting; the employer who can't compete financially, but that is the same as Netjets...that employer?), you interview rarely, or you have the worlds fastest-growing beard.

Originally Posted by 121noob
I'm a college grad and had a couple of primary failures but none in the 135 world or on my type rating rides. No management jobs. Not a CFI.
Sounds very desirable. I'd hire you.

Originally Posted by 121noob
It makes zero sense that a 1500 CFI is equal to a 1500 hour COM pilot with 2 types, hundreds of turbine hours, and their ATP-CPT finished and their ATP written complete (and no I don't just swing gear, I have PIC turbine time too). Maybe it's an overqual situation, where they are scared I might fly the coop at first chance. That would make some sense.
Good god, you've hit the nail on the head. You're overqualified!

Originally Posted by 121noob
Yes I paid for my own CPT course and took the ATP written on my own and I'm well over 1500 flight hours now. I have two type ratings a twin turboprop and a jet and do all 135 flying.

Well over? Well, well, well. Might as well stop logging time, now that you've achieved well over 1,500 hours. Just the sound of it is enough to impress the most seasoned recruiter. My god, man, this guy has well over 1,500 hours. Not just the bare minimum, but well over. Hire him, and double his salary.

You're telling me that jet time is equal to a CFI who has only flown pistons around the pattern? Because that makes zero sense.
One might postulate that given your lack of a flight instructor certificate, you lack competitive qualifications, too. Could this be? An actual race toward he-who-has-the-least-qualification?

Originally Posted by 121noob
Which is exactly why this isn't my first career. I'm not going to live in poverty just to get to be able to fly an airplane.
Why should you. You have well over 1,500 hours, and Delta should be banging down your door with a golden sledgehammer. Try not to slip in the drool. They'll be slathering all over you.

Originally Posted by 121noob
If you are talking about Allegiant, then no, I can't live on their first year pay. Any regional would be a pay raise from what I'm making now. But even if they weren't, I would be willing to take a pay cut to go to a regional, or an LCC.
You'd be willing to take a pay cut. You can't afford to take a pay cut. You'd be willing to take a pay cut. But you can't afford to work for xxx or yyy or zzz. You'd be willing to take a pay cut, but you're not willing to live in poverty to be able to fly an airplane. Alrighty, then.

Originally Posted by 121noob
I can't be gone for weeks at a time so that rules out cargo. I can't survive on Allegiant's first year pay, otherwise I would like to work there, and the regionals are not hiring pilots with my qualifications at the moment.
One excuse after the other, line pins in a bowling alley. Do we have a strike yet, or is it merely a spare? Have you a spare career?

Originally Posted by 121noob
Except that Allegiant is paying worse than the regionals first year which makes zero sense not to mention insulting.
Allegant hasn't offered you a job, have they? You're offended by the pay they haven't offered you? Does it keep you up at night? A good share of your posts on this site are devoted in detail to why you can't live on what Allegiant pays. Do you suppose that if no regional will give you the time of day, Allegiant will trip over itself hiring you? Perhaps if you explain at the interview that their wages offend you, they'll offer you more on Day 1, just like you thought Delta would hire you when you show up for the interview with a beard, if you explain at the interview you'd shave it on Day 1.

Originally Posted by 121noob
I do the exact same job as NetJets at the moment and have for a while now. I would like to move into 121 but no one is hiring.
Originally Posted by 121noob
Flex isn't hiring anyone under 3000 hours and NetJets won't call.
Exactl same job as Netjets (and for a while now! Wow!!), and yet they won't give you the time of day. What's up with that? Perhaps they haven't realized yet that you're overqualified. You'd think that with your lack of CFI, they'd jump at the chance, and let's face it, they've got to find your lack of managment experience a tantalizing proposition, and if you tell them you'll shave your beard on Day 1, they'll jump through hoops. Try it. Take a hoop to the interview and watch. You'll see.

Originally Posted by 121noob
U/LCCs aren't hiring right now, except for maybe Allegiant. But their first year pay is near poverty wages still.
Originally Posted by 121noob
So no, $63k a year isn't doable. Also I work at a 135 right now making more than that, but with no chance of upgrading.
But, but, but, you said you'd be willing to take a pay cut to go to a regional, and right now you make seventy-three thousand, or so you've said. So, not a ten grand pay cut. Five, then? Three? A measily thousand dollar pay cut for a shiny regional jet?

Originally Posted by 121noob
I have already spent thousands of dollars to get my ATPCPT and to rent a plane to fly in circles because the day job isnt getting me many hours. I can't go broke to get a job.
Thousands? That alone ought to get your foot in the door, just about anywhere. With that kind of sacrifice, you'll probably get the Wright Brothers award along with the keys to the cockpit, and a nice, tidy donation to your 401K, in the offing. You really spent thousands? You must be dedicated, if you rented an airplane. Nobody else has ever done that.

Originally Posted by 121noob
F9 - not hiring 1500 hr FOs
Atlas - can't be gone from home that much
Breeze - horrible financials
Allegiant - can't live on $47k the first year
It's all horrible, unliveable, gone too much, and not hiring. It's like the magic eight ball; turn it over and there's a prepared excuse, ready to go. Can't, can't, can't. Won't, won't, wont. Unable, unable, unable. Ain't gonna, ain't gonna, ain't gonna. Overqualified, overqualified, overqualified. And spent thousands. And rented an airplane. And will shave beard on Day 1.

Originally Posted by 121noob
No entitlement. But youre saying they would rather hire someone who spent 1500 hours circling the pattern instead of someone with hundreds of hours of real world jet and turboprop experience?
That's not just simulated time, folks. He's got real-world, honest-to-god genuine, unadulterated, actual, no-nonsense, been-there-and-done-that-and-got-the-tee-shirt jet and turboprop time. Sole manipulator while someone else was the actual PIC time, mind you, but it's real-world. and that's real-neat. You're going to have to put up signs to keep UPS off our lawn as they dig a path to your door to beg you to come work for them (unless...oh yes, you won't do cargo...sorry...forgot), lest they trample your flower garden.

Originally Posted by 121noob
Hundreds of hours of turbine time, including jet PIC.
Most 121 operators don't give credence to logged PIC time when one wasn't actually the pilot in command (say, time at a 135 operation that "isn't upgradeable), where one's a SIC. But what the hell? It's hundreds of hours. That's three golden, glorious digits right there. That's the kind of thing that runs a ball-point pen out of ink.

(how did one get that "jet PIC" when one barely makes ATP minimums and is in a 135 job that isn't upgradeable? Have you been flying as the first officer and logging sole manipulator PIC time to make it look like you were the PIC? Ever hear of the concept of he-who-signeth-for-the-jet?)

Originally Posted by 121noob
They all require the unrestricted ATP. JB and Frontier wont even accept my application until I have the ATP cert.

So you're saying that I'm stuck in no man's land?
Originally Posted by 121noob
If I can't go directly to a major or lcc and it seems that I cant at the moment, then I really want to go to Envoy because Delta is my end goal. I think that's my best chance.
Perhaps you should just go to Delta. Let them know you'll shave on Day 1, and you're in.

Originally Posted by 121noob
Yeah the recruiters just give me the "look at our published mins" when I try and ask about what is competitive
You really don't understand the concept of competitive minimums, do you?

Originally Posted by 121noob
JB rejected my application immediately because I don't have an ATP
Of course they did. You were overqualified.

Originally Posted by 121noob
I have 1500 and ATP written complete and a type rating already in a Citation.
Already? Gee whiz, mister, that was fast.

Originally Posted by 121noob
I don't mind that and have no problem learning the ropes of 121 world at a regional for a bit, but I really want to get to the big 3 asap for obvious reasons. If I can bypass the regionals I want to.
Make sure you let the regional know that up front, in the interview. Let them know just how long you'd grace their doorstep, so they know how long they might be lucky to have you before you move on, to your destiny.

Originally Posted by 121noob
I'm closing in on 1500 hours with about 700 hours of turbine time. Any idea what the competitve mins are at AA?
Unfortunately, despite your overqualification, competitive minimums may be a little more than what you're offering. But apply anyway. You never know.

Originally Posted by 121noob
Flex isn't hiring anyone under 3000 hours and NetJets won't call.
Shocking, given that you're doing the exact same job as flexjet, and you have hundreds of hours. Are you sure they didn't call, and you just missed it? Maybe you were combing your beard, and the crunchy sound drowned out the ringing of the phone?

Originally Posted by 121noob
I'm non military. I have no 121 experience. About 400 hours in a jet and about 250 in a twin turboprop. I still have a shot at Delta?
You sure sound overqualified to me. I think you were right. You're not getting the call because employers are concerned that you're just too much for them. I had a large dachshund that we couldn't let on the bed, for the same reason. Just too much. Maybe instead of logging those hundreds of hours that you paid thousands for, you could shave a few off. You know, white-out half of it in your log, and make yourself a little less qualified. It might work.

Shall we go on?

Last edited by JohnBurke; 05-09-2024 at 01:40 PM.
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